AffineTransform « Graphics « Java Swing Q&A

1. problems with AffineTransform

Hello I am new to affineTransform in java. I want to use it to shear some GUI I have to use later. For now I just wanted to test a sample code ...

2. AffineTransform, RescaleOp and Bilinear hint

Hello. I have written an application that manipulates images. It can rescale and make the image brighter working with BufferedImages and jpegs. I am using the AffineTransformOp() to physically scale the size of the image and the RescaleOp() to make it brighter. Both work fine UNLESS I apply the AffineTransform, first, with an interpolation rendering hint of bilinear. If I do ...

3. AffineTransform - please help me out

Hello Ranchers, I am using AffineTransform class to rotate an image. I need to get hold of the image coordinates at each instant, so that I can determine when the image is hitting another object. Is there any way I can get - say something like the rectangular coordinates i.e. the 4 coordinates of the image ? I am using g2d.drawImage(image, ...

4. AffineTransform Rectangle2D

Hi! I'm trying to rotate a Rectangle2D with some angles. I need draw a rectanglebox and in there a rotate rectangle from x,y to x + width , y+height. How can I do this. The rotate takes an angle and I don't know how to calculate the angle between my rectangles x,y and x + width , y + height // ...

5. AffineTransform "transform" method

I have been scouring the web looking for examples and documentation concerning the java.awt.geom.AffineTransform class's overloaded transform method - specifically this one: public void transform(double[] srcPts, int srcOff, double[] dstPts, int dstOff, int numPts) The Javadoc is sketchy at best on how to use this method (same with the Java 2D tutorial - no mention of how to use the method). ...

6. Graphics rotation / translation / affinetransform problem

I have a class GridPanel extends JPanel which displays a grid and then sends a listener in another class a Rectangle (in fact it's a square) for each grid position: public void paintComponent(Graphics g) { // draw gridlines Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D) g; for (GridPositions position : positions) { Rectangle rect = getDrawingArea(position); listener.paintGridPosition(position, g2, rect); } } In the paintGridPosition ...

7. How to Rotate with AffineTransform and keep the orignal coordinates ?

Hi again Well I wanted to implemente your solution, but the architecture of the application doesn't allow it, Let me explain ... The application use MVC, so the class shape (which is by the way a custom shape class and not the java api class) doesn't have direct access to the graphic object. The shape change it's state and call notifyObeservers() ...

8. affineTransform rotation

9. Problem with AffineTransform

Hi, Text is drawn to Panel using Graphics2D, TextLayout and AffineTransform. A rectangle is drawn around the text where one side of rectangle touches text. When I rotate Text and Rectangle by 90 degrees around the center, text is shifted by one pixel away from the side of the rectangle. Any help is appreciated. Please see the attachements with Text at ...

10. AffineTransform begin at custom angle

11. AffineTransform: can I scale without translating?

I've noticed that the way the AffineTransform class scales shapes and areas affects their positions. For example, suppose I had a Rectangle2D R at point (10,10) and I did this: R.transform(AffineTransform.getScaleInstance(2.0d, 0.0d)); Not only will R now be twice as wide, but it will be at (20, 10). The reason seems to be that the scaling that's being done here is ...