Copy « JEditorPane « Java Swing Q&A

1. Problem copying HTML from JEditorPane to external applications

I'm having trouble copying HTML from JEditorPane to system clipboard and then pasting into other applications:

  • OpenOffice 3.2 - Says "Requested clipboard format isn't available"
  • Thunderbird 3.13 - Does nothing on paste
  • Firefox 3.6.9 ...

2. Copy & Paste from a JEditorPane

Hi fellow programmers, I'm trying to figure if there is an easy way to add copy & paste with the system clipboard to my Java application, more concrete to a JEditorFrame in a JInternalFrame? Typically users would copy text written in Word and paste it into my application for ease. From what I've read it's not possible to get simple markup ...

3. Disable Copy in JEditorPane

import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.text.*; import java.awt.*; class Testing extends JFrame { public Testing() { setLocation(300,200); setDefaultCloseOperation(EXIT_ON_CLOSE); JPanel jp = new JPanel(); JEditorPane ep = new JEditorPane() //{public void copy(){}public void cut(){}} //uncomment this line to stop cut/copy ; ep.setText("copy/cut from here"); ep.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(300,200)); JTextField tf = new JTextField("paste here") //{public void paste(){}}//uncomment this line to stop paste ; jp.add(ep); getContentPane().add(jp,BorderLayout.CENTER); getContentPane().add(tf,BorderLayout.SOUTH); ...

4. Copy n' Paste in JEditorPane wraps text in new css..?

Hi all, I am writing a wysiwyg editor for html documents. I am using a JEditorPane with HTMLEditorKit. When a user copies and pastes text, or if they highlight text and drag it, the text that they moved gets wrapped in all the css divs that were wrapping the entire document. So if I have a css border wrapping everything, copy ...

5. How to copy image from JEditorPane

6. Copy n' Paste in JEditorPane wraps text in new css..?

Click to email this message Click to edit this message... Hi all, I am writing a wysiwyg editor for html documents. I am using a JEditorPane with HTMLEditorKit. When a user copies and pastes text, or if they highlight text and drag it, the text that they moved gets wrapped in all the css divs that were wrapping the entire document. ...