File Name « Event « Java Swing Q&A

1. Java - Moving file from Explorer to Java GUI - what kind of event is that?

I would like to move files from the Windows Explorer to my Java GUI and act on that event by receiving the path of the file(s) to upload it(them) to a ...

2. Display a form from another class file

I have a running java GUI application right now in a single class file, in this application I have a button that when clicked it is used to instantiate and display ...

3. using file created in one private actionperformed event in another

I am a beginner in java and I want to create a very simple audio steganography for my project. First I started with a frame containing three buttons, which take a text ...

4. opening a file from click event

6. Can i put all of my action listeners(i will have hundreds) in a seperate class file and then use it?

As anything can be a listener for something, the answer would be yes. You can have your listeners anywhere. They would just need to be registered with the notifyer via the function 'addXXXListener' depending on what you are listening for, and the class which listens would have to implement the appropriate interface to be a such and such listener.

7. Question about ActionListeners and JAR files

I made an application that pops up a simple frame with 2 TextFields (Username & Password) and 2 Buttons (OK & Cancel). Everything works fine and I am able to create an executable JAR file and also am able to launch in from my website on multiple computers with no problem with a JNLP file that calls the JAR file. When ...