Visible « JFrame « Java Swing Q&A

1. How would you make a frame visible if the mouse is inside it and invisible when it's not in Java?

So if I was writing pseudo code:

What method would I use for the mouseInsideFrame in the if statement? Thanks

2. Is it possible to know if JFrame is fully visible?

I'm just experimenting with JFrames and would like to know if my application window is fully visible or obscured by some other application window. The other application window can be a ...

3. setting something disposed or invisible java

changed the project since its working now. kinda. the image still isnt changing.

package icnon;

import javax.imageio.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;

public class FrameIconExample extends JFrame implements ActionListener {

    JLabel j;

4. How to Set Multiple Components Visible on a JFrame?

When I add more than one component on the JFrame , only the component which was added last is displayed , rest are not displayed , what is the issue with ...

5. Java; Getting insets before frame is visible

Assuming a normal JFrame, I'm trying to get the inset values before the frame is made visible. I can get these values fine once the frame is made visible (and ...

6. Invisible Window with visible components

I'm looking for a way to use a image as a Window, or, at least, in appearance.
The most logical solution seems to be using a invisible Window with visible components.
Google offers ...

7. Windows 2008 JFrame not visible

I am trying to run a little javascript to display a JFrame:

var fm = new Packages.javax.swing.JFrame();
The javascript is run through Rhino and a servlet running on Jetty. For some ...

8. swing get visible frames

How can I find all visible frames/dialogs in program? I could subclass JFrame/JDialog classes to update the list of currently visible windows, but if there is a built-in solution for this ...

9. How could I get the number of visible windows of my app?

Or more exact: I need to know on a window close event, if any other window is still visible. If not, System.exit(0) would be called.

11. How do I make two frame visible simaltenously

Hi! I am having two frame frm1 and frm2. fr1 contains one button and textarea. frm2 contains combo box that contains some text. When I clicks on button frm2 gets visible but frm1 gets mininized, I want to make both the frame visible simaltaneously so that I can insert some text in textarea of frm1 by selectin text from combo box ...

12. Frame set visible

1) setVisible(false) will hide it, you can later setVisible(true) and access the frame 2) dispose() will get rid of it and keep the application open. you will have to recreate the frame if you want to access it again 3) either setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); or a windowListener with a windowClosing() containing System.exit(0) will close the application

13. JFrame visible - all else invisible.

I figure this is an easy one, but I don't see why my GUI only appears with a JFrame with the title "Java Message Server Information", and everything in the JFrame is transparent (i.e. not there). What I expected to see was 3 JLabels ("IP Address", "Port", "Topic Name"), and their corresponding JTextFields, and at the bottom of the JFrame a ...

14. dual window visible off

hi all im new so this might be a noob question to some :) ok so his the situation... there are 2 window i created using java.swing basically a small window with a 1 button that acts as the main and a full screen window that acts like a background.. so wen i execute the small window the big window shows ...

15. JFrame, isn't visible sometimes..

16. setting a JFrame visible from another class

hey all one thing i never learned (but need now) is how to set a JFrame visible from another class. for example: if i have classA, which has a Jframe, and i set it invisible and go to classB. and i want to make classA visible, how do i do that? thankyou

17. JFrame not visible, why?

18. JFrame.... set visible.

What if you want to remove a JFrame from view, and then display it again without having to re-create it? Well, if you want to do that, you call "setVisible(false);", and later call "setVisible(true);" again. setVisible(false) doesn't free the resources used by the JFrame--it just takes it off the screen. dispose() can help you free the resources (look it up in ...

19. Making a JFrame visible

I run a server for one of my programs. Once I exit it, it saves all changes that clients may have made (such as a change of password). It is annoying, having the server JFrame taking up space in my start-bar at the bottom of the screen. One time, I just never set the JFrame visible, but then there is no ...