RadioButton « Web « Spring Q&A



1. Binding radiobutton with nested object

Binding radiobutton with nested object I have troubles finding a solution for the following thing. I have a object like: Code: public class Person { private String id; private String firstName; ...

2. Multiple forms with radiobuttons

Multiple forms with radiobuttons Hi, I have a controller that processes a user search request from a form and displays the results on a page Code: @RequestMapping(value="/search.html", method = RequestMethod.POST) public ...

3. form:radiobuttons tag breaking during upgrade from spring 2.5 to 3.0

form:radiobuttons tag breaking during upgrade from spring 2.5 to 3.0 Hi everyone, I'm trying to upgrade my web app from spring 2.5 to 3.0. On one particular page I get a ...

4. Spring Decoration for Radio Button

5. not able to pass radiobutton value selected in form

Code: public class WrapupFormController extends SimpleFormController { /** Logger for this class and subclasses */ protected final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(getClass()); private Contact c1 = new Contact("111-222-3333", "ER67676", "Tom Smith", "CL-3312321"); ...

6. Why radio button is not working

Code: " value="MALE"> MALE " value="FEMALE"> FEMALE in validator Code: if (patientInfo.getGender().length() == 0) { pErrors.reject("error.required.gender", "default message"); } I'm getting null ...

7. How to bind with the Radio button?

I have a class wich has a boolean field. I want to bind it with a radio button. I writ the code in my jsp file like this: Code: ...

8. Radio Button [u]group[/u] on dynamically generated web form

Radio Button [u]group[/u] on dynamically generated web form Ok, I have a simple table, generated dynamically from a collection of user details. Each row corresponds to a user, with a tick ...

9. Radio Button Binding

Yes, I was surprised as well. But at this point i am way more worried about having a 0.1 release than new features. Amad

10. Radio Button Binding

I am trying to use a radio button in one of the forms built using table Form builder. Doesn't seem like it supports radio button binding. Can radio button be used ...

11. Selected Radio Button & Back in a Wizard

Hello, If a user selects a radio button (with name="_target3") but then decides they want to go to the previous step (by clicking a button with name="_target2"), the form will actually ...

12. form:radiobutton does not bind

It seems like form:radiobutton is not binding. I saw a previous post stating that this wasn't implemented. Is this still the case for RC2? () renders to: ...

13. Radio button help

Radio button help Hello: I am trying to generate a Questionnaire, using Questions and Answers that will be pulled using a DAO. I am successfully pulling the Questions and Answers into ...

14. form:radiobutton and enum

public class enum MyEnum { ABC("XYZ"), DEF ("KW"); private String description; public MyEnum(description) { this.description = description;} public String getDescription() { return description;} }

15. Radio button - nothing to bind if no selection

Radio button - nothing to bind if no selection I'm using the AbstractWizardFormController and I have a radio button that is mapped to a session form. The first time through if ...

16. Grouping radiobuttons single select

Im trying to use radiobuttons with standard HTML grouping feature (the 'name') tag. Spring tag reference doesnt cover this! My jsp loops for all my elements and paints Code:

17. Radio button implementation

Radio button implementation I am having an array of questions with 4 options each. I am trying to put 20 questions in a c:for each tag and iterate all questions to ...

18. bind a radio button with an enumerated

bind a radio button with an enumerated hi all; i need help with this issue, i have to display four radio buttons based on a field wich is an enumerated (si, ...

20. spring:bind command's value in JSP for radio button

I am using a SimpleFormController and I have defined a command object for my controller which I am using in my JSP page. I am able to set value in text ...

21. Spring:bind : Radiobutton group -> breaking Bind.

Working with Spring RadioButtons, or why it's not working rather. Hey Guys How's things This is my first project in the spring framework. I've checked and read many things but still ...

22. enusuring is selected

enusuring is selected It seems like this is a pretty straightforward scenario. We have a variable that holds either the value of "1" or "0." If the user selects one ...

23. A question about binding to Enum

Hi all, I use which should be binded to an Enum. My jsp looks as follow: Code: ...

Doctor Professor

24. How to set a radiobutton in pre-selected?


Male Female

25. Radiobutton with multiple conditions

I have a question concerning the form-tag. I have a few radio buttons and I want one to be checked. The problem is that value isn't enough, because 1 radio button ...

26. Cannot get the selected value of a radio button in Spring

Cannot get the selected value of a radio button in Spring I am just starting spring and maybe I'm just not getting it but I cannot seem to get the selected ...

27. radio button binding pb

Hi, Have you looked at ndingRadioButtonEnumDialog class in the samples module? Seems exactly like what you are trying to do. Jonny

28. Problem in retriving radio button checked value from Spring radio button tag

Problem in retriving radio button checked value from Spring radio button tag My jsp code:

Upload Image Yes

29. Radio button value problem

Radio button value problem My jsp code:

Upload Image Yes No

30. What is difference between ,

31. Radio button binding -again

Radio button binding -again Hi Folks, I am a newbie to spring mvc and have some trouble binding my radio buttons to my command object. Unfortunately none of the former posts ...

32. form:radiobuttons wrong name index generated

form:radiobuttons wrong name index generated I have a c:forEach loop iterating a LazyList and generating the radiobuttons the tag within the loop is

33. Default selected value for