Data « JList « Java Swing Q&A

1. JList data addition for IF statements

I know this is kind of a beginners question but my books aren't explaining it and the API isn't helping much when I don't understand it. Someone please help me to ...

2. urgent: retrieval of data from database to JList

import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.border.*; import javax.swing.event.*; import java.sql.*; class connection { Connection conn; String url; Statement stmt; { try { Class.forName("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver"); url="jdbc dbc:java"; conn=DriverManager.getConnection(url); System.out.println("Successfully Connected"); conn.close(); } catch(SQLException sqlExcep) { System.out.println("Error: "+ sqlExcep.getMessage()); } catch(ClassNotFoundException cnfe) { System.out.println("Error: "+ cnfe.getMessage()); } } public void showmess() { System.out.println("Successfully Connected"); } } public class fpage4 extends JFrame { ...

3. JLIST Store and retreive data to Properties

I think one problem you're going to have is that not every Java class has a generic method for reconstituting itself from a string; there's a method for outputting a string that representst a class -- toString() -- but it has no rules about representing the entire class, much less anything for creating an object instance based on the output. So ...

4. JList and database data

Here is the problem description; I am querying data from the database for one table which have 20 columns. I retrive the data and put the data into a vector. I only want to display first two columns (first name and last name) in the JList (populating JList with employee names). Each employee have a unique employee id which is not ...

5. JList raw datatype ...?

Hey! Been watching some java tutorials online, and recently watched one about JList. TheNewBoston Free Educational Video Tutorials on Computer Programming and More! Java Programming Tutorial 72 Multiple Selection List When I write this code, eclipse gives me a warning that JList is a raw datatype and should be parameterized. The same goes for the setListData method ...

6. Retrieving data from Hashmap to a JList

Hello, I have a hashmap, and I'm trying to do the following: - Retrieve keyset to a Hashmap - When hashmap changes the list also changes (eg. if I delete a key from the hashmap, the list item will also disappear) The farthest I got so far was import the keyset to a Object[ ], and from the array to the ...

7. copy data from a jlist to other jlist

Hi all,i want to ask.I was able to load data from mysql to a jlist.What i want to ask is how to copy the data to other jlist.I've tried by using the example that add/remove data in runtime.I just able to add 1 data..When i click the button.the data in Jlist2 was replaced by the current data that i highlight in ...

8. A short code causes a strange problem - About the JList and a data base

Yes, I am sure, I have put in a trim() method in the code, but still it doesnt work. And another thing, when I switch places of "Integer" and "CPU" in the base, same thing happens but only this time it displays the "CPU" correctly but it "cannot find" the "Integer". Somehow it is related to the index or something happens ...