Vector « JComboBox « Java Swing Q&A

1. Help with a Swing JFrame with 3 comboboxes and a vector variable

I created a Swing JFrame with 3 comboboxes and a vector variable to populate them, but all comboboxes are empty on execution of code. Can someone tell me what is wrong.

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2. Calling a method of an object through a Vector

This is a part of a larger program that I'm doing where the user can create a Flight object by entering data into JTextFields. The data is stored into a ...

3. JComboBox with Vector

import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.util.*; class Testing extends JFrame { Vector vec = new Vector(Arrays.asList(new String[]{"London","Madrid","New York","Rome","Sydney","Washington"})); JComboBox cbo = new JComboBox(vec); public Testing() { setLocation(400,300); setDefaultCloseOperation(EXIT_ON_CLOSE); JPanel jp = new JPanel(); JButton btn = new JButton("Add"); jp.add(cbo); jp.add(btn); getContentPane().add(jp); pack(); btn.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){ public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae){ String newCity = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(getContentPane(),"Add City:"); vec.add(newCity); cbo.setModel(new DefaultComboBoxModel(vec)); }}); } public ...

4. about array or vector and JCombobox?

5. problem using vectors and jcomboboxes

I am working on a program that integrates with mysql. I am querying the database and using a vector to populate a JcomboBox with the results . This is done as the GUI gets built and is working fine. Based on the item chosen in the first JcomboBox I want to popultate the second JcomboBox. I am using an action listener ...

6. Trying to get JComboBox to "repopulate" with increased java.util.Vector

This code: webAddressBox = null; sets the reference webAddressBox to null, but it doesn't do anything to the object that you've added to your gui elsewhere (presumably). Without seeing the rest of the code I can't be sure, but I don't think you should create a new JComboBox each time, you should just work with the data that combobox holds. You ...

7. Fill JComboBox with Vector from database

8. JComboBox and Vectors

Hi. I am developing an application in netbeans 5.0 using java 6. I would like to place a JComboBox on my GUI using the palette but am not sure how to set the items in the list as coming from a vector, without defining the JComboBox constructor from scratch, as I am able to place the JComboBox where I want it ...