CastorMarshaller « XML « Spring Q&A

1. entityresolver for CastorMarshaller

entityresolver for CastorMarshaller I have an application which is installed in a closed environment with no internet access for security reasons. We are using org.springframework.oxm.castor.CastorMarshaller to Marshall the payload - but ...

2. Possible error in CastorMarshaller

Possible error in CastorMarshaller Hi all, I've created an client that uses the CastorMarshaller transform my domain model into a soap message and vise versa. But when I wire it all ...

3. CastorMarshaller for multiple classes

CastorMarshaller for multiple classes Hi all, I'm trying to use the new oxm Marshal/Unmarshal functions built in spring, but with little success so far Using castor's SourceGenerator, I generated a lot ...

4. CastorMarshaller ignoreExtraAttributes & Elements

Hi, I was wondering why the Spring CastorMarshaller class does not expose the ignoreExtraAttributes and ignoreExtraElements settings from the Castor Unmarshaller class? I am implementing an AbstractMarshallingPayloadEndpoint that interprets a POX ...

5. CastorMarshaller multiple mappingLocations and custom FieldHandlers

Castor version: 1.2 Spring-OXM version: 1.0.2 My spring CastorMarshaller bean definition is shown below, I am using it to aggregate multiple mapping files from different jars in my classpath. I see ...

6. CastorMarshaller

CastorMarshaller Hello, we use Spring-WS and castor 1.3.1 for unmarshalling and marshalling. Spring-WS provides a class CastorMarshaller to handle the unmarshalling and marshalling for you. We have had to override one ...

7. Spring 3.0 CastorMarshaller problems

Spring 3.0 CastorMarshaller problems Hi, I was trying to run a Spring 3.0 unit test which uses CastorMarshaller to write out XMLs. I get the below error java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/exolab/castor/xml/XMLException at java.lang.Class.getDeclaredConstructors0(Native ...

8. extend CastorMarshaller class

extend CastorMarshaller class Hello, I am using Spring2.5.6 and Castor 1.3.1 for my webservice. I have used Source generator to generate my java classes from XSD. Everything is working fine in ...