Disable « Event « Java Swing Q&A

1. how to disable the action Ctrl-Alt-Delete through java program    stackoverflow.com

I am creating desktop application using the JDesktopPnae.I complete almost.But when i press ctrl-Alt-Del key it comes out of my application. how can i prevent that action ...

2. How to disable Center Key (CK) and let only Left Soft Key (LSK) be used in j2me    stackoverflow.com

I created a custom item in which I need to use the Center Key for the purpose of selecting and I am successfully able to use it with the keyPressed event ...

3. Java problem, disabled controls still fires events!    stackoverflow.com

I'm new to Java, I'm coding on NetBeans. The problem is that whenever I disable a control i.e jmenu.setEnabled(false) it still fires events! holy crap! how is it! :P How can I prevent ...

4. How to temporarily disable event listeners in Swing?    stackoverflow.com

I've got a Swing application with a model and a view. In the view (GUI) there are a lot of components, each of them mapping to some property of a model ...

5. Lwuit disable virtual keyboard    stackoverflow.com

I am developing a j2me application using LWUIT as GUI .... how can I disable the navigation virtual keyboard appeared down in the touch screen ?

6. How do I disable keyboard and mouse entry for a JSpinner?    stackoverflow.com

When I try to make a JSpinner un-editable by keyboard or mouse like this:

((DefaultEditor) mySpinner.getEditor()).getTextField().setEditable(false);
It disables any keyboard entry and pasting, but I can still click the up/down buttons and change ...

7. Toggle read-only in Java    stackoverflow.com

Is there a way to toggle a read-only mode so when you click any object in your window it simply returns what you clicked, ignoring the object's usual event handling? IE, ...

8. 'Disabling' mousePressed event    coderanch.com

Hi Malli, Rajan's idea might look like it works, but it is not the way to perform what you want. If you use his method all the events will still be delegated which will just bog down the JVM. A cleaner approach would be to make use of the removeListener methods. They were created for just such a purpose. See the ...

9. Disable Mouse Events    coderanch.com

Hai, I have written all mouse events in a class and written a program for my requirement, in that first i call the mouse event class and up to this works fine after that i want the mouse event class to be disabled or all the mouse events must be stopped. Can any one help me how to write the code ...

10. can't enable or disable events    coderanch.com

11. disabling ENTER key    coderanch.com

I'm sorry -- it's a slow day at work today, and the other Java forums are a bit slow. Here's my take on your problem though -- in an attempt to redeem my untimely humor. In order to capture and ignore the enter key, you'd have to basically place listeners on all components that it could influence. With event chaining that's ...

12. Disable CONTROL & ALT Keys    coderanch.com

13. Disable KeyEvent    coderanch.com

14. Saving Swing Actions for enabling/disabling GUI controls    coderanch.com

Dear all, Currently I am working on one of my first larger Swing applications. I build the application around the MVC architecture using a view-independent Controller and, of course, a Swing GUI, holding a reference to the Controller. I implement most of the button actions in separate classes implementing the Action interface: JButton aButton = new JButton(new CustomAction(controller)); The CustomAction then ...

16. Disabling short cut keys    coderanch.com

17. can one disable key bindings on a JComponent?    java-forums.org

Java Code: public void bindKeys() { // variable declarations: InputMap inputMap = getInputMap(JComponent.WHEN_IN_FOCUSED_WINDOW); ActionMap actionMap = getActionMap(); int PRESSED = InputProcessor.PRESSED; int RELEASED = InputProcessor.RELEASED; int UP = KeyEvent.VK_UP; int RIGHT = KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT; int DOWN = KeyEvent.VK_DOWN; int LEFT = KeyEvent.VK_LEFT; int N = KeyEvent.VK_N; // new maze int R = KeyEvent.VK_R; // restart level int Q = KeyEvent.VK_Q; // quit ...

18. Mouse right-click option disabled in solaris and linux for awt/swing app.    forums.oracle.com

Hi all, I have two problems: 1) I am working on AWT/Swing application and its working fine in window enviornment,but while running on solaris and linux mouse right-click option window not poping up. 2) Ctrl+c,Ctrl+v,Home and End keyboard key are not working in solaris and linux OS for same application. Pls provide me some solution for these problem. -Dinesh