algorithm « GUI « Java Swing Q&A

1. Using GA in GUI

Sorry if this isn't clear as I'm writing this on a mobile device and I'm trying to make it quick. I've written a basic Genetic Algorithm with a binary encoding (genes) that ...

2. Program to simulate Zeno's paradox in Java

So I was reading in a book of a certain paradox: Say you are in a room with a door opposite of you. In order to leave though, you must travel ...

3. Wavelet Compression Algorithm

4. algorithm for monsters in simple pacman in swing

I don't think this particularly belongs in the Swing forum, as it's more algorithm based and not particularly Swing orientated other than the assumption that you'll be using Swing. Anyway, that aside, if you consider that a ghost only ever moves in a straight line, continuing in the direction it was travelling in until it meets a junction, or a wall ...

5. code needed for Dijkstra algorithm

6. boundary following algorithm