JDialog « JInternalFrame « Java Swing Q&A

1. Java Swing: JInternalFrame: need a dialog popup    stackoverflow.com

I have a JInternalFrame window that needs to popup a modal dialog box when a JButton is pressed. At first, I tried using JDialog, but I found that JDialog constructor needs:

  1. JFrame
  2. boolean ...

2. how to call jdialog from jinternalframe    stackoverflow.com

Can some one tell me how to call JDialog from a JInternalframe?

public class BSJFrameUpdateOnlineTrdDlg extends JInternalFrame {

public BSJFrameUpdateOnlineTrdDlg(JDesktopPane jdesk) { //constructor
    super("Backoffice Synchronization");
     jdeskTop ...

3. how to add internal frame inside a jdialog    stackoverflow.com

i am using the following code :

      JDialog d=new JDialog();
         JInternalFrame i=new JInternalFrame("HI",false,false,false,false);

4. JDialog from JinternalFrame    coderanch.com

5. JInternalFrame vs JDialog    coderanch.com

Tried your suggestion but keep getting the following error: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: illegal component position I've modified the code and played around with it but still the same error. DynamicJTable djt = new DynamicJTable(jobReference, taskModel, menuItems[Integer.parseInt(taskModel.getParentDocument())], this, primaryKeys, taskModel.tokeniseIDSFileName()); djt.addInternalFrameListener(new InternalFrameAdapter() { public void internalFrameClosed(InternalFrameEvent e) { runTask(); } }); JOptionPane pane = new JOptionPane(djt.djPanel(), JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE, JOptionPane.OK_CANCEL_OPTION, null); //pane.setComponentOrientation(this.getComponentOrientation()); JInternalFrame frame = pane.createInternalFrame(this, ...

8. JInternalFrame inside JDialog    forums.oracle.com