GUI « Applet « Java Swing Q&A

1. Cannot see the gui for the SingleLaneBridge java applet example

I went to the this java site and loaded the files in a new project in netbeans 6.8 . I removed the package declaration and put them in the default ...

2. Java Applet GUI

Is there any program with a Java applet GUI designer? Thanks

3. Java Applet GUI problem with components

I'm having trouble with placing GUI components in an applet. I am looking for a way to place it using absolute coordinate and sizes. Here's what I've done:

public class app extends ...

4. JApplets...

5. My JApplet runs SLOW!

6. Applet

7. Swing components not visible in applet

yes vrinda, u do need plugin to run a swing applet. what u can do is u can use html converter and convert ur html file to a different format. after converting whenever u'll try to open the html file the plugin will be automatically downloaded. the HTML converter is available at sun's site. regards deekasha

8. Chat Applet not running in Netscape

9. How to use AudioClips in applet

10. applets

13. Problem in runnig JApplets

14. JApplet problem

hai vikas, There is some difference in running Applet and JApplet.AWT Applet can be run in browser because Bowser jvm supports only version 1.1 where as JApplet is included from version 1.2.The only solution can be stop the browser using default jvm and tell the browser to use the jvm provided by u ie through plugins. Convert the .html file of ...

15. What are the problems with applet???

16. JApplets again

Hello, I am having a similiar problem with JApplets in IE browsers I ran the HTML file through the converter which i dloaded from the sun site. The situation is I've down it before and it has worked and suddenly it doesn't load the applet and the progress bar on the browser just stays half way. Is anyone in the same ...

17. JApplet Problem

18. JApplet shows nothing

I'm running an applet it initializes and starts but unfortunately it dosn't show anything. Here is the code: import java.awt.event.*; import java.sql.*; import javax.swing.*; import java.util.Vector; import java.awt.*; import java.applet.Applet; public class Project1 extends javax.swing.JApplet implements ActionListener { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {} Container c; myCombo mycom; reportList rprt; dbTools db; private int wailTag; private int reservoirTag; private int fieldTag; private ...

19. Java Applet line graphs

20. Applet question

21. Applet

23. java.applet.Applet

24. Revisiting an Applet - Urgent

Hi, I have written a JApplet. I access it thru the browser. After the applet is displayed, i type a new URL and go to a new page. Now when i click on the back button, i get back my applet. My applet has a logon page. I notice that on revisiting the page , my Logon screen appears again. Even ...

25. Applet


Hi, In order to get rid of the Warning you need to sign your applet. The warning exists to tell the user that this is an unsigned applet and should not be ignored. Once you have signed your applet the warning will magically not appear! NOTE: Your name doesn't fit with the naming policy here at the Ranch. Please read the ...

28. Swing Applets

29. simple applet won't run

Doesn't have anything to do with the JSP, it has to do with you using Swing (JApplet). Regular tags don't work, you need to run it through an HTML Converter. My suggestion, create an HTML file first with Run the HTML Converter over that HTML file, then cut and past what is added to the HTML file ...

30. JApplet in webserver

31. wait cursor on JApplet

32. using mnemonics in Java Applet

Hi, I was trying to use setMnemonic method on one of my buttons in the applet, but the way the whole thing work is kind of strange. If use search.setMnemonic('s'); on my search button, the only way search is activated by pressing Alt+s is when I actually click inside an area of the applet. So if someone wants to use the ...

33. changing the Applet apprearance

34. Swing Applets and J2EE/EJB

35. How to turn an Applet into a Standalone?

This has to be a very basic question, but since I've never studied GUI in java, I don't know how it works. I have an Applet, ParticleApplet, that I have copied from Concurrent Programming, by Doug Lea. How can I make a "main" for this and run it as a standalone? import java.awt.*; import java.applet.*; public class ParticleApplet extends Applet { ...

36. Swing/Applet question

I'm doing a homework assignment (not due until the 26th) and I've run into a problem with the display. The homework is to code an applet that uses the JOptionPane object showing the user some messages and allowing text input. There is also a number guessing game involved (the project reqs, I know how to do everything this project asks, ...

37. how to upgrade this applet

hi, i am trying to update this program in order to write an applet to play the "Cat and mouse" game. In this game, the user is a "mouse" who has to find their way safely to a mousehole drawn in the middle of the top of the applet pane. Several cats appear at random positions in the pane and will ...

38. Using Swing applets in PDA with Win CE.NET

To just add Swing to 1.1.8 search the web for swing.jar or swingall.jar. Prior to JDK 1.2 (I think) Swing was packaged separately. Sun doesn't currently provide a (easy to find) download of the old separately packaged Swing, but many websites probably still have them laying around somewhere to download. Add the JAR file to your classpath to run Swing applications. ...

39. dynamic applet

Hi guys, I wrote an applet that we use in our company which is dynamic. Dynamic meaning that when applet is launched it reads a file on a server that describles how components of an applet should look and where they should be positioned. A typical file might looks like this: num_sz2|Class Code|string|0|JComboBox|2|0|2|250|41|false sz2_1|Size 1|numeric|4,2,true|DecimalField|3|0|8|30|13 sz2_2|Size 2|numeric|4,2,true|DecimalField|3|0|8|30|5 This will create an ...

40. talking applet

41. Problem with Applet table

42. Importing applet into GUI

Although you may not think your name is important, I would think some people do. Maybe your parents? Wife, Husband, Girlfriend, Boyfriend? Someone thinks your name is important. What do people call you? Now, with that being said, Javaranch doesn't really care what your name is either. We just want something that appears to be a legitimate first and last name. ...

43. Applet question

I'm getting this to work with an applet... you just pass a reference of the applet to SwingUtilities.windowForComponent() and cast the result to a Frame. I'm using the Java 1.4.2 plugin and have tried it both in MS IE 6 and Mozilla Firebird. import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.Frame; import java.awt.Window; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.awt.event.MouseAdapter; import java.awt.event.MouseEvent; import javax.swing.JApplet; import javax.swing.JButton; ...

44. playing sounds using Applet class

This is the code I used to play a sound in my program that will notify the user the something has happened. URL url = //url to the wav file I want played AudioClip clip = Applet.newAudioClip(url);; What I am experiencing is that the sounds is played sometimes and sometimes not. It is played more offten than not, but still ...

45. applet gui issues

Hi folks I'm a bit new to Java (having coded in C, VB, perl and others) and I'm trying to write an app for work (I'm not a fulltime coder, this is just an "itch" that needs scratching). Here's my issues, perhaps folks can help. my import statements are import java.awt.*; import java.applet.*; import java.awt.event.*; I know swing exists, but my ...

46. fireworks without applet

47. swing applet problem

If you need to access other members (in addition to the JTree) or methods inside the TreeStore class then you could pass a reference to it (treeStore) into the ButtonStore class instead of the JTree reference (as shown in the code below). import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.tree.*; public class PanelToPanel extends JApplet { public void init() { TreeStore ...

48. Applet building

49. Real Time Applet Design

I need help with the design of my applet. It is a financial applet and it has several text boxes. I need to be able to gather information from the text boxes and display the results. The problem is that whenever a textbox value changes I want to update my total. Because there are so many text boxes it would be ...

50. Applet componets not showing

//SelectPlan is the JComboBox SelectPlan.addActionListener(new java.awt.event.ActionListener(){ public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt){ SelectPIDActionPerformed(evt); } }); jPanel1.add(SelectPlan);//add comboBox to panel; panel will be added to //conatiner later SelectPlan.setBounds(380, 10, 310, 19); ... .. . private void SelectPIDActionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent evt){ JComboBox jcb = (JComboBox)evt.getSource(); String pid = (String)jcb.getSelectedItem(); jPanel1.remove(jspPid); container.remove(jPanel1); pTable.setPreferredSize(new java.awt.Dimension(450, 150)); pTable.setVisible(true); jPanel1.add(pTable); pTable.setBounds(30, 62, 430, 150); container.add(jPanel1); container.repaint(); }

51. Pixels on applets

The soul is dyed the color of its thoughts. Think only on those things that are in line with your principles and can bear the light of day. The content of your character is your choice. Day by day, what you do is who you become. Your integrity is your destiny - it is the light that guides your way. - ...

52. For Learning Swing and Applet.

53. Pause in Swing Applet

I'm trying to use Thread.sleep(1000) in a swing applet but its not working the way I want. I read that I have to use the javax.swing.timer class. I've read several tutorials on this, but I still can't seem to get it to work. Is there an easy way I can use javax.swing.timer or anything else to emulate the Thread.sleep(1000) functionality? Thank ...

55. Diff Between Applet and JApplet??

hi, sorry if I've ruined this thread, but you mentioned something about a root pane, and I think thats got sumthign to do with my problem. If its not too much trouble, could you take a quick look. I have a JApplet as shown here: public class PacmanApplet extends javax.swing.JApplet { public void init() { setContentPane(new PacmanGame()); } } And also ...

56. Problems in applet 2 applet commnication on Java 5

Hi, im trying to upgrade application from JRE1.3.1_01 to JRe1.5 now we have one class which act as session and implemented as singlton it does have some static variables and some instance varible. Its applet driven app.. so when user login first time from login applet we load the session class object into memory, and through out application we load several ...

57. Java Applet GUI

58. Applet

hi, generic term for a graphical element that has subcomponents: Windows, Panels, Frames and Dialog boxes are all types of Containers. The term container also refers to any class that holds or organises other objects such as trees, bags and Vectors. Though Java folk usually call those collections to avoid confusion. A Component can belong to at most one Container at ...

59. Applet

Hi Arun, this is your second post with the subject "Applet" - how are we going to tell which one is which in the forum overview? In fact this isn't even an Applet question, but a generic Swing question. Please take some time to compose a meaningful subject line when posting a question, that will safe all those people who'd like ...

61. labeling in this Applet..

The soul is dyed the color of its thoughts. Think only on those things that are in line with your principles and can bear the light of day. The content of your character is your choice. Day by day, what you do is who you become. Your integrity is your destiny - it is the light that guides your way. - ...

62. setLocation() method in applet - ???

Hi all, The below applet turned out a real mess when I just used FlowLayout(), so I decided to manually place the components with setLocation(x, y), but now that I did that, I have a blank applet when run. What am I doing wrong, can anyone help? Thanks in advance! package ch5itis; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; public class myApplet ...

63. Possible to use applet from swing app?

64. Applet question

Hi all, Iam developing an applet in which ,I have overrided the init,start,stop & destroy methods.Iam using the j2sDK 1.4. In the "init" method,I want to create and show the GUI.(That means dont want to load any data into the controls in the GUI). Have a method createAndShowGui()--->which does that & is called from Applet "init". In the "start" method,Iam loading ...

65. swing to applet

66. Applet

67. Applet Project

I need to build an applet program with no Swing at all in it. I must display a list of movies for the user to select. The list must get generated from an arraylist of the movies. The closest example I have right now is an applet that displays a horizontal checkbox group of three items to select. What I want ...

68. Java Applet Program required

This sounds a bit like homework that you should be doing. We won't do it for you, but we'll try to help you get it done. What do you need to do, and what do you have so far? As an aside, we like to keep discussions in the forum so I have removed the mail address from your post.

70. Applet - Swing

Are you asking about the actual page (in other words, HTML), or do you want to run the applet (i.e., the Java code) in the Frame? The former would be quite tricky. For the latter, you can add the class that extends Applet to the Frame, since Applet extends Panel (after creating the object by calling its no-argument constructor). Then call ...

71. Java Applets Book

72. Quick question on Applet GUI not showing up

Every once in awhile when creating applets, my GUI components don't show up. The last time this happened, I just created a layout manager (FlowLayout) and things worked. But my code is identical and when I run it, nothing shows up. What am I missing? import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.awt.*; public class Ex7_13 extends JApplet implements ActionListener { JTextField input; ...

75. Prequsite for launching an applet

76. Trouble with a custom class in a JApplet

Hey there. I am new to the forum. I have a java class and this question pertains to a portion of an assignment I have been given, and I am severely stuck because I do not fully grasp the concept of how data flows between classes and methods and all that stuff. I have been reading and reading for hours various ...

77. Applet

78. To set precision for float in JApplet

79. how to stop japplet

dear friends , i am working on game project in applet .i want code to stop my applet please help me to wind up this project . when click my stop button its working in windows but its not working in ubuntu i am using fire fox browser i have attached my code "else if(ae.getSource()==q1) { try { getAppletContext().showDocument(new URL("about:blank"),"_self"); } ...

80. Simple multi piece applet GUI using Swing

Hi all. I am fairly new to GUI development in swing and just need a push in the right direction. I am writing a chatroom applet that will have multiple "views"... for instance, the login view, the chatroom view, and the settings view. What is a good approach to put the login view and the chatroom view in the same "window/frame/container". ...

81. A very basic applet / swing requirement

Hello! As I'm not much into client side programming, I request for help. Use case: A html file has as an applet/swing component which has a single line edit box which takes url to a file and a submit button. If button is clicked, program must read file specified as input and display as html file in new browser window. Requirement: ...

82. determining minimum dimensions of an Applet

I have an applet that pops up a window with several components: a JLabel, a JTextArea, and two buttons. Different callers will specify different sizes for the JTextArea, so I would like to setSize so that the Applet window shrinks to only the area that is used. This is the code that creates the components: public String inputTextBox(String prompt, int rows, ...

83. applet gui question

84. JApplet: Adding GUI

85. Clearing a GUI Applet

I am currently writing a program where a multiple choice question is displayed, and the user answers by pressing a button using a GUI. I want to have more than one question be asked without having to restart the applet. How do you wipe the applet clean and display the result(Correct/Incorrect) of the first question, and then wipe it clean again ...

86. Help with Times Table GUI applet

I need help with an applet which inputs an integer from the user and displays the appropiate times table up to times 10 eg; user input 5 - display shows 5 time 1 is 5 5 times 2 is 10 ...... 5 times 10 is 50. I have only managedt o get the display to show one statement eg 5 times ...

87. Porting Swing GUI to applet

I have a dilema. I need to write a fairly complicated GUI for a web-app but up until this point i have either built a stand alone application with swing and given access by java webstart or used crude web-based html forms. Is there a way to port a swing based gui into an applet so that it can run inside ...

88. gui and applet

An applet has a gui itself, so I assume you mean putting an applet into a desktop application? If so the answer is no, but if you design the applet right you can take the components and move them into a top level frame container and create a desktop gui with minimal headache. If your applet is simply a container for ...