form 2 « Web « Spring Q&A

1. Adding extra JComponents onto a form

JTextField newMaterialBalanceAreaText = getComponentFactory().createTextField(); newMaterialBalanceAreaText.setName("newMaterialBalanceAreaText"); JLabel MBATextLabel = getComponentFactory().createLabelFor( getMessage(newMaterialBalanceAreaText.getName() + ".label"), newMaterialBalanceAreaText); formBuilder.getLayoutBuilder().cell(MBATextLabel); formBuilder.getLayoutBuilder().gapCol(); formBuilder.getLayoutBuilder().cell(newMaterialBalanceAreaText);

2. Storing changes in form backed object

I have an object created and bound to the form using the formBackingObject method. In the JSP the relevant form fields are surrounded by the spring:bind tag. The view is displayed ...

3. How to use form backing objects in non trivial scenarios

How to use form backing objects in non trivial scenarios The examples I've found of SimpleFormController show an existing business object being used as the backing object. My question is, what ...

4. Multiple Forms, not processing correctly.

Apr 15th, 2007, 10:21 AM #1 Giblet View Profile View Forum Posts Private Message Junior Member Join Date Apr 2007 Posts 4 Multiple Forms, not processing correctly. I have two form ...

5. different form behaviour?

different form behaviour? Hello, I have 2 forms, which contain a button that opens a dialog for selection. One is a subclass of AbstractForm (inside a TitledPageApplicationDialog), the other is the ...

6. Converting form values.

Hi to all, Is it possible to convert a binded property before setting it? I would like to accept a list of words in a form, seperated by space, convert it ...

7. How do I use the get method on forms

Hello, I'm new to Spring. I need to develop a search form with the get method so people can bookmark their search result. However I could not find any usefull information ...

8. getAsText not called when form loads

getAsText not called when form loads Hi: I'm having a problem that I've seen references to in the forums and elsewhere, but I'm not finding any solutions. I'm using a SimpleFormController, ...

9. Form commit behaviour

We probably need some more details to be able to help you. Can you post the code from the createFormControl() method, as well as the code that creates and shows your ...

10. Determine changes on form backing object

I wonder if there is a way to determine if the form backing object has changed by the binding in a particular way. I need this information to return true on ...

11. Form and subform relationships

Hello all Actually I'm having trouble to understand the kinds of FormModel I need to make a form that is divided in two forms (in the same page): each one represent ...

12. Override Spring putting both id and name in form elements?

Override Spring putting both id and name in form elements? Hi, I'm a webdev on a Spring project. I've been told that the default behavior is for Spring to include both ...

13. Form Creation

Form Creation My requirement is like:- Rq:-1) There are lot of combox and other component whose data is coming from different back end table.... Rq:-2) After selecting those comboboxes user press ...

14. Form creation / initialization question

Form creation / initialization question Hi, i have the following problem and wonder if someone can give me advice or if there are some best practices: I have two views: The ...

15. referenceData disappears when displaying the same form subsequent times

referenceData disappears when displaying the same form subsequent times Hi, I have tried searching for similar problem elsewhere but could not find anything similar. I have a dropdown text box which ...

16. newbie: form objects

newbie: form objects I am new to Spring, so apologies if this is a dumb question. If I have a html form that I am submitting to a simpleformcontroller, should I ...

17. form backing object and persistence

form backing object and persistence Hi, If my form is showing fields for, lets say, a Customer object, and this form allows the Customer to update his name, email, etc. When ...

18. Passing values between forms?

Passing values between forms? Hi, I'm new to MVC web programming (I'm mostly used to working with BL objects and server-side stuff) and my Web UI experience is just on php/perl ...

19. How to retieve file name from a form.

How to retieve file name from a form. Hi, I am trying to display whatever the user has filled in a form. I have used form backingObject to retain and retrieve ...

20. Changing form sections at runtime

Changing form sections at runtime I'm trying to create an application (already developed in Swing) using Spring-rich. In one of the forms of this application I've a set of sections. And ...

21. Keeping values in form entered

If I create a regular plain HTML Form (no Spring) , enter some values, hit submit, then hit the back button because I need to change something, the value I entered ...

22. Web Form

I do not really understand your questions. The idea of PropertyEditors is to convert a value to string and back. If your record fields are only of default types you don't ...

23. Best way to implement a form

Best way to implement a form The target is to have the webapp have a page layout that is similar to the common web interfaces nowadays: a banner on top, a ...

24. requestFocusInWindow in forms

Hi all, I have another question, maybe again a beginner question... In my project I use some forms (which extend AbstractForm). To gain the focus on a specific control, I use ...

25. Updating one form when something changes on another

Hi, I have a form on which i have some elements like textBoxes anc comboBoxes and additionally i have one MasterDetailForm. Does any of you know if it is possible to ...

26. My Javascript won't work with Spring Form

27. incorrect form action...

incorrect form action... I have recently started using Spring form tag library, but i've noticed the form action is incorrect now, it points to the actual location of the form. //This ...

28. How to Save Submited Form Object

How to Save Submited Form Object Hi, I am stucking on storing the form submited object and repost it back to the form when a action successfully done. example: Search-> result ...

29. When a form backing object can't be created

When a form backing object can't be created Hello, I'm having a hard time working out what to do when I'm unable to construct a form-backing object in my form controllers ...

30. form change detection

form change detection Hi, I am new to spring MVC. I am constructing a webpage with multiple tabs Each tab contains one domain object and those parameters are populated in textbox, ...

31. Trim form values

32. form method setting problem

i use a form to post some data to a popup window. so i wrote a jsp like this Code:
