Property « Development « Java Swing Q&A

1. Property list GUI component in Swing

How do you make a "property list" component in Swing? I mean the kind as in this or this image. Is it just a customized JTable component, ...

2. private property of my class is null

I've the follow code: The problem is on line 84 it gives me a NullPointerException on programmaBesteller. When I debug, every private member (JMenu and JMenuItem) are null :s. I ...

3. Properties Table in Java

I need a table that displays properties and allows their values to be changed. Similar to the Netbeans properties windows for the GUI editor. Does anyone know of any existing classes ...

4. j2me form how to define gui properties

i'm new to j2me. how to set form elements (text field ,text box) width,font,alignment and other Gui related properties. i tried to find solution for setting form background but no success. ...

5. NPE When running Netbeans using the GTK LAF

Recently, I got a weird stack trace in the netbeans logs (I added it to the end of this post). I was able to track it down to the LAF. This ...

6. NB6.7 Properties/Librararies/Platform Modules GUI bug

Dear all, I am a bit confused about the GUI to select/deselect modules in a nb plaform app. I have added a other platform app. The subnotes show the modules of ...

8. Writing to .properties to change L&F

Ive been playing with L&F choices in my app. Id LIKE to have it save the choice to the apps .properties file, but when you getContext().getResourceMap(), what you get only has methods to read entries in the file. Is there a standard way to get write access to the file?

9. GUI Builder, insets property of a component

Make a new JFrame; put a JTextField; the property insets defaults to 3,3,3,3. Try to set it to different values using the standard editor. It seems to accept new values, but at the end the values remain the same. thanks in advance Agostino

10. swing properties in netbeans

11. System property

12. printdialog properties..

Hi, As far as I know ( from my limited printing experience )the options for the printer seen in the print dialog are handled by the underlying OS. Cancel can be controlled however as the printDialog() method returns true if the user does not cancel the dialog; false otherwise ( from the API docs ) You could then change your code ...

13. SystemLookAndFeel still using Win2000 properties under WinXP???

Which JDK Version? 1.4.2 is the only one that actually has built in support for windows xp look and feel. BTW - on my Windows XP box, all my Menu Bars (And I am talking about Native apps, not JAVA apps) the highlighting of menu items is not a raised button. It is a blue highlight. On the ToolBars it is ...

14. client properties of JRootPane

16. UIManager and

17. Can we implement modeless property in Fames.

Hi! I am having two frame frm1 and frm2. fr1 contains one button and textarea. frm2 contains combo box that contains some text. When I clicks on button frm2 gets visible but frm1 gets mininized, I want to make both the frame visible simaltaneously so that I can insert some text in textarea of frm1 by selectin text from combo box ...

18. Properties

Hi everyone, I have a question about the java multi-platform print dialog. I am able to show the dialog but here is the kicker in i am unable to select the printer properties on the print dialog. The printer properties button seems to be always disabled. This does not happen when i use the platform specific print dialog. The combo box ...

19. All Widgets and Properties

20. Property List in Swing

21. Updating GUI properties

Hi. I'm trying to create a program for work that has a timer. I've tried it as many ways as i could think of, and the timer itself works great, but i wanted the timer to change a label on a GUI form. However, it won't change the text property of a label in the middle of a function. Is there ...

22. list

Hi, I wanted to modify the look and feel of some buttons on my Swing app using the file. However, i do not have the entire list of these properties. Can someone please direct me to where i can get a comprehensive list of all the properties that i can use in that file? -Sameer

23. UPDATE - Problems with customising properties view

I've a multi-page editor containing a Tree Table. I'm currently trying to customise the properties page for each TableItem on the tree page. I'm really struggling with this. I've found some examples for customising the properties view with GEF objects but none for swt objects. I've also tried the example on the eclipse "Take control of your properties" article but it ...

24. Free property pane component...

25. java.awt.headless - based on what is this System property set?

I'm running some tests, which include java GUIs, on a Linux compute farm. If the System property 'java.awt.headless' is set to true, then my tests fail with a HeadlessException - which is fair enough, because they genuinely display some GUI elements. Now, whether 'java.awt.headless' is set to true or not changes depending on how I submit my job to the compute ...

26. Eclipse RCP properties pane

Hello I am developing an Eclipse RCP application with a properties pane. Now i designed the pane so I can edit properties of specific beans. each bean has properties and subproperties, so you hget a sort of a tree in the propertiespane. but each time i edit the value and the SetPropertyValue() of my IPropertySource is called all expanded items in ...

27. saving properties...

28. if jtab properties disabled,can we get the changes

in this program , i set jtb.setEnabledAt(2, false) ,now my question is can we make any changes to the title i.e ( 2-tab) without enable it as true? if we run this program we get the text colour in red for titles, except ( 2-tab).i want it to get the same text color but without enabling it for true import java.awt.Color; ...

29. Where to read/write properties in Swing application?

Hell, it is about 5 years ago I posted on this forum and haven't done any Java programming since 2 years.... But I have a new project again, and a very trivial problem. I work on a program with a Swing GUI, and according to the guidelines, I start the GUI in the event dispatch thread. My main class is not ...

30. application hangs when stroke property dash-type is set (no problem with setting stroke width)

hi !!, This is Sarveshwar. my code sample:- private void setGraphicsAttribute(Graphics2D p_g2D, CCustomPath p_tempPath) { //get pathWigth , color and type of the path and set paint property float nPathWidth = p_tempPath.getPathWigth(); p_g2D.setPaint(p_tempPath.getPathColor()); ENUM_PATH_TYPE enumPathType = p_tempPath.getPathType(); //set stroke for the path depending on the type of the path if (enumPathType == ENUM_PATH_TYPE.DEFAULT) { BasicStroke thickStroke = new BasicStroke(nPathWidth); p_g2D.setStroke(thickStroke); // ...

31. Changing different Swing control and their properties dynamically?

So hypothetically, say I have two jTextPanes: tp1 and tp2, and an integer i. I want a certain piece of text to be printed in either tp1 or tp2 depending on the integer I by putting "tp" + i into a string and using that to search for the swing control. I remember in PASCAL you had to use a loop ...

32. swing components properties

33. Is there a way of going through Swing objects and changing properties?

Please look at the code I posted - I know hoe to use arrays. I am using Netbeans and as such, as far as I know, I can't use arrays for the Swing objects it controls. Why are people so hostile on these forums? I asked a civil question, I expect a civil reply or no reply at all.

34. java swing properties