Browser « JFrame « Java Swing Q&A

1. How to display html in a java application?

Now I am working on implementing a browser in Java. I need to display the contents of a website (provided a url-address) inside a JFrame window. Is there a simple way ...

2. Creating Browser Window ..

4. creating multiple windows in browser + accessing content of a specific window

Hello, I am trying to automate submission of same/similar data to some websites. What i am doing is, create a single page containing multiple web forms, with each form's submission and response being targeted to a new window. I want to use SWT Browser (or any other) to initially display multiple windows, and in one window this single page (containing all ...

6. overlap a swing window on top of my zk browser window

The scenario is like this.I have a zk page and when i click on a capture button on the page a third party software window(a swing window) pops up but the problem is that window comes behind my zk window so the user doesn't see that swing window(unless he do a cntrl+tab). can anyone please tell me how to bring that ...

7. JFrames in Browser

I just dont know how or what I have to do to get the JFrame i wrote to get run in a browser. And dont know if I have to covert it to an Applet or Panel... So you say I should make the JFrame to a JPanel? I just dont know where I should put all the things in public ...

8. Running JFrame on browser

9. Cookies and JFrame Web Browser

Hello, Currently I'm trying to analyze of making a java web browser. I have found several versions of code that enable JFrame of Java to be a web browser, some even go as far as having a back anf forth feature and history. The only thing I cannot find is how to save and use cookies. While I found some things ...

10. Browser in jframe

Hi, i need to insert in my application a page of the broswer in a jframe. I have a rss feed which reads some data from database, in the left frame i have "update" button, in the right frame i would like to have a page of the web browser which can read the xml file produced by the rss feed. ...

11. Is it possible to display JFrame inside a browser

My application work just fine in my desktop and now I created a JApplet and jar and have them signed and I run my applet in my web browser It just runs fine...(it pops-out outside the browser as expected) but now I want to change it a little bit instead of poping out of the browser I want to run it ...