date validation « Web « Spring Q&A

1. Date Validation issue

Date Validation issue Hi everyone I have a problem validating some Date fields in my MVC form. In this application the search for an event can be done by his ID ...

2. comparing dates in validator

comparing dates in validator Hi. I'm trying to compare two dates upon validation to ensure that one date is after the other, but I keep getting an error. If I don't ...

3. Date Field Validation

Date Field Validation Hi, I'm trying to use commons-validators to validate the date filed in my form. I'm using a custom editor for the date which is: Code: binder.registerCustomEditor(Date.class,null, new CustomDateEditor(new ...

4. validation of a date field

Sorry Ollie, I may have posted this too soon. I'm having just basic issues dealing with date in general. I think I need to figuar out this whole prop. editor thing ...

5. Date validating, please help

datePatternStrict yyyy/MM/dd

6. validate different date formats

validate different date formats Hello All, I want to do some date validation in my validator class. I want the user to be able to enter dates in three formats: mm/dd/yyyy, ...

7. validate date

validate date Hello I have a input Date field. If the field is empty, my command object will get a default date -first day of current week. if user enters a ...

8. Date validation hell

Date validation hell Hi, I'm trying to validate in an abstractwizardcontroller a date form: in Command : private Date startDate; private Date endDate; this is jsp: Start Time (dd-MM-yyyy): ...

9. a really validation of dates, how resolve this

Hello guys I work with this format (dd/MM/yyyy) fechanacimiento=datebirth Code: " value="" /> if i insert a empty,letters,numeric or bad ...

10. validate date using custom date format

Apr 6th, 2007, 11:23 AM #1 muthiahmerchant View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Member Join Date Feb 2007 Posts 72 validate date using custom date format I am trying to ...

11. Date Format Validation

Hi, I want to validate the date format in the page.I learn t that it can be done by using the ResourceMessageBundleSource. Can someone site a an example on this.

12. from to date validation

I have two fields fromDate and toDate in the search page. This fromDate should not be greater than toDate. How that can be done using Spring validation?

13. Date Validation Issue

Date Validation Issue I am using Spring bean validation, the date in.future validation does not work. Validation.xml below Code: ...

14. How to compare dates using Spring Module Validator validaton.xml

Hey, I have two dates in a bean object. One is a from date and other is a to date. I would like to do the following validations on the dates: ...

15. date validation in spring

i have a date in my form of type xmlgregoriancalendar. when the user inputs in that text field i need to take that and validate in my validator class. for that ...

16. How to validate date field not to be in the future ...

How to validate date field not to be in the future ... Dear friends, I am stuck with validation form. I need to check for two fields that: 1. "dateOfAppointment" field ...

17. re: date validation

Does anybody know how to get around the following error? Can't convert the date to string, because it is not known which parts of the date variable are in use. use ...

18. Validation and Binding of Concatenated Date and Time Fields

Validation and Binding of Concatenated Date and Time Fields Hi I have a web application which contains a form like this: ID - [ ] Timestamp - [ ] .. [ ...