wsdl 2 « Web Service « Spring Q&A

1. newbie question - how to generate WSDL with faults

Hi! I have mapped the exceptions thrown by my endpoints to SOAP faults using the @SoapFault annonation. I've the SoapFaultAnnotationExceptionResolver bean in the applocationContext.xml. The exception thrown and the fault is ...

2. MIME attachments and WSDL generation

Hello, I am successfully using Spring-WS to generate WSDL from XSD. MIME attachments are really easy to get working with SAAJ and Spring-WS, however... What can I do about WSDL generation? ...

3. WS-Addressing: How to generate UsingAddressing element on the wsdl

WS-Addressing: How to generate UsingAddressing element on the wsdl Hello, I am playing with Spring-Ws and Ws-Addressing and so far i am successfully able to create Ws-Addressing enabled web-services. However i ...

4. I want no WSDL Generation

Hi, is there a possibility to use an own WSDL file and not that generated one from spring-ws? I found nothing at the tutorial and there is always written: "You don't ...

5. wsdl:documentation in wsdl created by DynamicWsdl11Definition

I am using DynamicWsdl11Definition to create wsdl for my project. Is there a way i can define wsdl:documentation information inside I am using annotation payload to define my messages ...

6. WSDL (dot) vs. (question mark) notation

WSDL (dot) vs. (question mark) notation Hello, I've created a spring-ws web service based on an existing wsdl and have deployed it in JBoss. The purpose of the web service is ...

7. Verify error on WSDL generation

I know it's going to be a class path error,and I am running on Websphere which does not help, but any ideas what an earth this message means ? Code: Caused ...

8. Exposing a WSDL when not using MessageDispatcherServlet

Exposing a WSDL when not using MessageDispatcherServlet I have made a transition from using a MessageDispatcherServlet to using a normal DispatcherServlet to avoid having duplicate code for handling hibernate sessions in ...

9. WS-Addressing and WSDL generation

WS-Addressing and WSDL generation I am referring to WSDL1.1 examples in sections 3.1 and sections 4.4.1 in the spec: How do we generate the UsingAddressing element and wsaw:Action elements ...

10. Can not link exeption to operation in WSDL generated by Spring Web Services

Can not link exeption to operation in WSDL generated by Spring Web Services Sping Web Services can generate a WSDL from an XSD schema. But the operations generated in the WSDL ...

11. Problems with generating the wsdl

Hi. I a first time user of spring web services & am having difficulty generating the wsdl file for my prototype application! I tried following the spring ws ref documentation, but ...

12. Issue with WSDL generated by SimpleXsdSchema?

Issue with WSDL generated by SimpleXsdSchema? I've written a proof-of-concept project based on the spring-ws-samples projects to demonstrate building contract-first web services with spring-ws (for internal folks). It builds to a ...

13. Customise auto-generated WSDL?

Is it possible to customise an auto-generated WSDL? If so, I'd be grateful if someone could point me in the right direction. I'm guessing it might involve either subclassing MessageDispatcherServlet or ...

14. regading generation of WSDL from schema

May 13th, 2009, 06:47 AM #1 vinaysingh007 View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date May 2009 Posts 5 regading generation of WSDL from schema Hi ,i am ...

15. how to generate wsdl from DefaultWsdl11Definition

16. Generated WSDL and SOAP1.2 Problem

Generated WSDL and SOAP1.2 Problem I follow the spring-ws's reference to set soapVersion as SOAP_12. But generated WSDL always bind to Soap11. Following is my setting and generated WSDL Code:

17. How to create the WSDL locally without retrive the WebService online?

Hi all, I build a WS with Spring WS and use Maven2 to build the project. I can surely get the WSDL by retrieving URI/URL such as "http://localhost:8080/myService.wsdl". Now waht I ...

18. Bug with importing multiple XSDs in one wsdl

Bug with importing multiple XSDs in one wsdl I am trying to import multiple xsds but for some reason, even with simple solution below, its throwin the error below: My spring-ws-servlet.xml ...

19. wsdl being cached

20. generation of wsdl using multiple schemas

Did you try following? classpath:xsd1.xsd classpath:xsd2.xsd ...

21. Error while accesing wsdl

Jul 27th, 2009, 09:04 AM #1 olap View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Jun 2009 Posts 5 Error while accesing wsdl When i deploy a web ...

22. Setting SoapActions in generated WSDL

Hi guys, In my WebService, I generate wsdl from an xsd file: Code:

23. Spring WS Client having support for WSDL.

Spring WS Client having support for WSDL. Hi All, I am trying to write a spring WS client, as i see from the samples available and going through the documentation, that ...

24. Add Soap header info to WSDL

I want to generate a WSDL which also expose what soap headers needs to be set when SOAP Client sends a request to a webservice. precisely: WSDL should contain SOAP header ...

25. WSDL addressing - How would you do this?

WSDL addressing - How would you do this? Hi. I wonder if someone could point me in the right direction here Im certainly no expert in web services, so some ...

26. ClassCastException when loading a hand-written WSDL

Hi All! I'm trying to load a hand-written WSDL file using Spring-WS, but whenever I access its URI I get a ClassCastException. The exception follows: Code: java.lang.ClassCastException: org.apache.xerces.parsers.XIncludeAwareParserConfiguration cannot be cast ...

27. StockQuote Service - How to retrieve the WSDL?

Oct 20th, 2009, 09:39 AM #1 bruparel View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Sep 2009 Posts 15 StockQuote Service - How to retrieve the WSDL? My ...

28. Multiple faults in WSDL using DefaultWsdl11Definition

Is there a way to generate multiple faults in an operation using DefaultWsdl11Definition? If the naming pattern is used (e.g., XXRequest, XXResponse, XXFault), that means there can only be one fault. ...

29. Spring soap client without wsdl

Spring soap client without wsdl Hi Guys, I am new bie to web service. I need to call one web service. My client provided me following details. Here is the SOAP. ...

30. Adding ws-policy to the wsdl

I am dynamically generating the wsdl to my web service using the DefaultWsdl11Definition class. I am also using ws-security to secure the webservice, however the security requirements do not get reflected ...

31. WSDL Versioning

WSDL Versioning Hi, As WSDL is generated based on XSD definition, I wanted to know what is the best practise suggested for extending the base vocubalory so that new attributes can ...

32. DefaultWsdl11Definition generate with multiple

DefaultWsdl11Definition generate with multiple Just getting started here and can't find any examples of using the DefaultWsdl11Definition to generate an operation that has more than a single argument. In ...

33. Could not load WSDL..Problem parsing '- WSDL Document

Could not load WSDL..Problem parsing '- WSDL Document I'm new to Spring web services. I have spring application with ldap authentication. From this application I have exposed a service as wsdl ...

34. XsdBasedSoap11Wsdl4jDefinitionBuilder error while generaing wsdl

XsdBasedSoap11Wsdl4jDefinitionBuilder BeanCreationException while generaing wsdl While I was trying to generate it is throwing an exception. I am pasting the exception below view plaincopy to clipboardprint? org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationExce ption: Error creating bean ...

35. getting error when accessing wsdl

Feb 15th, 2010, 03:17 AM #1 me.mehta View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Feb 2010 Posts 6 getting error when accessing wsdl Hi I am using ...

36. Generate WSDL with SOAP Faults

Hello, I am working with SoapFaultMappingExceptionResolver for handling exceptions, in my tests with soapUI works correctly, but I see that the generated WSDL by Spring WS does not contain soap faults. ...

37. WSDL first development

I have a WSDL, generated from CICS web assistant, that I would like to use for "contract first" development. Is there a tutorial that would be appropriate for this? The tutorials ...

38. problem creating wsdl

problem creating wsdl Hi All, Please help me out as i am new to spring as well as web services, i want to generate wsdl dynamically. As the app is building ...

39. WSDL to auto expose SOAP Header ?

WSDL to auto expose SOAP Header ? Dear all, This is the question been asked quite a while in the Spring Web Services Forum. However seems un answered clearly till this ...

40. DefaultWsdl11Definition - WSDL not found

DefaultWsdl11Definition - WSDL not found We are planning to use spring web service in our application, I am start learning spring-ws.I would like to start Contract first approach specically from Schema. ...

41. wsdl not generated

wsdl not generated I have configured everything as in the tutorial but no wsdl is generated. The war deploys fine. Can anyone see what I have wrong? Thanks spring-ws-servlet.xml Code:

42. wsdl

Hello to everyone. I am a reporter in the local area, and frequent this site to find out what is going on in SoWal. This is a great tool to use, ...

43. Create request object from WSDL

Could you please give some directions on this.. What tool should I use to get java objects corresponding xml elements in WSDL (no XSD in WSDL). Once I get those objects, ...

44. WSDL creation in Spring Web Services

WSDL creation in Spring Web Services Hello All, Currently I have an XSD which has the *Request and *Response tags and Spring WS automatically exposes this XSD as my WSDL. I ...

45. Wsdl creation

Hi Arjen, We are going to use spring ws for developing webservice project. Ours is a contract first project but wsdl is being given to us. The messages are suffixed with ...

46. Wsdl creation

Hi Arjen, We are going to use spring ws for developing webservice project. Ours is a contract first project but wsdl is being given to us. The messages are suffixed with ...

47. WSDL import error