JComboBox 2 « JComboBox « Java Swing Q&A

1. JComboBox    coderanch.com

I have a combo box on my form. The box is populated by using a vector that contains a object. The object contains a toString() method which combines a code and a description to form a result :- a - description of a b - description of b etc. I have created a function that pads out the code element of ...

2. JComboBox Height    coderanch.com

Thanks for your help. I am trying to make the height of the dropdown list longer to eliminate the scrollbar and see all the items in the list. I tried your example with jlist.setPreferredSize. However I got a longer list but I still need to scroll to see the last item. I did not succeed in getting rid of the scoll ...

3. JComboBox too short    coderanch.com

4. Comboboxes and grids with JBuilder    coderanch.com

Hello I am a VB programmer trying to learn Java with JBuilder Foundation. I am looking for a Java combobox component with a multicolumn dropdown to use in my database app, and also a grid that will support embedding other controls such as a multicolumn combobox within one of the grid columns. (VB doesn't have such controls.) I was wondering if ...

5. Label in Combobox    coderanch.com

The soul is dyed the color of its thoughts. Think only on those things that are in line with your principles and can bear the light of day. The content of your character is your choice. Day by day, what you do is who you become. Your integrity is your destiny - it is the light that guides your way. - ...

6. JComboBox    coderanch.com

7. ComboBox    coderanch.com

8. JComboBox    coderanch.com

9. Components inside JComboBox    coderanch.com

JCheckBox jc1 = new JCheckBox("chart1"); //jc1.setVisible(true); JCheckBox jc2 = new JCheckBox("chart2"); //jc2.setVisible(true); /* BasicComboBoxRenderer renderer = new BasicComboBoxRenderer(); BoxLayout bl = new BoxLayout(combo,1); renderer.setLayout(bl); -- I don't know how to play with the renderer here */ combo.add(jc1); combo.add(jc2); //combo.setRenderer(renderer); // combo.setVisible(true); JPanel pane = new JPanel(new GridLayout(0, 1)); pane.add(button); pane.add(combo); pane.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder( 30, //top 30, //left 10, //bottom 30) //right );

10. Collections with JComboBox    coderanch.com

11. MultipleSelect JComboBox    coderanch.com

import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.util.*; import java.util.List; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicComboBoxRenderer; public class ComboSelections { private JPanel getContent() { // We need to keep track of the selections SelectionManager manager = new SelectionManager(); // and make the selection state available to the renderer. MultiRenderer renderer = new MultiRenderer(manager); Object[] items = { "George", "Greta", "Jenny", "Anna", "Pieter", "Antonio", "Susan", "Tom" ...

12. How to handle JComboBox?    coderanch.com

13. SetEditable is not working with combobox    coderanch.com

I am working with table and using combo box in cell of table in certain condition I have to make combo as editable and non editable. I have written class which extends DefaultCellEditor @Override public Component getTableCellEditorComponent(JTable table, Object value, boolean flag, int row, int column) { comboBox.getModel()).setSelectedItem(value.toString()); comboBox.setEditable(true); } if i set comboBox.setEditable(true). cell become editable but not able to ...

14. JComboBox in panel    coderanch.com

here is the sample after i run it: i separate the panel and frame as different class. here is my panel class: import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; public class CustBookPanel extends javax.swing.JPanel { public CustBookPanel() { initComponents(); } private void initComponents() { titleLabel = new javax.swing.JLabel(); sp1 = new javax.swing.JSeparator(); fnLabel = new javax.swing.JLabel(); lnLabel = new javax.swing.JLabel(); contactLabel = ...

15. working with combo box and file chooser    coderanch.com

neeed help in identifying the problem with my code.And also,i have been trying to create an application that i can attach a passport using the file chooser but failed.please how do i achieve this fast.thanks in advance. import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; public class TestComboBox extends JFrame{ private int num[]=new int[89]; private JComboBox box[]; public TestComboBox(){ JPanel panel=new JPanel(); panel.setLayout(new ...

16. JComboBox & Java 6    coderanch.com

Since upgrading to Java 6 and NetBeans 5.5, I have noticed that when a selection at index 0 (zero) in my JComboBox is made the designated action is not fired. It was working perfectly until Java 6. The code below gets a keyword from a textfield and adds it to a method that launches a browser. I inserted a println() call ...

17. Using Multiple JComboBoxes    coderanch.com

I am currently working on a project that requires use of multiple JComboBoxes on one page, I am using JFrame in order to work it out. The problem I am having is that its not displaying the images that are from each drop-down list don't show up, neither of them show and its confusing me. I have spaced everything out and ...

18. ComboBox Id    coderanch.com

19. Forcing a JComboBox to stay open    coderanch.com

First off: I have made a JComboBox that contains JCheckBox components inside of it when it is expanded. The ideal situation would be for a user to open the combobox, check off all the options they want, and then click somewhere else on the gui to make the combo box collapse. The current situation is this: the user opens the combo ...

20. jCombobox itemdata trouble    coderanch.com

Dear friends, I have a jComboBox in which i have to display certain Values and when the user selects those values, I have to retrieve the corresponding ids of those values stored in a separate field. I searched the net and found that i would have to put some cellrenderer and probably extend something called Mutablecombobox model or something like that. ...

21. Color Chooser JComboBox    coderanch.com

I'm working on a project where I need to be able to choose colors from a JComboBox. The catch is some of the colors have stripes. I've looked at a few tutorials and none seem to help. What I currently have is a JPanel as the component to be drawn in the list. Here's the code: public class ColorStrip extends JPanel ...

22. JcomboBox vanishing occasionally    coderanch.com

23. Transparent JcomboBox    coderanch.com

24. ComboBox Output confusion...    coderanch.com

I am creating a basic program for a user to input a first and last name, and have the inputs output to a .txt file. I added a combo box with Mr., Mrs., etc, and I cant seem to get the output of the combo box working, Ive been fooling around with it for a while, and was wondering if anyone ...

25. JComboBox    coderanch.com

I have a combo box on my form. The box is populated by using a vector that contains a object. The object contains a toString() method which combines a code and a description to form a result :- a - description of a b - description of b etc. I have created a function that pads out the code element of ...

26. JComboBoxes    coderanch.com

hi, I'm working a on a program that kinda simulate a Car Dealer (browse and maybe buy) problem I'm having here is that I've got 2 JComboBoxes that allows the user to choose how they was to browse. The first box has a list of browsing methods, which, when selected, sets items for a second JCombobox (example: "Car Type" when selected ...

27. jcombobox trouble    coderanch.com

28. JComboBox    coderanch.com

29. JComboBox (again!!)    coderanch.com

I'm having a problem updating the ComboBox. The ComboBox is filled using a Vector containing a name, the contents of the Vector are cast to Strings, and displayed in the ComboBox. However, a problem arises when an item is removed from the Vector list, the ComboBox does not update Is there an easy way to update this. The Vector itself is ...

30. writeUTF and JComboBox    coderanch.com

I'm creating a program that will save what the user enters into a file and in the end check to see if what the user typed in is correct and have it display whether or not it is correct. My problem is I created a JComboBox and I'm wanting to save whatever the user clicked on in the JComboBox and its ...

31. ComboBox component (not JComboBox)    coderanch.com

I am having difficulty with a combobox in Java. I have the combobox set up the items are loaded from a database. That all works. After the 100 or so items are loaded from the database and I click on the combobox arrow to display the combobox list, the combobox list extends the whole length of my frame and overlaps into ...

32. Why Obejct == JComboBox legal?    coderanch.com

33. JComboBox not entirely working    coderanch.com

34. combobox query    coderanch.com

Hello I am adding item in one combo box and ther is another combo box in which same item is added simultaneously and i have written itemlistener to 2nd combo box..but when i am adding item to that combo box it is going in statechanged function though it is not changing its state..is adding an item to the combo box indicates ...

35. JcomboBox    coderanch.com

focus requests will only work after the component is 'realized' - packed or visible a textfield in a comboBox is an editorComponent - you need to access that if it's in a tabbedPane, focus (since about 1.4) has been a problem (not sure if fixed in recent versions) easiest way for a solution is for you to post a sample program ...

36. jcombobox.getEditor().getItem() empty    coderanch.com

37. differentiate between combo box    coderanch.com

hi friends, i am using two combo box in same program and i am adding both to itemListener class. when the user selects the the item in combo box i need to know from which combo box he is selecting.. based on that i will perform some action. I got struck here. Help me. bye, vino.

38. JComboBox doubt    coderanch.com

I have a doubt also. can you read english? in your numerous posts, you have been repeatedly asked to post a compilable program, so we can see 'exactly' what you are doing, and can test possible solutions. just posting snippets creates a '20 guesses' scenario, which most won't play. so, if you really want a solution, read the link (provided 20 ...

39. JComboBox    coderanch.com

import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.util.*; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.plaf.basic.*; public class ComboBoxItem extends JFrame implements ActionListener { public ComboBoxItem() { Vector model = new Vector(); model.addElement( new Item(1, "car" ) ); model.addElement( new Item(2, "plane" ) ); model.addElement( new Item(3, "train" ) ); model.addElement( new Item(4, "boat" ) ); JComboBox comboBox; // Easiest approach is to just override toString() method ...

40. JComboBox    coderanch.com

Thanks for the help Rob. I applied the focus listener to each child in the combo box, and this seemed to work on a click. New problem, is navigating the table with the arrow keys. When I am over one of these combo box cells and start typing, it should jump into editable mode. Like a click. Both a click and ...

41. combo box    coderanch.com

42. Regarding Combobox Swing    coderanch.com

43. how to use class in JCombobox?    coderanch.com

hi guys, how can I use a class in JCombobox? scenario: i have a class that creats an autocomplete for jcombobox and i want it to use in my jcombobox that i added in other JFrame using drag and drop, these Jframe and the autocomplete/history class are on the same package. here is the autocomplete class code: import java.awt.Component; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; ...

45. Something wierd happening regard to JComboBox    coderanch.com

static StringBuffer typedChars = new StringBuffer(); static class ComboBoxEditorKeyListener extends KeyAdapter { @Override public void keyTyped(KeyEvent e) { int key = e.getKeyChar(); if (key == KeyEvent.VK_BACK_SPACE) { if (typedChars.length() > 1) { typedChars.deleteCharAt(typedChars.length() - 1); } else if (typedChars.length() == 1) { typedChars.deleteCharAt(typedChars.length() - 1); box.removeAllItems(); box.hidePopup(); return; } else { return; } } else if (key != KeyEvent.VK_ENTER & key ...

46. setEditable(true) function of jcombobox not working    coderanch.com

Hi, I am not sure why you are getting the problem but when i tried it, i was able to get the screen as required. package test; import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.event.WindowAdapter; import java.awt.event.WindowEvent; import javax.swing.JComboBox; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JPanel; public class NewTest extends JPanel{ public NewTest(){ String[] petStrings = { "Bird", "Cat", "Dog", "Rabbit", "Pig" }; JComboBox[] combos = new JComboBox[10]; ...

47. combobox    coderanch.com

48. JComboBox    coderanch.com

Hello All, I want to initialize my combobox with objects from my database table. What I want is combobox should display description of the selected object while it gives me id of that record when I am submitting the window for saving my record. e.g. I am having five districts in my district_mst table. Pune, Bangalore, Hyderabad, Chennai, Ahmedabad are descriptions ...

49. JComboBox show just one line.    coderanch.com

private void cbProdutosFocusLost(java.awt.event.FocusEvent evt) { // TODO add your handling code here: cbFormulas.removeAllItems(); int codProd = parsearString(cbProdutos.getSelectedItem().toString()); String sql = "SELECT id || '-' || nome AS idnome FROM formulas, prodform "+ "WHERE "+ codProd +" <> produto "+ "GROUP BY id, nome ORDER BY id;"; System.out.println(codProd); conFormProd.executarSQL(sql); try{ while(conFormProd.resultset.next()){ cbFormulas.addItem(conFormProd.resultset.getString("idnome")); } } catch(SQLException ex){ System.out.println("Erro. "+ex); } }

50. HOw to make Jcombobox mandatory?    coderanch.com

53. Jcombobox    coderanch.com

Hi guys, Im new to the forum i have been programming on and off for 3 years now i wouldnt call myself a great programmer in the slightest however im making a complex program atm which i hope you can all help me with if i need any help right now ive just made 2 little static combo boxes with Hour ...

54. jcombobox info    coderanch.com

55. How to connect multiple combo boxes?    coderanch.com

Hello, can someone help me to figure out how to connect multiple combo boxes in Java? The thing is that I need like 5 combo boxes and every time you select something in the previous combo box, the list in the next combo box gets changed to the condition set in the previous combo box. I found this example on then ...

56. Onchange JCombobox    coderanch.com

Hello fellow Java lovers, I have two swing combo boxes. We will call the first one parent, and the second one dependant. When the dialog box is drawn, a search in a database is performed to get the correct Object[] (depends on the user and what the user has saved to date), for the parent JCombobox. What I want is, when ...

57. How to handle more than two combobox    coderanch.com

Hi, I have 4 combo box and m adding values to combo box depending on previous combo box value. n when user selects another value in same combo box i just called removeAllItems(); on combo box.so that previous values gets deleted. .it is working for only 2 combo boxes. but it gives null pointer exception for more than 2 combo box. ...

58. JComboBox stores same    coderanch.com

Hi, The comboBox below, or variable str stores the table name selected thorugh the dropdown of the combobox twice. System.out.println(str); outputs: test5 test5 Also; constructor initialization in the related class (public class Dat extends AbstractTableModel) through dtable = new Dat(str); happens twice, and since I use the table name to open the table for reading, the table gets opened twice. I ...

59. JComboBox    java-forums.org

Hi to everyone, i am new here, but not to Java, I'm programming in Java quite some time. I have a lot of experience with network programming, but I mostly used command prompt, but now I'm using mostly Swing, and I'm writing all the code. Because of that I joined you all, to exchange experience mostly in Swing. So my first ...

60. Ultimate challenge in JComboBox    java-forums.org

I want to set text in my combobox with different fonts and with more than one item of every font type. This is my code which need changes import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.util.*; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.plaf.basic.*; public class ComboBoxFonts extends JFrame implements ItemListener { // JTextArea textArea; JComboBox comboBox; public Font abiFont = new Font("Arial Black Italic",Font.PLAIN,20); public Font ...

61. Got some trouble with JComboBox    java-forums.org

I have some code like this: int i ; for( i = 0 ; i < jComboBox1.getItemCount(); i++) { if(jComboBox1.getSelectedIndex() == i) { jComboBox2.addItem(jComboBox1.getSelectedItem()); } } int index = jComboBox1.getSelectedIndex(); jComboBox1.removeItemAt(index); I have 2 comboBox , first have 3 items , second have nothing. I want : when we choose any item of First ComboBox, it will auto add to Second ...

62. JComboBox Functionality    java-forums.org

Is it possible to populate a JComboBox with a list of files from a specific directory on your local machine? I'd rather not use a Browse button so to speak, I like having the drop down menu because we're only going to be working out of one directory. Any direction is appreciated! Monc

63. [SOLVED] JComboBox    java-forums.org

Hi there, My app has got an array of JComboBox named comboBox and they have actionListeners attached. The question is how do I determine the array index of the comboBox that fired the event? I need to know so that I can transfer the chosen value in comboBox to a JTextField with an identical array index. Thanks.

65. multiple combo boxes    java-forums.org

hi i have a gui which has 2 JcomboBox's, and i pass them in a control class which either implements ActionListener or ItemListener ie Java Code: public class Control implements ActionListener,ItemListener{ DefaultComboBoxModel clientNumberModel = new DefaultComboBoxModel (); DefaultComboBoxModel itemNumberModel = new DefaultComboBoxModel (); public Control() { ...... // add the data to the models setupComboModels(); } public ActionPerformed(actionEvent e) { if(e.getActionCommand.equalsIgnoreCade("clientNumber)) ...

66. SAME JComboBox in 2 JPanles?    java-forums.org

67. Comparing two combo boxes    java-forums.org

Okay, so I have two combo boxes formed from the same array of strings. I need the user to select a to and from from each combo box. I need to make sure that the to and from values aren't the same when a button is pressed and I've tried using == and .equals() to make sure but every time, regardless ...

68. combobox    java-forums.org

Hi all, I've been trying to get this done but really don't know how to. I have a button action listener implementation inside a combobox itemlistener implementation. My problem is whenever i select a combobox event my button listener is activating.I want my button listener to be activated only once when i hit my button. when I select my editable combobox ...

69. Combo Box Checking    java-forums.org

I am trying to make a combo box so that when i click a button it check if it is empty or not and if it is empty it show a message and I tried a few things like .getselectindex and other one similar to that anyone have any idea what it is thank any help would be nice.

70. JComboBox and UpperCase ?    java-forums.org

71. HashMap and ComboBox    java-forums.org

Java Code: import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.util.*; import javax.swing.*; public class MapCombo { private JPanel getContent() { final Map map = getMap(); JComboBox combo = new JComboBox(); Set keys = map.keySet(); Iterator it = keys.iterator(); while(it.hasNext()) { String key = it.next(); combo.addItem(key); } combo.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { JComboBox combo = (JComboBox)e.getSource(); String key = (String)combo.getSelectedItem(); ...

72. JComboBox setDisabledTextColor    java-forums.org

73. [SOLVED] How to set insets for JComboBox.......?    java-forums.org

Hi Members, I have to set insets for JCombobox, like we set for textbox and other components. But for JCombobox there is no option of setInsets(); function. Please help me in this. But we tried by setting border for JCombobox, however we face some look and feel issues, regards to Windows and Linux. Looking forward for your reply. Regards, Prabhu.

74. Interesting topic in JComboBox    java-forums.org

I want to set different english fonts in my comboBox and also i want more than one item of every font type in my comboBox. This is my code which need changes import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.util.*; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.plaf.basic.*; public class ComboBoxFonts extends JFrame implements ItemListener { // JTextArea textArea; JComboBox comboBox; public Font abiFont = new Font("Arial ...

75. JCombobox    java-forums.org

76. JComboBoxes    java-forums.org

Hey All Ive been asked to create an interface that executes a search of cars that are listed in an inventory. Ive created everything for this but im having trouble using several JComboBox's to search different parameters. I have linked all the JComboBox's to different enum classes. Please can you help me by advising me on how to link my JComboBox's ...

77. JComboBox tutorial    java-forums.org

Hi, I am developing a database application (is that the right term?), my employer want to load very unique record in a column/field so they can choose/auto search thats why I use JComboBox and set editable to true. Now I am having problems and a little bit confuse on handling JComboBox. I just want to ask for websites that expalin well ...

78. JComboBox    java-forums.org

Hi All, Newbie here looking for a bit of advice! I find these things hard to explain so I'll just tell you what is on my GUI - At the top there are 2 combo boxes with 4 options each(say a,b,c,d in each one). There is also a button that says Calculate and a text field for the output to go ...

79. Complex GUI 60 JComboBox + 40+ JTextBox    java-forums.org

05-12-2011 04:36 PM #1 Paul_White Member Join Date Apr 2011 Posts 15 Rep Power 0 Complex GUI 60 JComboBox + 40+ JTextBox Firstly let me once again thank the folks who have helped me before. I have (I thought for ease of making) created this as a Visual Class. This is the first visual class I have tried to ...

80. JComboBox Info    java-forums.org

I am writing an application that the user takes the amount of items they want from a comboBox. I then want to parse/convert back the content to an integer the problem that i am having is that content i am getting is of type Object and i don't know how to convert it to int. Can some one direct me with ...

81. Null pointer when accessing a JComboBox    java-forums.org

Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.NullPointerException at AlgorithmAnalyzer.GUI$SelectListener.actionPerformed(GUI.java:60) at javax.swing.AbstractButton.fireActionPerformed(Unknown Source) at javax.swing.AbstractButton$Handler.actionPerformed(Unknown Source) at javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel.fireActionPerformed(Unknown Source) at javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel.setPressed(Unknown Source) at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicButtonListener.mouseReleased(Unknown Source) at java.awt.Component.processMouseEvent(Unknown Source) at javax.swing.JComponent.processMouseEvent(Unknown Source) at java.awt.Component.processEvent(Unknown Source) at java.awt.Container.processEvent(Unknown Source) at java.awt.Component.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source) at java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source) at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent(Unknown Source) at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.retargetMouseEvent(Unknown Source) at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.processMouseEvent(Unknown Source) at java.awt.LightweightDispatcher.dispatchEvent(Unknown Source) at java.awt.Container.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source) at java.awt.Window.dispatchEventImpl(Unknown Source) at java.awt.Component.dispatchEvent(Unknown Source) ...

83. Double ItemEvents sent by JComboBox    java-forums.org

Hi. Here is the code: Java Code: import java.awt.FlowLayout; import java.awt.event.ItemEvent; import java.awt.event.ItemListener; import javax.swing.JComboBox; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JLabel; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; public class MyComboBoxClass extends JFrame { private JComboBox myJComboBox; private JLabel myJLabel; private static final String[] names = {"","Simpons", "Beavies & Butthead", "South Park", "Ninja Turtles", "Gone With The Wind", "Dilbert"}; public MyComboBoxClass() { super( "Which is not a cartoon? ...

84. How to use JcomboBox on Netbeans??    forums.oracle.com

85. JComboBox    forums.oracle.com

Hi all I am writing a portion of a large program which is adding the required functionality when a button is pressed. I need to get values from 2 JComboBoxes and one JTextField and pass these to a method (which does some calculations)from an interface. Now, the method takes 3 Strings as parameters, so I am wondering how to extract the ...

86. jComboBox    forums.oracle.com

Is it a string value or number value? If it is a string then when building the GUI setPreferredSize for te JComboBox and extend its length (this might or might not work depending upon the layout manager your using). If it is a number then try using BigDecimal or BidNumber or something like that.

87. Swings: JComboBox    forums.oracle.com

88. Options from the "jComboBox" are clashing    forums.oracle.com

Please read the combobox tutorial here: http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/uiswing/components/combobox.html It will tell you that in this situation it is better to add an ActionListener to the combobox than an ItemListener. For one, the ActionListener only gets fired once when a selection change is made rather than twice for teh ItemListener. Also, please learn how to make an SSCCE that is readable by others ...

89. jcombobox    forums.oracle.com

90. Local "img src" in JComboBox    forums.oracle.com

91. JComboBox    forums.oracle.com

ImageIcon schoolIcon = new ImageIcon ("c:\\users\\brandon\\pictures schoolbell.gif"); String [] numberGrades = {"1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "11", "12", "13", "14", "15", "16", "17", "18", "19", "20", "21", "22", "23", "24", "25", "26", "27", "28", "29", "30", "31", "32", "33", "34", "35", "36", "37", "38", "39", "40", "41", "42", "43", "44", "45", "46", "47", "48", "49", "50"}; ...

92. Many JComboBoxes to interact between them    forums.oracle.com

I suppose you could all of the combo boxes in a collection, or even an array, and iterate through the collection, polling for the result. [edit] Or since the combos will not be changing, I suppose you could just hardcode your formula to poll each combo for its result. Question: If some results will be yes/no such as tobacco use, history ...

93. Repopulating a JComboBox    forums.oracle.com

94. JComboBox    forums.oracle.com

Thanks, that makes it a lot clearer. Of course, you could always use an IDE with a visual GUI creator, something that both Eclipse and Netbeans can use. Many poo-poo them, but until you get used to swing, I have to admit that they do increase your productivity some. You have to do less of the usual GUI production iteration: code ...

95. JComboBox    forums.oracle.com

hello, iv created a combobox and have used a mehtod to populate it. i have limited the the size of it to (10). i am basically using it to view a list cos i dont want to use a JList. is there any way i can disable the blue cursor?? im using rmi and the client updates every second or so ...

96. Call sql statement from JComboBox component    forums.oracle.com

Hi there, I Have created a frame to populate two JComboBoxs, I'm populating the first one from a database using SQL, this datable is showing the category to below every report. anybody know how can I select from my first JComboBox a record a call a second SQL statement acutomatic, the idea is populate me second JCombox with data like my ...

98. JComboBox    forums.oracle.com

99. jComboBox    forums.oracle.com

I setup a simple GUI that has jComboBox and jTextFields, I have a jButton when pressed will output to a text file. Is there a method to do if / else statements with jComboBox? Here is what I came up with so far: if (jComboBox2 = 'test') { fileOut.write("true"); } else (jComboBox2 = 'false') { fileOut.write("true"); This wont work but this ...

100. JComboBox fills everything that it can    forums.oracle.com