Multiple « JPanel « Java Swing Q&A

1. Setting multiple jPanels to invisible at the same time

I'm trying to set about 144 jPanels all setVisible(false) and I'd like to do it all at once rather than jPanel1.setVisible(false); 144 times. Is there an easier way to do this? I've ...

2. adding multiple components to Jframe.getcontentpane()

I have a class that extends JPanel and draws a triangle. I called it from other class to create three triangles but when third triangle is drawn the previous two disappeared. ...

3. Adding multiple JPanels to a JFrame in real time

I am writing a tool take performs a task on text file. The task takes some time to perform so I made a panel that displays the file name and the ...

4. HOw can i create Jframe with multiple panels and only one should visible at time

hello NB users, i want to create a jframe with a jpanel and a buttons and when button get clicked the panel respect to that button should get shown in to ...

5. Adding Multiple jPanels to a FrameView

Posted: Fri May 06, 2011 5:04 pm Post subject: Adding Multiple jPanels to a FrameView Hello All, I am new to Netbeans but have used VB6 extensively plus several other languages (except Java) to write several commercial apps. I am thinking seriously of porting these over to Java using NB7. I have read up on Java and have ...

6. one component .. multiple panels

Hi, How to add a single component (say a Button) to multiple panels? The requirement is to show only one panel at a given instance but at the time of initialising the class I am adding all the components to the panels. (same components are added to 2 panels). But while showing the First panel the components added to the First ...

7. Multiple controls in a panel

I have a seperate class which extends JPanel. It will occupy the center of a frame. I want add multiple controls to it, but i'm not sure how. "West" "Center" "East" Button Label TextField Label Label TextField ListBox Button Label TextField Label CheckBox Button Label TextField Label TextField Button Label TextField The four buttons will take up the entire West area. ...

8. jframe to import multiple jpanel

0 vote down star i am particularly using netbeans gui editor and i am new to gui i have a jframe created and I added jtabbedpanel. inside the jtabbedpanel i have 2 panels that i call standard and compact i have set standardPanel = new ImagePanel(); which is located on different java file how am I suppose to put a ...

9. Multiple JPanels Not Working

Hi, I am making dance game (DDR type). So I am trying to use multiple panels, I have a Menu panel, and 3 different panels for 3 different songs (only implemented two right now). In the Menu panel I have a implemented KeyListener, when pressing 1, it takes me to the first song, when pressing 2, to the second song. That ...

10. Multiple Panels in JFrame or JPanel

hey Guys, I have to develop a simple GUI for an assignment and basically it involves a simple Graphics display centered in the Form (which I have done so far), and multiple Panels that have different inputs that I want to overlap one another once each has been used. I.e. if I have four panels different panels that I want to ...

11. Multiple components in Jpanel

Hi, I have been trying to add a graph and a combo box dynamically to a jpanel. This jpanel is added to the 3rd index of a jTabbedPane. The problem I am facing is that only the last added component shows up on UI at runtime, If I add combobox later that only this shows up and graph doesnt. The code ...

12. Adding multiple items to a JPanel

I want to add a JComboBox a JTextArea and A JButton onto a JPanel. All the J Types have been initialized in separate classes with ActionListeners to do specific things. How would I add them to a Single JPanel so they all appear. Much help would be appreciated. Any pointers would be greatful. Edit.. Don't worry got it, Thanks.

13. Can't synchronize multiple JPanels in a JFrame

public Main() { } public void PlayAGame() { JFrame myFrame = new JFrame("Difficulty selection:"); [COLOR="Red"]NewJPanel[/COLOR] panel = new [COLOR="Red"]NewJPanel[/COLOR](); myFrame.setSize(256,256); myFrame.setDefaultCloseOperation(myFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); myFrame.getContentPane().add(panel); myFrame.pack(); myFrame.setVisible(true); switch (panel.selection) { case 1: { NewJPanel1 panel1 = new NewJPanel1(); myFrame.getContentPane().remove(panel); myFrame.getContentPane().add(panel1); break; } case 2: { NewJPanel2 panel2 = new NewJPanel2(); myFrame.getContentPane().remove(panel); myFrame.getContentPane().add(panel2); break; } case 3: { NewJPanel3 panel3 = new NewJPanel3(); myFrame.getContentPane().remove(panel); myFrame.getContentPane().add(panel3); ...

14. Multiple JPanels within a JFrame

Java Code: import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.event.*; public class TheFrame extends JFrame { private JList jList1; private JScrollPane jScrollPane1; public TheFrame() { initComponents(); } private void initComponents() { jScrollPane1 = new JScrollPane(); jList1 = new JList(); setDefaultCloseOperation(WindowConstants.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); jList1.setModel(new AbstractListModel() { String[] strings = { "One", "Two", "Three", "Four", "Five", "Six" }; public int getSize() { return strings.length; } public Object getElementAt(int i) ...

15. Multiple JPanels in Swing?

Hello, I am making an "ArtGallery" with JSwing (which I am just learning on my own) and want to use multiple JButtons to navigate around different JPanels. he first is a main menu in which a user chooses an artist, second is a menu in which a user chooses an art work from that artist, and the last is a panel ...

16. GUI - multiple panel

Hi, I'm new to JAVA GUI so I have some problems with that. I have the array of x items (web addresses). I want to create something like table of this webaddresses with few buttoms next to it. It should look like something like that: WEBADDRESS (label) CONNECT(button) DELETE(button) WEBADDRESS (label) CONNECT(button) DELETE(button) WEBADDRESS (label) CONNECT(button) DELETE(button) WEBADDRESS (label) CONNECT(button) DELETE(button) ...

17. Can't get multiple JPanels into a JFrame

18. Adding multiple JPanels to a seperate JPanel

19. Adding multiple JPanels to a JFrame

I want to be able to set up my interface so that it has two JPanels sat on the JFrame so when buttons on the first panel are clicked the second panel will update (will display different info). With one sat above the other, I know I could probably use one of the layout managers for this but I prefer absolute ...

20. Need Help with Multiple JPanels