visualization « Graphics « Java Swing Q&A

1. Looking for recommendations on open-source Java instrument visualization components

I am putting together an Java application that needs to display some basic lab instrument components. For example, I'd like to display: a strip chart, oscilloscope-style trace, and a panel ...

2. Real time code coverage viewer tool for inspecting live Java apps?

I've been looking for a code coverage viewer aimed at inspecting live Java applications, mostly webapps running inside an application container like Tomcat. Sure, there are a number of decent tools ...

3. Data Visualization Prototype (Java/Eclipse/DAO/Relational DB)

I am building a prototype application which displays various 2D & 3D data charts. I am using a third party library for the charts, the database and data extraction layer have ...

4. Diagramming/visualization java tool

I searched the net for quite some time but couldn't find this.. Perhaps this forum might have ideas? What I need is to visualize in a form of a diagram some network ...

5. Java Reflection Problem

Hi I am currently doing my final year project; I need to develop an algorithm visualization tool. I need to cater for user-defined algo; that is animate the algorithm the user ...

6. Cross platform GUI with a comfortable IDE and GUI designer (Windows/Linux/OS X) and information visualization libraries?

I've been struggling to find a framework/IDE/GUI designer that suits my current needs. I'm working on a project which has the following criteria:

  • .NET / Java are OK but I'm a C/C# ...

7. Java library to visualize database table relationships

Does anyone know of a Java library that would assist in creating a GUI component to visualize the relationships between tables in an SQL database, similar to the Relationships pane in ...

8. GraphZoomScrollPane and VisualizationViewer dependancies

I am struck up in situation where my GraphZoomScrollPane is working really weierdly, where the scroll bars disappear suddenly after some zoom in and zoom out operations. They do come ...

9. Data visualization in Eclipse RCP