Repaint « Graphics « Java Swing Q&A

1. java swing repaint()

(second question in a few hours) Kay so I'm making a chess variant in java, I have my console program working how I want it but now I'm trying to convert it ...

2. Why does repaint(long) repaint immediately?

According to the Javadoc, JComponent.repaint(long) is supposed to schedule a repaint() sometime in the future. When I try using it it always triggers an immediate repaint. What am I ...

3. Java Swing: repaint() vs invalidate

Possible Duplicate:
Java Swing revalidate() vs repaint()
Hi all I'm fighting with my program to make it refresh at the right time. And not having a lot ...

4. Waiting for Swing's elements repaint completion

I want to be able to wait for Swing's repaint completion. Example:

I have something like this:
SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait(new Runnable() {

    public void run() {

5. Swing repainting

I'm having an animation on a JComponent. The animation is simply a BufferedImage on which รง draw something that is moving. To make BufferedImage appear/disappear progressively, i'm calling repaint ...

6. Why doesn't my repaint work?

I'm stuck with a problem considering my Display class, which extends Canvas. A single thread is running within the very same class. In this thread, the repaint method is called. However, while the thread ...

7. Swing rate limiting

I have a long repaint operation that I would like to rate-limit, ie make sure it gets called once every N milliseconds at most. My current solution is somewhat unsatisfactory: I use ...

8. Java GUI trouble repaint? page

I have created a program that uses many images, JButtons, JLabels, etc. On this program I put a "try again" button once it is complete. (The button's listener is the original ...

9. repaint(long) doesn't work for me

10. swiing repaint

have a problem with swing repaintig i have jpanel attached to jframe. jpanel has a paint function and a function to draw a line(this has nothing to do with the whole component it just drtaws a vertical line in panel). when a call is made to repaint followed by a call to draw the line the repaint is never executed immediatly. ...

11. about repaint()

12. Swing repainting with non-identity transform

hi there, i have an application that overrides paintComponent() to draw some graphics (a map of roads) on a JPanel. the painting is done by a "ViewManager" object, that also implements zooming and panning by using the Graphics2D transform. this all works fine... usually. however, when the panel is partially obscured (e.g. by a drop-down menu), it corrupts when redrawn - ...

13. when to use repaint ?

14. Slow repaint when gaining refocus

I couldn't find anything in the archives related to this, so I apologize in advance if this has already be answered. I don't know if this is the case in environments other than Windows, but I notice that Java applications take a relatively long time to repaint their screen after they regain focus. Is this the price to be paid for ...

15. Repainting

16. repaint()

17. SWING Repaint question

Does anyone know why SWING repaints ALL THE TIME?? I know that at the adapter level there are more efficient ways to handle how graphics get displayed on the screen and the repainting a component just because my mouse moved over it is not nessecary if programmed correctly. Anyone know if SWING utalizes overlay buffers anywhere? Thanks.

18. repainting in swing

19. repaint() with delay

I'm having some trouble with swing Graphics. I have some classes similar to the ones below: DrawPanel is a panel with a list of objects to be drawn, and Controller is the user app that controls what's in the list. the user can click on buttons in the Controller to manipulate how many objects are in the list, or highlight them, ...

20. repaint

21. re-repaint

can i change my post in anyway, so that i could get some help.(What i exactly want is to draw or redraw the tree when i have calculated the nodes and predecessors. Or if u guys know where i could get some sample code where i could learn more) hi i was wondering if someone could help me with a problem. ...

22. Don't repaint?

23. Repaint help???

Can anyone tell me how to repaint a component directly, rather than just entering it into the repaint queue. I want to provide a progress bar for a lengthy operation, but my progress bar doesn't get repainted until the entire operation is complete. I've tried: 1) Calling the traditional repaint() method on the progress bar and then calling Thread.sleep(10000). 2) calling ...

24. repaint()

hi.. i am using a JPane object.. Initially it is displaying an empty graph. - (1) once i click on submit it will display the graph. --- (2) now if i hide and activate it(Means say i used Alt + Tab) then it should show (2) instead it is showing (1) ( means it is showing empty graph) Can you please ...

25. cannot get stuff to repaint - please help

The JComponent method revalidate is one of the luxuries of Swing. import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; public class Validation { static JDialog dialog; static JPanel panel; public static void main(String[] args) { final JFrame f = new JFrame(); final JButton open = new JButton("open dialog"), swap = new JButton("swap buttons"), original = new JButton("original"), replaced = new JButton("replaced"); ActionListener l ...

26. repainting

I was working on a program and I could not figure out how to change the background color of the screen when I tried to repaint it. Here's my code: public class drawingPanel extends JPanel { public final static int CIRCLE = 1, SQUARE = 2; private int shape; Dimension mySize = new Dimension(300, 300); protected void paintComponent(Graphics g) { super.paintComponent(g); ...

27. JDK 5.0 RC Repaint Bug

28. java swing repaint

Hi, I want to draw a picture in a JLabel. When I click the image, it will draw a rectangle on it, just like tooltip. I have tried the coding below. But it doesn't work. I get the click position X / Y , and then call repaint() to draw a rect . Thanks package test; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import ...

29. Repaint in propertyChange

Hello, Consider these lines of code: public class myObject extends JPanel implements PropertyChangeListener { // ... public void paint(Graphics g) { super.paint(g); g.drawString("foo", 10, 10); } public void update(Graphics g) { super.update(g); } public void propertyChange(PropertyChangeEvent event) { repaint(); } // ... } I would like to have my panel repainted every time a certain property in an another bean is ...

30. item does not repaint within a list

Overall, my problem is that I have a list of items and when the information for ONLY ONE of those items changes behind the scenes, the item is not repainted. More specifically, I have a JList that contains items of type MyJPanel (which extends JPanel). I provide a simple ListCellRenderer that identifies the MyJPanel object as the rendered of the cell ...

31. repaint()????

I'm not sure what you are trying to do. Here is a simple application that will repaint a panel for you. It will repaint the panel over and over inside the loop (waiting for the user to hit return). package testing; import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.text.*; public class PaintPanel extends JFrame { public PaintPanel() throws { super("duper"); setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); MyPanel ...

32. How to repaint all ancestors?

33. repaint() but no changes until i minimise then maxamise?

I have an application where entering certain numbers changes the data held, I had observers looking at these observables and when they are notified they make changes to what is displayed on screen, one of these is some swing graphics. I do a repaint() in the observer but when I run the app nothing happens until i move the window of ...

34. Repaint in swing

35. Frequent repainting

I have a double for loop inside which I have to repaint JtabbedPane for every cycle. It works well if I put whole method into event-queue thread. But in that situation I can't interrupt this repainting, because pressing the "Stop repainting" button causes its event to came after all repainting had been done. But, on the other side, if I put ...

36. Repaint my swing app

It works! Thank you. But now I am facing another problem. After loading the data and displaying it on content panel I chose to open new input file. So I load the new data and again use the same "addContent" method to display that new info, but the old content remains on the panel and new data does not get uptated ...

37. Regarding repaint()

hi everyone, I have a JinternalFrame in that, am creating Jbuttons Like (add,edit,delete)in one Jpanel,and i am displaying JTable in anotherpanel,for add,edit buttons am creating another internal frame with some textfields ,ok button. here my issue is when i select a row in the table and clicks add or edit button it displays new internal frame and am entering values in ...

38. How to avoid repaint?

Hi, I'm very very new to Java and I'm trying to make a simple graphics program but the thing is, everytime I resize or minimize the window, the graphics change. I know that if I setVisible/minimize/resize the window, paint method is called and graphics are redrawn. How do I avoid that? This is the structure of my program: public class SimpleGraphics ...

39. LList repaint not working

40. Am I using repaint correctly?

Hello I don't have much gui experience so I am not sure I am using repaint correctly in this case. Here is some example code to demonstrate: import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import javax.swing.JApplet; import javax.swing.JButton; import javax.swing.JPanel; public class AppletTest extends JApplet { public void init() { this.getContentPane().add(new PanelA(this)); } } class PanelA extends JPanel { JApplet app = null; public ...

41. Swing repaint() not working / might be a case of RFM / tried a few things but can't get it to work

Hello - repaint() does not work. Classic Swing problem, tried a few things I found online but it's not immediately clear to me...I tried validate, repaint, using a new thread, repainting the whole container all tips I found online but no joy. If it's a case of RTFM feel free to post a link and tell me so :S My training ...

42. Java swing application not repainting

We can't tell what you are doing wrong based on a few lines of code because we don't know the context of how/when the code is executed. Maybe your loop is running on the Event Dispatch Thread and you are preventing the frame from repainting itself since the repaint will only be done when the loop is finished executing. Use a ...

43. Repaint() not working

Here the full code : Java Code: package version1; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.GridLayout; import java.awt.Image; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import javax.swing.Box; import javax.swing.BoxLayout; import javax.swing.Icon; import javax.swing.ImageIcon; import javax.swing.JComboBox; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JLabel; import javax.swing.JPanel; public class Odds_View { private String[] table_stakes = {"20-200","200-2000","2000-20000","20000-200000"}; private JComboBox table_chooser; public JLabel[] Cards_picked = new JLabel[7]; ImageIcon holder = new ImageIcon("CardHolder.jpg"); private Image[] Spades_Image = new ...

44. repaint every

class MyDrawPanel extends JPanel { public static Plegma plegmaObject = new Plegma(); public void paintComponent(Graphics g) { for (int i=1; i

45. repainting more efficiently

I'm making a tower defence game. This involves "monsters" (circles in my case) moving over a path, laid out in a grid of squares, to an end point. The field consists of 30X30 instances of the square class. The path that the monsters take is in an ArrayList called route. When the Timer in the monster instance gives an ActionEvent, the ...

46. repaint without flashing

Hi I'm trying to get this program to paint a square then be able to move it around the screen without flashing.. but it keeps flashing. I would rather have this be swing and not an applet. where should i put the repaint code? Java Code: import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; import java.awt.event.KeyListener; import java.awt.geom.QuadCurve2D; import javax.swing.JApplet; public class DrawingStuff extends JApplet ...

47. Clock is not repainted properly

I am reading 'Introduction to Java Programming' from Y.Daniel Liang. There is a clock implementation in one of the chapters, but when the line of the seconds moves, the old line is not erased. Here is the code: Java Code: package clockanimationproject; /** * * @author skiabox */ import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; import java.util.*; public class StillClock extends JPanel{ private ...

48. Gui greys out and not repainted.