Arrays « Button « Java Swing Q&A

1. Problem with 2D Array of JButton

I need to put number(2d array) on the top left of JButton. But, i got the number result in wrong ordder (upside down), not as the same as the array topLeftNum ...

2. How do I create individual button names in an array?

I'm trying to make a game of battleship, I'm in control of the boards. How do I make an array that will allow each button to return a position. For storing ...

3. How can I get the Array # of a button / Make this run more efficiently

I am making a complex tic tac toe program that has a variable grid size and player amount. But one of my friends commented that it is a little slow respond ...

4. inserting char arrays in buttons

I'm trying to put the alphabet in different buttons, but I cant make it work. My code looks like this:

char[] Letter = {'a','b','c','d','e','f','g','h'

5. Search function crash in 2D Arrays (Java)

I am creating a reversi game for my intro CS class. I found an error in SearchN() that would cause it to give false playableN flags and created isSame() as a work ...