AWT « Applet « Java Swing Q&A

1. AWT in an Applet

Actually, I finally figured it out... I called paintAll() after adding the component and now it works just fine. I knew to focus on repainting the components because hitting reload in Netscape would show the component's correctly. New question: I have a chart, I want to draw to the chart after it's do I do this?

3. which component best suits a word processing applet in awt?

Hi javalovers ! We have a special requirement to create a word processing applet using AWT only as the client denies any plug-ins for swing. Basically I should be able to achieve multiple fonts as the user enters text.The entery point of text and the display area both being one and the same component.I tried with textarea but it doesnt support ...

4. AWT Applet to Application conversion

I'm currently doin a project which involves the movement of icons around a map and the ability to zoom in on them. This is currently done on an applet which is converted to a application/ frame. My problem is that I wish to have menubars in the frame without placing them in the main function, so that when i use the ...

5. ToolTipText Code for AWT and Applet

6. hotkeys in applets using awt

I want to create a menu with hotkeys in applet using AWT only. I have 2 frames , the top frame contains the applet(menu).I have used PopupMenu passing MenuShortcut in the conmstructor/calling the setShortcut method of MenuItem. Tho' it displays the short cut key in the PopupMenu( ctrl-C) but does nothing when the shortcut key is pressed. I have added ActionListener ...

7. Swing and AWT in an Applet

8. Swing / AWT / Applet

9. AWT Applet

There are no content panes in AWT, you just work on the applet itself. So just replace "container" with "this" (or omit "container." altogether). As for borders, technically there is no support for borders in AWT - it's a Swing something. However, you could possibly mimic their behaviour. Step 1 is overriding the getInsets method, to include the border's insets. Second ...

10. AWT Applet vrs SWING applet

I am learning "Swing by example" by translating an good working simple AWT applet into a Swing Applet. To keep it very simple (and understand the basic first) I only add a button to an applet_surface and a button_actionlistener to that button. Now i'm running to a brick wall... seems like I can not find a solution why my Swing applet ...

11. JApplet Problem

// import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; public class NewClassApplet extends JApplet { public void init() { JButton jb = new JButton("Send"); // This is useless here. //jb.setVisible(true); JPanel panel = new JPanel(); panel.add(jb); getContentPane().add(panel); // An alternate approach: //getContentPane().add(panel, "Last"); } public void paint(Graphics g) { // One of the few times you need to call // "super" ...

12. How to clear cache of an Applet/JApplet

13. how to solve capital country program in java applet

hi i wrote java applet country capital program .in which user will enter the the country name in one text field and their capital will be seen on another text field .for the time .I kept all country in one string array and capital on another string array.But i want to access capital country from file and then read it to ...

14. Applet works on Windows, Ubuntu and Mac, but not on Redhat and Fedora

Hi, I am having an applet which uses AWT and has a functionality of opening up a web page dynamically. The applet also has its own menu bar. This functionality works fine on Windows, Mac and Ubuntu client machines, but the menu bar goes away when I open the web page using same functionality on Redhat 5 and Fedora 9 client ...

15. Create Windows, Applet & Swing

16. problem with directing java code to applet

hi all.. i have a task to do, where 1. its displays the number of files in a directory as radio buttons(text files). 2. allows user to choose from those 3. on the selected file's data i need to do check the numbr of colmns it has, i finally need to plot a graph from the file data 4.text file data ...

17. Run Applet From GUI?

I think it's a clunky approach to a non-problem. In the worst case, which is if the applet is contained in a third-party jar, one could construct an instance of the Applet, invoke its init() method and add it to a Frame (or for a JApplet, set its contentPane to be the contentPane of a JFrame). If the source is available, ...

18. Change Applet to Swing

Is this your code or did you obtain it from an online or other source? edit: I looked at the code and it's all AWT code. There's no automatic way to translate this to Swing. Your solution is to study the Swing tutorials, learn Swing and re-code this as a Swing application. Much luck!

19. Connecting two Applets/JApplets

Is there a way to connect two java applets i.e. i want to call another applet program from one. IT GOES LIKE THIS !!! i made a JApplet program in which there are few buttons and whenever a user clicks a button, the related JApplet program should open. How should i do it.... Pls help:(

20. Card memory game applet.

Hello, I'm trying to build a card memory game in an 8 by 6 Gridlayout to have 48 cards in total which you have to find the pairs. The cards are in a 2d array which is also 8 by 6. I can get the pairs to appear on the GUI no problem, but the problem is that the pairs appear ...

21. Java Cards Applet

I am working on a simple applet (as practice, i'm new to java applets), but whenever i load the web page, nothing appears (im pretty sure my html tag is good). there are no errors that are obvious to me, but, as i said i'm new to java applets and there is probably an obvious error. does anyone have an idea ...

22. Changing application to applet

Kind of off topic... I am currently drawing on a JPanel with a JComponent holding an image. The parent component is a JFrame. How easy is it to switch the JPanel to JLayeredPane, and the JFrame to JApplet? Just curious, because I am going to eventually have to do it. (I am using the Netbeans GUI builder, so is there something ...

23. Applet Disorganize

24. applet

import java.awt.*; import java.applet.*; public class a extends Applet { Image q; public void init() { q=getImage(getCodeBase(),"red.png"); } public void paint(Graphics e) { e.drawImage(q,200,290,this); } } i hav written this program but it is not showing any red image it is not showing any thing in applet how can i load the icon.png from a folder do i hav to set ...