XPathParam « XML « Spring Q&A

1. XPathParam and NodeList use    forum.springsource.org

XPathParam and NodeList use Does someone have some advice on the best way to handle this? I don't have a lot of experience with XPath. I was loving it when I ...

2. XPathParam is NaN    forum.springsource.org

XPathParam is NaN I'm using Netbeans to test my WebService, and each time it sends the request, my endpoint receives NaNs for its XPathParams. I'm not sure if I'm not doing ...

3. XPathParam Boolean Always Set to true    forum.springsource.org

I have an annotated endpoint using @PayloadRoot and @XPathParam. I have @XPathParams mapping to String types and Double types without any problems. I have one @XPathParam that maps to a Boolean, ...