Dispose « Development « Java Swing Q&A

1. Dispose elements in Swing application    stackoverflow.com

I what to ask what is the best way to dispose UI elements in Swing? I tried different layouts (BorderLayout, FlowLayout...) but I could dispose elements quickly and at exactly ...

2. Dispose    coderanch.com

We want to call dispose on each child window and to exit when the main, parent window is closed. import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; public class Closing { public Closing() { JFrame f = new JFrame(); f.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); f.getContentPane().add(getUIPanel()); f.setSize(100,75); f.setLocation(200,200); f.setVisible(true); } private JPanel getUIPanel() { JButton launch = new JButton("launch"); launch.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { int count = 0; public void ...

3. DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE vs EXIT_ON_CLOSE    coderanch.com

4. Dispose?    coderanch.com

Hello, in some java books I've read, I read that when closing a second frame that's on top of a main frame by using the x button in the upper right corner, a windowlistener event needs to be written to dispose that second frame. But I've noticed that when I just click the x on the second frame, it just closes ...

5. dispose    java-forums.org

hi guy. i have few classes with GUI. Like class a ,class b, class c. if now my program execute in class a and display class a , while class c is display there too. So if there any possible for me to dispose class C form when my program execute in class a.?? class CountdownTimerListener implements ActionListener { public void ...

6. dispose(); not working    java-forums.org

06-04-2010 12:46 PM #1 Geraldo Member Join Date Jun 2010 Posts 7 Rep Power 0 dispose(); not working Hello everybody, Can anybody tell me why in this code this dispose(); int ID6 = rs14.getInt("Bedrijf_ID"); if (rs14 != null) { Hoofdscherm2 = new Hoofdscherm2(conn); Hoofdscherm2.setVisible(true); dispose(); } .... isn't working? I hope somebody can help me it's a bit urgent. ...