Timer 2 « Development « Java Swing Q&A

1. Swing Timer    forums.oracle.com

2. javax.swing.Timer accuracy    forums.oracle.com

System.nanoTime() is guaranteed to use the most accurate timer available on your system. If the most accurate timer only has a 10ms resolution, there's nothing System.nanoTime() can do about it. I'm wondering what platform you're testing this on, though. I've consistently gotten less than 1 ms precision with System.nanoTime() on both Windows/Intel, Windows/AMD, Linux/Intel and Linux/AMD platforms. I thought such a ...

3. javax.swing.Timer - anonymous access?    forums.oracle.com

4. Timer Program : Count Down Numbers don't appear on the GUI    forums.oracle.com

drawimage wrote: You need to call revalidate() every time you update your interface while running Threads, otherwise it will not show up until the Thread has completed. Edited by: drawimage on Jan 29, 2008 2:51 PM Even that won't fix it. Your problem stems from a fundamental understanding of how Swing draws windows. All Swing drawing code is executed on the ...

5. javax.swing.Timer    forums.oracle.com

Timers work with both GUI (Guided User Interface) programs and non-GUI programs. It's just that non-GUI programs are usually a one-run deal. They run once, do something, then terminate because there's nothing to keep the JVM (Java Virtual Machine) alive. GUI programs, on the other hand, usually consist of windows on the desktop that can interact with the user. This keeps ...

6. javax.swing.timer doesn't run    forums.oracle.com

7. Game Development Help: Swing Timers    forums.oracle.com

8. Which to use Swing.Timer or Util.Timer?    forums.oracle.com

9. Swing Timer    forums.oracle.com

10. swing timer, setDealy issue in bouncing balls    forums.oracle.com

public FotBoll (int x, int y, int xfart, int yfart, int storlek){ this.storlek = storlek; this.x = x; this.y = y; this.xfart = xfart; this.yfart = yfart; plan = new FotBollsPlan(); Timer t = new Timer(100, this); t.start(); } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae){ if (x < 0 || x > 700) xfart = - xfart; if (y < 0 || y ...