JFileChooser 1 « JFileChooser « Java Swing Q&A

1. Alternative to JFileChooser    stackoverflow.com

I've a request to make some changes to a little applet that currently use a JFileChooser.
One of the main complaints is that the file chooser is a pain in the ...

2. JFileChooser on OS X    stackoverflow.com

JFileChooser looks nothing like the native widget. I seem to remember reading some hack to get it look like the native widget but searching for it know i can't seem to ...

3. Swing: JFileChooser with favorites?    stackoverflow.com

I'm working on an application which needs to select files. JFileChooser is a great start, but I need to augment it. I can start it at one particular directory ...

4. Set the Location of the JFileChooser    stackoverflow.com

How can we set the location of the JFileChooser window, I tried setLocation() and setBounds() methods but it doesn't works.

5. Why Java Jbutton is not calling JFileChooser correctly?    stackoverflow.com

The following code was generated automatically by Netbeans 6.8 Mac version

public class fileBrowser extends javax.swing.JPanel {

/** Creates new form fileBrowser */
public fileBrowser() {

/** This method is called ...

6. Read / write program in Java using JFileChooser    stackoverflow.com

How would I link the file choosen from a JFileChooser to a file and how would I convert it to string being able to display and edit it in a TextArea? I ...

7. NullPointerException when showing JFileChooser    stackoverflow.com

I show a JFileChooser with this snippet:

public File getDestination() {
    JFileChooser chooser = new JFileChooser();
    int option = chooser.showSaveDialog(null);

8. Bringing JFileChooser on top of all windows    stackoverflow.com

I seem to have a problem with my very simple implementation of a file chooser dialogue that requires me to minimize Netbeans each time in order to get to it, and ...

9. JFilechooser for a remote server    stackoverflow.com

I have a java application that, at some stage, select files from the local filesystem using JFileChooser.showOpenDialog(). Now I want it in a client-server setup. This means opening a GUI(file browser) for ...

10. JFile Chooser Query    stackoverflow.com

How to display JFile-Chooser at the Center of the screen. The conventional method of using ToolKit is not working.

11. jfilechooser better look?    stackoverflow.com

When I'm using JFileChooser application in my program on Windows 7 it display such window: Metal JFileChooser But when I run the JWS File Chooser Demo it displays much ...

12. JFileChooser fails    stackoverflow.com

In my code at a certain point i have this code

void selectRoot() {
        JFileChooser ch = new JFileChooser();

13. Java JFilechooser    stackoverflow.com

I would like to be able to control the appearance of the JFileChooser. In particular I would like to save how the JFileChooser was displayed when it was last shown. I ...

14. Java JFilechooser customization    stackoverflow.com

further to my question Java JFilechooser. It was suggested to extend BasicFileChooserUI, overriding create/getModel and providing an implementation of BasicDirectoryModel. I attempted this however, I could not achieve it. JFileChooser does ...

15. Java application using JFileChooser , will work in Eclipse plug in or not?    stackoverflow.com

I have written java application which uses JDT ,eclipse 3.6.1 and asks the user to choose a input file using JFileChooser. Now I want to convert this to eclipse plugin , ...

16. Java: JFileChooser getting international filenames    stackoverflow.com

I am using JFileChooser and getting file names with Chinese characters in them. JFileChooser displays them properly, and I want to be able to capture these file names and display them ...

17. JFileChooser from a command line program and popping up Underneath all windows    stackoverflow.com

Ive implemented the jFileChooser in my command line program and it works, just as it should with only one annoying issue. It seems that it opens underneath every window with ...

18. JFileChooser inside JPanel; how to get users choice    stackoverflow.com

The default JFileChooser works, but what I don't like is the fact that it pops up. I'd rather have one GUI in which all the action takes place. Now, I did manage ...

19. Two JFileChooser objects in one frame    stackoverflow.com

I'm trying to put two FileChoosers into one frame and use them there

frame = new JFrame("XBrowser");
frame.setLayout(new BorderLayout());

JFileChooser fc1 = new JFileChooser("c:\\");

JFileChooser fc2 = new JFileChooser("d:\\");


it always returns null. ofc, when I ...

20. JFileChooser giving NullPointerException    bytes.com

The argument to the showOpenDialog method specifies the parent component for the dialog. The parent component affects the position of the dialog and the frame that the dialog depends on. For ...

21. Getting jFileChooser to appear only when needed    forums.netbeans.org

I'm in the process of creating a GUI for a Java application. For the most part it's pretty straightforward. I take a component and drop it in the frame and Netbeans ...

22. JFileChooser it loads slowly    forums.netbeans.org

// this is the image from the camera initialize to null fromCam = null; ...

23. JFileChooser    forums.netbeans.org

Code: ... private void jMenuItem1FocusGained(java.awt.event.FocusEvent evt) { JFileChooser c = new JFileChooser(); // Demonstrate "Open" dialog: int rVal = c.showOpenDialog(FileChooserTest.this); if (rVal == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) { filename.setText(c.getSelectedFile().getName()); ...

24. JFileChooser    forums.netbeans.org

Code: ... private void jMenuItem1FocusGained(java.awt.event.FocusEvent evt) { JFileChooser c = new JFileChooser(); // Demonstrate "Open" dialog: int rVal = c.showOpenDialog(FileChooserTest.this); if (rVal == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) { filename.setText(c.getSelectedFile().getName()); ...

25. JFileChooser Usage    forums.netbeans.org

I am using the JFileChooser and would like to know how to read in the path to the file and to display that path in a text box. Thanks in advance.

26. JFileChooser    coderanch.com

Hi! I need help in using JFileChooser. 1. I want to set the file type so that when the users want to open a file, they can only see <.dat> file. This is my code: JFileChooser fc = new JFileChooser(); fc.addChoosableFileFilter(new MyFilter()); fc.setAcceptAllFileFilterUsed(false); class MyFilter extends javax.swing.filechooser.FileFilter { public boolean accept(File file) { return file.getAbsolutePath().endsWith (".dat"); } public String getDescription() { ...

27. Importing java.swing.JFileChooser in a jsp    coderanch.com

Configuration: MyEclipse Enterprise Workbench Version: 6.5.1 GA I am creating a web application using jsp's. I have the import statement in a page directive as follows: <%@page import = java.swing.JFileChooser %> The error message is: The import java.swing cannot be resolved I thought perhaps I should set a vm argument, but I am puzzled as to what type of run configuration ...

28. JFileChooser & JPopupMenu    coderanch.com

29. JFileChooser    coderanch.com

30. JFileChooser options    coderanch.com

Thanks for the helpful advice. The thing about the Directories only is great! However, I still need to change the text of the automatic messages (so I can internationalize them) I don't want to see the "Display as List" icon I don't want to see the "Display Details" icon I don't wnat to see the "Files of type" label or input ...

31. Setting up JFileChooser?    coderanch.com

32. JFileChooser override    coderanch.com

33. JFileChooser    coderanch.com

34. JFileChooser    coderanch.com

35. JFileChooser    coderanch.com

// Note: source for ExampleFileFilter can be found in FileChooserDemo, // under the demo/jfc directory in the Java 2 SDK, Standard Edition. ExampleFileFilter filter = new ExampleFileFilter(); filter.addExtension("jpg"); filter.addExtension("gif"); filter.setDescription("JPG & GIF Images"); chooser.setFileFilter(filter); int returnVal = chooser.showOpenDialog(parent); if(returnVal == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) { System.out.println("You chose to open this file: " + chooser.getSelectedFile().getName()); }

36. JFileChooser    coderanch.com

37. JFileChooser    coderanch.com

Hi, I want to export data from a JTable to .xls,.tab etc. files. I am using a file chooser for saving these files. I am using a user-choosable filtering. I want to display in the combobox (which displays files of type) in the file chooser only some particular extensions, even if there are no files with those extensions exists in the ...

38. Query on JFileChooser class    coderanch.com

39. JfileChooser and Accessibility    coderanch.com

I have an Open file dialog box in my program which is for blind and visually impaired users. So the user will be using a Screen Reader to read the dialog box. But what I want to do is allow full control of the dialog box by just using the keyboard. Currently I cannot figure out which key will let me ...

40. JFileChooser    coderanch.com

41. JFileChooser    coderanch.com

Hi All, I have a application with a GUI for the user to select the file on which he wants to operate, here i use JFIleChooser Class to do this for me. On Click of a button I instantiate object of JFileChooser and set some of the properties and call the showOpenDialog() Method. On the event of click of button the ...

42. JFileChooser    coderanch.com

43. Customizing JFileChooser    coderanch.com

44. JFileChooser and network drives    coderanch.com

45. JFileChooser    coderanch.com

46. Swing JFileChooser    coderanch.com

47. JFileChooser    coderanch.com

48. Difficulties with JFileChooser    coderanch.com

49. JFileChooser!    coderanch.com

50. JFileChooser    coderanch.com

It's not a huge problem, but I think it's a little inconvenient sometimes. Let's say one writes a filename, then wants to save it in another directory, then one has to either select the text, then copy it or write the name again. Also if one wants a similar or identical filename to a file in another directory, then one can ...

51. JFileChooser    coderanch.com

Napoleon, Glad to see you could take time away from death to visit us folks here at JavaRanch. However, we do have a rule that we really like our members to follow. And that would be the Naming Convention. Names cannot be obviously fictitious. Did I spell that right? Anyway, you can find our Naming policy as well as a link ...

52. JFileChooser    coderanch.com

53. "Hosted" JFileChooser woes    coderanch.com

54. modified jfilechooser...    coderanch.com

55. JFileChooser    coderanch.com

Hello All, If you run my code you will see that the first window that comes up is the (start csv load). then you click on the Get CSV File button and it opens up the JFileChooser, then when you have selected the file you want to use, it then goes into Data loader pane that holds the JTable. The problem ...

56. JFileChooser UI    coderanch.com

57. JFileChooser    coderanch.com

58. about JFileChooser    coderanch.com

Hi, I am palying with JFileChooser, I put out some code and it does shows a openDialog box when run. Problem is the program does NOT terminate after I choose a file & click OK. (I did not see the promt appear) Please advise if I did something wrong ? import javax.swing.JFileChooser; import javax.swing.filechooser.FileFilter; import java.io.File; class FDialog { public static ...

59. JFileChooser    coderanch.com

I have a JFileChooser in Motif and I have encountered a puzzling problem. When in Motif, the openDialog contains an "Update" button in addition to the usual "Approve" and "Cancel" buttons. I'm looking for a way to change the behavior of this "Update" button, or better yet...just delete the button from the dialog. I can't seem to find anything anywhere in ...

60. JFileChooser    coderanch.com

Hi Can anyone know how to get the Absolute path of the file For Eg. I have file d:\java\test\book.xml Output is d:\java\test\book.xml I have used the getAbsoluteFile() and there are so many API but not gettting the correct result it just show ing the file name , but i want this with its path Regards

61. JFileChooser    coderanch.com

I ran into this in Perl too. The solution was to explicitly append the extension to the file name, otherwise it's only saved with the name the user entered. The purpose of a file filter is to filter out filenames with other extensions from the file chooser dialog, not to automatically append the extension. Hope that helps.

62. JFileChooser    coderanch.com

63. Strange behaviour of JFileChooser    coderanch.com

This is a feature, not a bug. You have discovered the GlobFilter, which, according to the documentation inside the code for BasicFileChooserUI.java is: /* A file filter which accepts file patterns containing * the special wildcard '*' on windows, plus '?', and '[ ]' on Unix. */ I assume the Macintosh version works the same as Unix, but haven't tried it. ...

64. JFileChooser    coderanch.com

65. JFileChooser showing twice    coderanch.com

If I don't add it I get this: Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.NullPointerException at grafic.Prueba.actionPerformed(Prueba.java:336) at javax.swing.AbstractButton.fireActionPerformed(Unknown Source) at javax.swing.AbstractButton$Handler.actionPerformed(Unknown Source) at javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel.fireActionPerformed(Unknown Source) at javax.swing.DefaultButtonModel.setPressed(Unknown Source) at javax.swing.AbstractButton.doClick(Unknown Source) at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicMenuItemUI.doClick(Unknown Source) at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicMenuItemUI$Handler.mouseReleased(Unknown Source) and a lot more of stuff... the line giving the problem is this: int returnVal = this.Buscador_Ficheros.showOpenDialog(this.Buscador_Ficheros); And if I add it, it works, any ...

66. interactive filtered JFileChooser    coderanch.com

Hello Is it possible to interactively filter files at the gui level? I would like to open a dialog for a particular directory with a panel of all the file types with checkboxes and when checked create the filter and show or preferably redraw jfilechooser for the directory and filter. I know you can create a filter a priori, I am ...

67. How to set font in JFileChooser?    coderanch.com

import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; class Testing extends JFrame { Font font = new Font("monospaced",Font.ITALIC,10); public Testing() { setLocation(200,300); setDefaultCloseOperation(EXIT_ON_CLOSE); JFileChooser fc = new JFileChooser("."); setFileChooserFont(fc.getComponents()); fc.showOpenDialog(this); } public void setFileChooserFont(Component[] comp) { for(int x = 0; x < comp.length; x++) { if(comp[x] instanceof Container) setFileChooserFont(((Container)comp[x]).getComponents()); try{comp[x].setFont(font);} catch(Exception e){}//do nothing } } public static void main(String[] args){new Testing().setVisible(true);} }

68. JFileChooser    coderanch.com

69. JFileChooser    coderanch.com

70. JFileChooser    coderanch.com

71. JFileChooser customizing    coderanch.com

I managed to hide save as label on mac. how ever i discovered another weired problem: the showSaveDialog dialog functions flawlessly on both Windows and Mac OS X systems except Mac OS X 10.3.9. In this version of OS X only, the save button is visible but disabled and does not change state whether I highlight a directory or double-click it ...

72. customize JFileChooser ?    coderanch.com

73. JFileChooser    coderanch.com

74. Use of JFileChooser    coderanch.com

Hi, I want to open a file chooser by clicking the browse button. I have managed to have a have a open dialog box which shows me all the directory of mycomputer. However when I select a file it dosen't show the path of the file in the text field next to the browse button. How do I select a file ...

75. USB Pen/stick with JFileChooser    coderanch.com

76. Bug in JFileChooser?    coderanch.com

import static java.lang.System.*; import javax.swing.JFileChooser; import javax.swing.UIManager; public class JFileChooserBug { static { // Set the Windows LnF. try { UIManager.setLookAndFeel(UIManager.getSystemLookAndFeelClassName()); } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { JFileChooser fileChooser = new JFileChooser(); fileChooser.setFileSelectionMode(JFileChooser.DIRECTORIES_ONLY); //Directory selection fileChooser.setDialogTitle("Select File"); int returnVal = fileChooser.showSaveDialog(null); out.println("File Chooser return code: " + returnVal); } }

77. JFileChooser Performance    coderanch.com

78. regarding jFileChooser    coderanch.com

i need the jList component from the Jfilechooser component. using the Jlist i need to add keyListener here is the code to get the Jlist from jfileChooser private Component findJList(Component component_) { if(component_.getClass()==JList.class) return component_; else if(component_ instanceof Container) { Component[] components_=((Container)component_).getComponents(); for(Component comp_:components_) { Component childComponent_=findJList(comp_); if(childComponent_!=null) return childComponent_; } } return null; } there parameter 'component_' is a jfileChooser ...

79. How to deal with a JFileChooser    coderanch.com

Jose, been awhile. I could write this code for you but that is not what you are asking. Answer is yes, but we could get some complaints from the small-tight-code department. What you do is write a switch of some kind, it can be if()else but the matching of elses with the if's is tedious and error prone. The event usually ...

81. JFileChooser    coderanch.com

82. How to remove focus from JFileChooser    coderanch.com

83. [18n]JFileChooser    coderanch.com

84. JFileChooser 1.5    coderanch.com

I just switch from jsdk1.4.2 to jdk1.5.0, and I'm having issues with a JFileChooser. Even if I do something as simple as this: JFileChooser fc = new JFileChooser(); int returnVal = fc.showOpenDialog( null ); System.out.println( "return is " + returnVal ); the open dialog box doesn't appear. What could fix this? Every reference resource I found online seems to say that ...

85. JFileChooser    coderanch.com

86. using jfilechooser    coderanch.com

hi all, how to use jfilechooser to select a file available in another computer of my LAN. i used setFileSelectionMode(JFileChooser.FILES_ONLY); with this statement, if i give 'c:' or any local/mapped drive names in text box, it lists the files properly and i can choose the file. but, if i give the IP address of another system, i.e like '\\', it simply ...

87. JFileChooser    coderanch.com

@Override public void approveSelection() { // for simplicity, ignore multi selection File file = getSelectedFile(); if (file does not have jpg extension) { file = add jpg extension to file } if (file.exists()) { ask the user whether or not you want to overwrite the file; if not make sure the final super.approveSelection() is not called. } super.approveSelection(); }

88. JFileChooser min size    coderanch.com

import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; class Testing { public void buildGUI() { JFrame f = new JFrame(); f.setLocationRelativeTo(null); f.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); f.setVisible(true); final JFileChooser fc = new JFileChooser("."); SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable(){ public void run(){ Container d = SwingUtilities.getAncestorOfClass(JDialog.class,fc); if(d instanceof JDialog) { ((JDialog)d).setResizable(false); } } }); fc.showOpenDialog(f); } public static void main(String[] args) { SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable(){ public void run(){ new Testing().buildGUI(); } }); } } ...

89. JFileChooser via ftp    coderanch.com

90. JFileChooser from a backing bean / web page    coderanch.com

You can't do this. What's happening now, the reason it is kind of working, is because your local machine is the server, so when you execute the server side code, you see it happen. If you were to access your application from a non-server machine, you'd never see the file chooser. The only to do what you want is to use ...

91. closing a jFileChooser window    coderanch.com

Hey Java Gurus!, I have a very simple question. I have a jFileChooser window open and need to have it close when the user selects "cancel". I would like it to only close the jFileChooser window. In my 5 minute career using Swing I've used methods like jframe.dispose() to do this. It doesn't work here. Any suggestions we be appreciated greatly. ...

92. Web Start and JFileChooser    coderanch.com

Nope, there are no exceptions if I do this outside of Web Start or anything--it runs perfectly fine. Also, the JAR is up to date and everything. Sorry for not being specific, but I simply can't use any command/listener/method that would invoke a JFileChooser. My JAR is not signed... does it have to be? I suppose I should get to it ...

93. further customizing JFIleChooser    coderanch.com

you're using the fileChooser's getDescription(), but it would be your file filter's getDescription that returns 'Just Images' simple demo (change, or add to, the .gif, .jpg) import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; class Testing { public void buildGUI() { JFrame f = new JFrame(); f.setLocationRelativeTo(null); f.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); JFileChooser fc = new JFileChooser("."); fc.addChoosableFileFilter(new ImagesFileFilter(new String[]{".gif",".jpg"})); f.setVisible(true); fc.showOpenDialog(f); } public static void main(String[] args) { ...

94. JFileChooser validation    coderanch.com

95. using JFileChooser    coderanch.com

96. JFileChooser and network share    coderanch.com

97. JFileChooser browsing behavior    coderanch.com

Hi, I'm writing an app and having some issues with the JFileChooser. It's actually working correctly, but I don't like the way it works. The app has a button that launches a JFileChooser, and in this case the user is selecting a folder to do some processing on, not a list of files. For example, in other apps I use, when ...

98. JFileChooser it loads slowly    coderanch.com

// this is the image from the camera initialize to null fromCam = null; JFileChooser idBg = new JFileChooser(); JFrame cFrame = new JFrame(); idBg.showOpenDialog(cFrame); File file = idBg.getSelectedFile(); try { fromCam = ImageIO.read(file); } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.getLogger(mainFrame.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } /* * this is the JDialog Form */ imageFinalize pass = new imageFinalize(this,true,fromCam); pass.setVisible(true); this is the code, ...

99. Tooltips in JFileChooser    coderanch.com