Update « Graphics « Java Swing Q&A

1. Java update UIManager defaults and repaint components    stackoverflow.com

I'm using UIManager to customize some swing components like the example below,

UIManager.put("TextField.background", COLOR_BG);
UIManager.put("TextField.foreground", COLOR_FG);
UIManager.put("TextField.selectionBackground", COLOR_SB);
UIManager.put("TextField.selectionForeground", COLOR_SF);
UIManager.put("TextField.caretForeground", COLOR_CF);
Now after the application starts I want to change some colors, so I call UIManager.put ...

2. java graphics update    stackoverflow.com

hey im trying to make a simple ascii game in java but i cant get the graphics to update on key presses im trying to make it so the guy is controllable ...

3. GUI builder repaint/update    forums.netbeans.org

4. graphics question: paint(), repaint(), update()    coderanch.com

Hi I have a GUI which consists of swing components and I want to paint onto them. For example if somebody select a component I want to paint a rectangle around it. The select event stores the component in a variable and calls repaint(). This shoul call paint() which looks like this: public void paint( graphics g){ draw the rectangle super.paint(g); ...

5. Issues with graphics being repainted/updated    coderanch.com

Ok this is driving me nuts. I have a table located inside of a scrollpane which is inside of a tabbed pane. When the contents of table change, I get some varied results on what gets displayed. If the original contents of the pane was only 6 rows long, when it changes it will only show me the first 6 rows ...

6. why repaint is not updating GUI?    coderanch.com

I am newbie in Swing. I am developing a simple program to add 2 numbers. It contains 2 TextFields and 1 Button. When clicked on button, button handler will add 2 numbers in text fields and puts it in label, add it to the panel. (All components are panel, and panel is added to the frame.) The problem is that after ...

7. Can't get a drawing to update    java-forums.org

import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; public class Temp extends JPanel{ private aDiagram myDiagram = new aDiagram(); public Temp() { } public void paint(Graphics g){ super.paint(g); } private void animate(){ myDiagram.setParameters(10,20,30); myDiagram.drawMyDiag(); try{Thread.sleep(500);} catch(InterruptedException e){System.exit(0);} repaint(); myDiagram.setParameters(40,50,60); myDiagram.drawMyDiag(); } private class myButtonWatcher implements ActionListener { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent a) { animate(); } } } // end of Temp class