Validation 1 « Web « Spring Q&A

1. Java compile warnings with spring "Validator" classes

New to spring, we have a whole pile of validators that generate java warnings, I was able to hide them using the "@SuppressWarnings" annotation, however what is the proper way to ...

2. What's mean that Caused by: javax.validation.ValidationException: Unable to find a default provider?

I compiling springframework project using with springframework-3.0.1. But, I got error messages, "Caused by: javax.validation.ValidationException: Unable to find a default provider", What is it? help me,

3. What is "objectName" in Spring's ObjectError class?

The class org.springframework.validation.ObjectError has a method getObjectName(), which returns "the name of the affected object". But what is this name? The name of the class? An identifier like SomeClass@732dacd1? ...

4. Javax Validation

I'm trying to use Javax Validation with Spring. When I run my application, I get this strange error message

javax.servlet.ServletException: Servlet.init() for servlet dispatcher threw exception

5. spring validation framework

is it possible to use spring validation framework with restful service.?if it so how can we do that

6. javax.validation does not exist

Newbie question... I'm trying to get form validation working with Spring Web using this tutorial, but I'm getting this error:

package javax.validation does not exist
How can I resolve ...

7. Spring javax.validation problem

In my application with spring framework, I have this import which it couldn't find

 import javax.validation.Valid;
Thing is I already have that javax.jar in the classpath. So my question is is there ...

8. Spring Validation

I have a java web application project with Spring framework in netbeans and I'm trying to use Spring validation. What my application does is raise a support ticket. I have read several tutorials ...

9. problem with spring-sandbox Validation

problem with spring-sandbox Validation I try this code to validate my form: --validation.xml--


10. Paged validation support?

Paged validation support? I was wondering if Spring might perhaps better support "paged" validation as it arises from paged data entry controllers (eg. AbstractWizardFormController)... for example an interface like Code: public ...

11. Spring validation

Spring validation Hi I'm upgrading an existing app where the controllers extends SimpleFormController and validation was "automagically" triggered from the bean declaration: Code:

12. spring validation methos flow

Hey guys I am new to Spring ... I am confuse about the SimpleFormController where there are some method isValidateOnBinding(), suppressValidate() and onBindAndValidate(). Now my question is what is the difference ...

13. Validation Framework

Hi, How can i validate my form? Like in ur petclinic project, Login Form, there are some validation that appear in the SimpleMessageAreaPane. Eg. when we type more than 8 characters, ...

14. Validate "required or required" - Spring 2.5

Validate "required or required" - Spring 2.5 Hi, Is there an easy way to define the validation of a form when I would like user to enter at least one of ...

15. validation in MessageAreaPane

hi, how do you set the 'Username is required' when we typed at the loginForm? I didn't find that string anywhere in the code. thanks.

16. Problem with validation

I've a weird problem with validation in Spring 3.0.5 My controller is annotated in this way: @RequestMapping(value = "editGrant", method = RequestMethod.POST) public ModelAndView editGrant( @Valid @ModelAttribute Grant grant, BindingResult errors, ...

17. Problem with Validator and how to use ResourceBundleMessageSource

Hi there, Now I'm using Spring framework 3.0. I want to validate data for registration form. But I don't know how to do this. Can anyone help me to solve?

18. (ww2 issue)What is the function of validator type "visi

The documents of Webwork2 are too lacking. So i come here to turn to you spring's gurus. The reference saying, Visitor Allows you to forward validation to object properties of your ...

19. Unit testing validators

The validators are not tied to any specific protocol, so you should be able to instantiate them without any problems. Are there any issues you're running into?

20. Setting Validator in InitBinder

Setting Validator in InitBinder Hi In Controller class I do have the following method: Code: @InitBinder protected void initBinder(WebDataBinder binder) { binder.setValidator(applicationValidator); } This validator was validating my form backing object ...

21. How to use the Validator in booking-faces in other Projects

How to use the Validator in booking-faces in other Projects Hello Everybody I had downloaded the booking-faces example with primefaces. And I wanted to use the error message on the "enterBookingDetails.xhtml", ...

22. Problem on using "FileChecks" to validate File pro

Nov 4th, 2004, 08:27 PM #1 linwei View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Member Join Date Oct 2004 Location Vancouver, Canada Posts 35 Problem on using "FileChecks" to validate File ...

23. Spring Modules Validation

Spring Modules Validation Hi all, I am trying to validate a form submission and I read that spring validation works fine. I looked for this module: spring-modules-validation.jar and I found it ...

24. Nesting validators

Nesting validators Hi all. Is there some kind of a rule against invoking one Validator class inside another validators validate method? I can't seem to get it working properly. Code: public ...

25. Validation using groups in Spring 3.0

Spring 3.0 annotated validation using groups not working. Validation is always succes Hi, I have a form where the user can select his preferrred mode of communication (email or phone). I ...

26. MessageSourceAccessor from a Validator?

Hi! I'd like to set an error message by error code in my Validator. The problem is that I can't access MessageSourceAccessor easily (now only passing as paramater to an overriden ...

27. Spring Validation Help

Spring Validation Help I've written a form validation controller. I've used spring annotations in the form bean as well as the controller. But the @Valid annotations does not throw any errors ...

28. Declartive Validation

Anyone know what the latest on declartive validation? Spring's main document still don't have much info on validation, and I was wondering if somebody is working on it or not.

29. Validation Question

Validation Question Hi, First off, I've been playing with Spring Rich for a couple of weeks now and I'm impressed with what I'm seeing - got a sample application up and ...

30. Custom-Complex validation

I am updating a record, one of the updatable values is part of the index (combobox), I have to make sure that the user does not select the value which would ...

31. Validator with meta information passed in

Validator with meta information passed in Hello all, I got a case where I need to pass some other information to the validator. These are the meta information about the fields ...

32. Validation doesn work

Can anyone tell me what affects if submitted form will be validated. I have Towns and Countries. In Countries works validating in Towns not and I can't find where what differ ...

33. do not validate when going backwards, my solution

do not validate when going backwards, my solution I have a 2 pages wizard built upon AbstractWizardFormController. Wizard is primarily one way. i.e. the 'finish' is on the last page. On ...

34. LoginForm focus and validations

Is anyone else seeing the LoginForm not set focus to the user name field? I always have to click on the user name field before typing. I think that will annoy ...

35. setting validator to

setting validator to I have been setting up and testing a controller using a validator class. At some point I wanted to temporarily remove the validator so I just set ...

36. Validation on a detail table

Validation on a detail table Hi all, I am trying to create a simple header-detail form that binds to a java bean with a List property. The detail list is displayed ...

37. Validation questions

Validation questions I have a few questions about validation. 1) If the controller has validated the input should the service check the input again? The service should not rely on the ...

38. Locale-agnostic validators

What is the best way to implement validators which operates with message keys and doesn't need to know about Locale? I see only two ways. The first way: ========== * Implement ...

39. ValidWhen Validator Adaptor Code

Mar 7th, 2005, 06:41 PM #1 julian View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Member Join Date Feb 2005 Posts 67 ValidWhen Validator Adaptor Code I am basically a newbie here, ...

40. status of validation frameworks

I was wondering what the status of the commons validator framework and the rules based validator is. The commons validator framework has been in the sandbox for a while now. Are ...

41. Validator

Hai All, Can I validate the form when Using MultiActionController. The spring bind validator using validator interface or script validation Which one is preferable for main applications

42. Validation works, ErrorMessages don't

Validation works, ErrorMessages don't Hi there. I can't get this thing running. The Errors are not displayed in my page. Logger tells me about BindExceptions, like this... Code: 2005-04-18 16:45:54,787 INFO ...

43. DO Validation

DO Validation Just writing my first Spring application and I have a question on validation. I have a domain object - EndUser - with a property email. I want to be ...

44. Spring Conditional Validation?

Spring Conditional Validation? Hi all, A form on many of the pages i create will have multiple submit buttons (of type 'image'). The problem is in the controller's validator i need ...

45. How to validate command class which is an arraylist

How to validate command class which is an arraylist I have an arraylist object as commandclass -JoblessHistories which contains jobhistory objects. When jsp loop through JoblessHistories, startDateMonth in jobhistory should be ...

46. Lost with Validation

Lost with Validation Hi, I'm new to spring. I consider using parts of spring for a eclipse RCP based application I'm currently developing. I'm especially interested in a validation solution for ...

47. Deciding if I should NOT use a Validator obj in validatePage

It seems like I could get away with not using a validator object in the validatePage method of AbstractWizardFormController. I feel like I'm doubling code by having a separate Validator object. ...

48. Validate question

I think there is no built-in support for this in the Spring Framework. There is a Domain subproject though, in the Acegi Security CVS, that does exactly that: it allows you ...

49. Is it possible to use Validators while using MultiAction

Hi njay... I tried the code you mentioned written by blolka..which is public class MultiActionFormController extends BaseCommandController {..... ....} but its giving me delegate null pointer exeption... any idea how to ...

50. Only validate enabled components

Is it possible to only validate enabled components? I have a form with dependent properties and some of them get enable\diable depeding some other properties on same form. For example enable ...

51. validating an uploaded file

validating an uploaded file I've been using Spring for the last couple of months, have learned a lot from the "Pro Spring" book, and just received the latest WROX book yesterday. ...

52. SessionInView flush mode..? validation fails but persists

SessionInView flush mode..? validation fails but persists I understand that things are working "correctly", but I am looking for ideas or links to ideas for how to make this work the ...

53. SessionInView flush mode..? validation fails but persists

SessionInView flush mode..? validation fails but persists I understand that things are working "correctly", but I am looking for ideas or links to ideas for how to make this work the ...

54. Configuring the validator

Hai braniees, Is there any way to configure the validator instead configuring it in the app-servlet.xml file?.If so pls tell me. Thanks anieshuk

55. Changing the validation according to buttonpress

Hai user I need to validate only certain field on certain button click.Like if userclick query only first two fields of the form should be validated,if user click on save all ...

56. Validations not working

Validations not working Hi I have installed Spring IDE 1.2.2 with Eclipse 3.1.0 RC 3. I was able to add spring nature to the project, set spring configuration files in the ...

57. Conceptual question about validation

Conceptual question about validation I have a "how is this supposed to work question" regarding Web MVC. If I am using SimpleFormController to display an object, I understand that I am ...

58. New Spring validation framework

Hi. Few months ago I read in an article or a Spring book that Spring should contain a custom declarative validation solution in version 1.3. Is anything happening in this area? ...

59. SpringBindingFormAction with a validator options?

SpringBindingFormAction with a validator options? Hi all, I'm using spring / struts for a current web project. I've started using the SpringBindingFormAction to remove the use of ActionForms and just use ...

60. Beyond As-You-Type Validation

Beyond As-You-Type Validation The current Spring Rich Client code seems to only support as-you-type validation. I would like to do validation which is too heavy weight to be performed on an ...

61. Validator does not support command class ?

Validator does not support command class ? Hi,all there is my spring configuration file: net.leon.action.RegisterInfo ...

62. Validation and Interfaces

Validation and Interfaces Hi all I have my own ValidationRulesSource in which I add rules exactly as in the PetStore example. The only problem seems that I cannot use an interface ...

63. how to add validation to MenuActionController

how to add validation to MenuActionController Hi, I have the problem with validations. After submitting the form the following method is called in the sub class of MenuActionController. The following method ...

64. validations with MenuActionController

validations with MenuActionController Hi, I have the problem with validations. After submitting the form the following method is called in the sub class of MenuActionController. The following method creates createBinder to ...

65. Validator problems in update

validation error updating Hi, I'm trying to use the same simpleFormController to add and update objects in my database, but my validator don't works when I try to update the object, ...

66. problems with validations

problems with validations Hi, I have the problem with validations. My reequirement is the TextField of form should accept only int values, not null and String values. The following method i ...

67. restricting setters with validation

restricting setters with validation I could really use some input, I might just be looking at this problem the wrong way and maybe someone can straighten me out. I am working ...

68. Dynamic Validation

Unfortunately, Spring won't automatically populate collections when it is trying to access some element inside that collection. If it's null, then it's null. However, there are a couple of things you ...

69. CustomBinding and Validation.

Nov 16th, 2005, 11:39 AM #1 benoitx View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Senior Member Join Date Aug 2005 Location London (the English one!) Posts 378 CustomBinding and Validation. Hi ...

70. Hooking subforms to validation

Hi All. I have a form that has a master/detail form in it. I did this by just calling Code: builder.getLayoutBuilder() .cell(getFilterTableMasterForm().getControl()); However I cannot get the master detail form hooked ...

71. Abstract Factory pattern + injections and validation

Abstract Factory pattern + injections and validation Hello I'm halfway through the "Design Patterns Explained" book (Shalloway/R.Trott) and I'm puzzled about how to use an Abstract Factory pattern inside Spring. For ...

72. getOriginalFilename() in validate()

getOriginalFilename() in validate() Hi, I'm a Spring Newbie and my first task is to upload a file from a web form, validate the values in the file and then put these ...

73. problem in validation

Dec 19th, 2005, 11:47 PM #1 ganesh pol View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Member Join Date Nov 2005 Posts 49 problem in validation, please help me it is urgent ...

74. Validator framework

75. Validators in spring

Hi, i am very new to spring. I didnt find good source how to do validations. I thought what is in refernce manual is not sufficient. I wrote a logincontroller and ...

76. validate not working.

validate not working. Hi, i am trying to validate username and password with the one from the database. I found that my validator is not working. Here is my code. ...

77. Validation Question...

Hi All, Happy New Year and all that! Here is my first 2006 question! :-) How would you specify a validation rule that would require a property to be required only ...

78. Validation strategy ?

Validation strategy ? Hi I'm new to Spring, using a website developed by a colleague. I really enjoy it and I've good fun. However, I currently have a question regarding the ...

79. validations in onFormChange

validations in onFormChange hi all. do we have any way of doing some basic validations in onFormChange method and populating errors by using errors.rejectValue so that they are displayed using spring:bind? ...

80. Problems using EasyMock to mock a Validator

Problems using EasyMock to mock a Validator I have a form controller that extends SimpleFormController and which has a Validator injected into it. I'm unit-testing this controller by using EasyMock 2.0 ...

81. regarding validator

Hi, can i use one validator for more than one simple form controllers? So i can use specific method of validator for one controller and other method for another controller (just ...

82. MaxLength validation

MaxLength validation We have quite a few domain objects in our applications, and we are using hibernate ORM library with xDoclet-based mappings generations. Almost all of our domain objects have (not ...

83. Getting the Locale inside my validator

Hi, I am trying to get the current Locale to use inside a validator I am writing. Since the request is not passed into a validator, is there anyway I can ...

84. Validation

Validation Hi! I'm in a project building an app. for many countrys with different implementation. Using springframework, spring MVC and hibernate. The system is connected to many different systems that may ...

85. question about validator

question about validator I have a JavaBean class called StudentForm with a student in it. In jsp file I have:


86. Validator Framework

Validator Framework I had a situation before where i wanted to use Spring's Validator interface around my business services. The scenario was i wanted to automatically call the validate method when ...

87. on validation

hi i am a new bie., I would like to know how i can do the vadition via Spring RCP and how i can use common validator in Spring RCP.,

88. validator not seeing new value

validator not seeing new value I need to allow for file selection in my app, so I've written a custom binder and validator. the binding works as expected, but when i ...

89. Testing/Validating config

Testing/Validating config So let me ask this of everyone whose expirenced it. My group has moved towards making very simple componets that are easy to test thanks to dependency injection, but ...

90. How to set an Array of validators

Spring currently provides support for setting List and Map object used setter based injection. Any idea how to set an array of validators in the MultiActionController.

91. Validation Problems

Jul 19th, 2006, 11:51 AM #1 snatchthepebble View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Jul 2006 Posts 5 Validation Problems I am floundering here and need a ...

92. Validation

Validation I am currently in the process of porting an application that was implemented with Struts to the Spring environment. What I want to know is what changes I have to ...

93. How to validate without validator?

How to validate without validator? I have SimpleFormController Code: ... public ModelAndView processFormSubmission(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, Object cmd, BindException errors) throws Exception { /*some irrelevant code*/ try{ userService.tryToDoSomething(); } catch (Exception ...

94. Varlang Clientside Javascript Validation &

Hi I've got Varlang working on the client apart from where my input fields form part of a

. Does anyone know why the javascript fails or how to resolve the ...

95. Spring validator

Spring validator Hi, I am slight;y stuck up at the Spring Validator.. This is what I am trying to develop: I have a listbox which is a list of Names of ...

96. rejectEvent in Spring Validator

Oct 6th, 2006, 08:45 AM #1 rmatilda View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Member Join Date Jul 2006 Posts 65 rejectEvent in Spring Validator Hi, I am trying to create ...

97. Spring validation setting rejected value

Spring validation setting rejected value Hi I am trying to reject the following field: errors.rejectValue("policyNumber.policyNr","error. policy.number.not.existing"); I want to keep the value inserted in the input field that has been rejected. ...

98. Validation usage doubts

Validation usage doubts Hi All, Iam using built-in Validator(org.apringframework.validation.Validator ) interface in springs framework for server side validation. For that I used to define ... editempdetailsform

99. Validation using springmodule

Validation using springmodule Hello EveryOne, I am using springmodules 0.6 and spring 2.0 . I have configured validation.xml and validation-rules.xml. Also written commandClass and commandName in test-servlet.xml. Still i am getting ...

100. Confirmation Box after validation

Hi, I currently am using a SimpleFormController where I ask the user to enter info into 3 fields. I then do validation and once all the rules have been satisfied the ...