JFreeChart « Graphics « Java Swing Q&A

1. How to repaint a XYPlot from JFreeChart? (JAVA)    stackoverflow.com

I'm doing a GUI that has a XYPlot (from the JFreeChart package) and when I click a button I'm trying to add some values. I add them correctly to the XYSeries ...

2. Enabling/Disabling drawing of a JFreeChart    stackoverflow.com

I have a chart created as shown below, and I am adding values to the TimeSeries (in a different location in my program). The ChartPanel is actually contained within a JTabbedPane, ...

3. [jFreeChart] Converting screen-points to points, which are relative to the axis    java-forums.org

Hello, I'm playing a bit around with jFreeChart. What I would like to do is, to klick onto the graph and get the coordinates (within the graph), which i klicked on. I found the method mouseClicked(MouseEvent e) within the ChartPanel Class. e.getX() gives me a number relative to the window. Now i searched around and tried many ways to, from there, ...

4. jfreechart:draw a line over the graphs?    java-forums.org

5. on line swing graphic as demo jvm memory usage    jfree.org

Hi I would like to ask you a thing. There is a demo based on swing which allow to obtain the same effect of the jvm memory usage that is interesting for the target that I would like to achieve. Thank you in advance for any information that you would like to share with me Have a nice day