Custom « GUI « Java Swing Q&A

1. Is it possible to build custom GUI like this in Java?

I made this in Photoshop and I plan to use it for my file sharing application: Screenshot I was wondering if it was possible to create GUI for my application that ...

2. Developing Custom GUI Builder in Java

First of all, let me say that I am not looking for a GUI Builder to design my application. I am looking for a GUI Builder component that I can use ...

3. J2ME: custom GUI items

I need ti make a menu like shown here: Each "bar" needs to run a command when clicked. First I've thought just to draw the contents, and react to clicks ...

4. Add custom functionality to GUI builder / Matisse

Hi, I'm new to NetBeans IDE. I tried to find information about how to extend functionality of the GUI builder / Matisse. But I didn't find anything yet. My question is: ...

5. GUI-Builder Matisse possible in Freeform Java Project with custom build script?

Phoenix_133 Joined: 28 Sep 2009 Posts: 6 Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 12:27 pm Post subject: GUI-Builder Matisse possible in Freeform Java Project with custom build script? Hi ...

6. Cannot add custom beans using GUI builder, probable version issues

toomuchjuice Joined: 01 Dec 2010 Posts: 7 Posted: Thu Dec 02, 2010 12:58 am Post subject: Cannot add custom beans using GUI builder, probable version issues edit: Short Version: Cannot add custom Beans components to any form in Swing GUI builder. Problem may be related to JDK 5 -> 6 transition, or NetBeans 6.5.1 -> 6.9.1 I will ...

7. Cannot add custom beans using GUI builders

8. Building a custom GUI....

Hello people, Well, these days I was thinking that I am getting bored of the classic Swing or Windows-like GUIs. OK they are good enough but.... So, does anyone know any tools or links or whatever in the web that will help me build a GUI from the very beggining without using Swing or AWT classes? Tom. P.S.: OK, I am ...

9. Custom table with all!

Hi all, I am interested in defining my own custom table that will itself take care of 1. Cell validation 2. Key navigation 3. Look and feel Ideal cutom table will take the 3 inputs, 1. No. of columns 2. Each column type expression(as it may dynamically change even specific to a row..) 3. Each column editable expression( as it may ...

10. Custom TreeCellRenderer and invisible nodes

I found the key to making this work. You must override the cellRenderers getPreferredSize and supply a Dimension(0,0) for those nodes you wich to suppress. Additionally, you MUST set tree.setRowHeight(-1); to allow arbitrary row heights. In the end you don't need to set the icon and text to null, setIcon(null); setText(null); Works like a champ. I'l give me some duke dollars ...

11. need advice in creating custom control

Hi I need advice. I want to make my own control, which will be able to get data from database, allow user to change columns to show, allow to add filters, show total amounts e.t.c. In SWT I have such hierarhy: java.lang.Object | +--org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Widget | +--org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Control | +--org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Scrollable | +--org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Composite | +--org.eclipse.swt.widgets.Canvas I have two choices - I can use Composite ...

13. Creating custom renderers question ???

14. Trying to make custom GUI

The soul is dyed the color of its thoughts. Think only on those things that are in line with your principles and can bear the light of day. The content of your character is your choice. Day by day, what you do is who you become. Your integrity is your destiny - it is the light that guides your way. - ...

15. Custom PropertyEditor for Bounds

16. Help understanding custom ListCellRenderers

I'm trying to implement a custom ListCellRenderer; I've referred to several books and web articles, but I can't seem to get a sense of how I should do this. The goal: each object should render as the item's name, right justified, and a metric score left justified. e.g. Event One 100 Event Two 234 Event Three 15 etc My first attempts ...

17. Cut/copying and pasting custom object types

I've got a Swing application which makes a lot of use of cut & paste operations. I use the standard Toolkit, Clipboard, DataFlavor, etc classes. Throughtout various parts of the application, users might be cutting & pasting text and images, as well visual layout widget that are of a custom type that I created (the application is sort of a design/layout ...

18. Custom RepaintManager example

I recently have started to read a book called Filthy Rich Clients......... There is an example in that book which depicts how the default action of the default RepaintManager can cause problems in some cases.... The example adds a table and three buttons to a TranslucentPanel, which in turn is added to the frame's content pane......Inside the TranslucentPanel's paint method an ...

19. Trying to make custom GUI

The soul is dyed the color of its thoughts. Think only on those things that are in line with your principles and can bear the light of day. The content of your character is your choice. Day by day, what you do is who you become. Your integrity is your destiny - it is the light that guides your way. - ...

20. creating a custom command prompt with java gui

Simple approach: import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.text.*; public class NavigationFilterPrefixWithBackspace extends NavigationFilter { private int prefixLength; private Action deletePrevious; public NavigationFilterPrefixWithBackspace(int prefixLength, JTextComponent component) { this.prefixLength = prefixLength; deletePrevious = component.getActionMap().get("delete-previous"); component.getActionMap().put("delete-previous", new BackspaceAction()); component.setCaretPosition(prefixLength); } public void setDot(NavigationFilter.FilterBypass fb, int dot, Position.Bias bias) { fb.setDot(Math.max(dot, prefixLength), bias); } public void moveDot(NavigationFilter.FilterBypass fb, int dot, Position.Bias bias) { fb.moveDot(Math.max(dot, prefixLength), ...

21. Trying to make a Custom StatusLine

Hello, I am new in JFace and I'm trying to make a custom StatusLine. I'm not allowed change the JFace source code, so these are some of the problems I have encountered in trying: Is there any way to change the layout of the StatusLine or use a "Custom StatusLine"? How I can set the StatusLineManager or StatusLine used by eclipse ...

22. Swing themes & custom GUI's

I'm trying to make a program and I want it to have a relatively good-looking gui. I want it to look a lot like the program in the picture below. Could someone explain to me or link me to a good place on doing such a thing in java using swing. Do you think that they used some sort of window ...

23. Custom GUI...Help?!

Hello , everyone. This is my first post,and I am new to Java-and programming in general-, so I am looking forward to learn, and give advice where I can. I need to create a GUI components from scratch, like a button, Text area etc. Instead,I figured that if I understand the Java components' source(from OpenJDK) I can customize them to my ...

24. custom scrollable list in gui (has pictures of what I want

Im not exactly that new to java, but I do not a lot of my time in it. After trying numerous gui designers and IDEs, Ive settled with Netbeans 6. Anyways, im forced to write some software in a group for class, its a game called splat and will be posted (with source) somewhere on sourceforge when its done after I ...

26. Creating a custom GUI

Hi all, I'm looking at making a touchscreen jukebox application for one of my user interface classes; Something like what the iPhone and iTouch have where you can flip through lists of albums or songs, plus the ability to drag a track from one side of the screen into the playlist and position it appropriately by dragging. The touchscreen part i'm ...

27. Help with where to begin creating a custom GUI?

Links to good tutorials helpful. Basically I have never created a GUI for java beyond your basic text box, radio button, button etc. I need to create a GUI using custom images for the buttons, images etc. I kind of don't know where to begin since all I have done prior is create a GUI with functionality already present in java. ...