Command « GUI « Java Swing Q&A

1. Switching from GUI to Command Prompt in Java?

My professor assigned a project where a simulation is ran through a GUI. To edit it, we need to create a "New" menu item. We haven't learned how to get data ...

2. Execute shell commands from a Java, C, or C++ GUI

How would I go about executing a shell command from a GUI in C, C++ or Java? Meaning while the application is running I could execute a shell command like ...

4. A command with CLI Arguments - how may run in the GUI of Netbeans ?

Open project properties(context menu on project node). Go to 'run' section and write your arguments into 'arguments' field... you may also set working directory or jvm options.

5. How to Run a command

6. Not able to resume command promt after using swings

import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JButton; import javax.swing.JTextArea; //import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.FlowLayout; import java.awt.Font; import java.awt.Color; import javax.swing.JPanel; import java.awt.event.*; public class help { /** * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub //Creating first frame JFrame frame = new JFrame("Tic Tac Toe"); frame.setBackground(; JPanel panel1 = new JPanel(); panel1.setBackground(; String message1 = "\n"+"\n"+"T"+"\n"+"I"+"\n"+"C"+"\n"+"T"+"\n"+"A"+"\n"+"C"+"\n"+"T"+"\n"+"O"+"\n"+"E"+"\n"; ...

7. y the results in GUI are not the same with the result in command prompt?

here's are part of the coding... >> else if (cbSelection.getSelectedIndex() == 2) { sha256Words s256w = new sha256Words(); shaOutput.txtResults.append("<<< Initialize variables >>>\n"); shaOutput.txtResults.append("H0: "+Integer.toHexString(sha256InitialHash.h0).toUppe rCase()); shaOutput.txtResults.append("\nH1: "+Integer.toHexString(sha256InitialHash.h1).toUppe rCase()); shaOutput.txtResults.append("\nH2: "+Integer.toHexString(sha256InitialHash.h2).toUppe rCase()); shaOutput.txtResults.append("\nH3: "+Integer.toHexString(sha256InitialHash.h3).toUppe rCase()); shaOutput.txtResults.append("\nH4: "+Integer.toHexString(sha256InitialHash.h4).toUppe rCase()); shaOutput.txtResults.append("\nH5: "+Integer.toHexString(sha256InitialHash.h5).toUppe rCase()); shaOutput.txtResults.append("\nH6: "+Integer.toHexString(sha256InitialHash.h6).toUppe rCase()); shaOutput.txtResults.append("\nH7: "+Integer.toHexString(sha256InitialHash.h7).toUppe rCase()+ "\n\n"); shaOutput.txtResults.append("<<< Message Padding >>>\n"); shaOutput.txtResults.append("-->Append '1' to message\n"); shaOutput.txtResults.append("-->Append 0<=k<=512 '0's to message\n"); shaOutput.txtResults.append("-->Append ...

8. Creating a command prompt like GUI

Hey, I was wondering how would I go about creating a command prompt like GUI in Java. If you have ever had a website with cPanel installed they have a telnet client with such an interface, I am basically looking for how I would go about getting input from the GUI but also having it so you don't have to type ...