Update « JPanel « Java Swing Q&A

1. Updating the Jpanel of a class    stackoverflow.com

After some advice on using jpanel - I'm new to java and playing around with the GUI elements. Bascially what I'm curious about is if I can set up a Jpanel in ...

2. java update Jpanel component    stackoverflow.com

I am using a Custome jPanel in my Gui Builder JFram Class A, the problem i am facing is to update the components (Lable) in my JPanel when I click button ...

3. How would I go about making my paint for my JFrame automatically update?    stackoverflow.com

Currently, I have a JFrame that contains a JPanel. The JPanel is the paint for my program. Paint meaning all of my Graphics g.drawString things. Right now, it only updates the display ...

4. Best to handle 2 overlaying live updated panels?    stackoverflow.com

In very basic terms I have a panel that is drawing a line pixel by pixel and is being updated in real time. On top of this I want another panel ...

5. Java Panel not updating completely occasionally    stackoverflow.com

UPDATE - 21/09/2011 I have done an initial cursory review of the code and anywhere it looks like it's updating the user interface it's doing it via:

SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() {

6. Infinite loop when updating JPanel's graphics    stackoverflow.com

So, I am drawing a graphic in a JPanel object using Grahics2D.
The JPanel is placed in a JScrollPane for the cases when my graphic is bigger than the window.
But after I ...

7. Update JPanel and attributes in a gui, with a user-specified timer?    stackoverflow.com

So I have this class. We'll call it ProcessBox. I have another class called Process that has a ProcessBox as a member variable. Then, in my main method I have an ...

8. Updating JPanel after adding a component    forums.netbeans.org

Hello everyone, I know this may be an annoying question, but spending the whole day today with Google didn't help. My question is how to update a JPanel (and probably its container window) in a NetBeans Platform project. I've got a window belonging to a module in the project. That window contains a JPanel. Let's say I add a JButton to ...

9. updating JPanel in a JFrame    coderanch.com

Nathan, First of all, Thanks for the advice! Secondly, The line: F.setContentPane(this); is in the same class as the other code that was posted, and what you said makes sense. After doing some searching about setContentPane on the java.sun.com site, I realized that what I need to do is something like F.setContentPane(drawingArea); (at least that is what I think I need ...

10. problem with updating Panel!    coderanch.com

Hallo all, I am working on an application and i am using AWT (because i don't know Swing!). My application has a Frame using BorderLayout and three Panels that are set in the WEST,SOUTH and CENTER positions of my Frame.The CENTER Panel has lots of other Panels inside. My problem is this: If i press a button on the WEST Panel ...

11. How to make JFrame/JPanel update BEFORE idle time    coderanch.com

the Event Dispatch Thread (EDT) handles the painting, so when you do a 'long task', the EDT is blocked until the long task is finished. you need to do your long task in a thread of its own, separate from the EDT here's a simple demo of your problem (blocking the EDT) import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; class Testing extends ...

12. updating Jpanel at run time    coderanch.com

13. JPanel component updating    coderanch.com

Doesn't redisplay as in the box repaints, but the JPanel doesn't allocate the correct space. Code? Love to: public class ToDoList { ArrayList todos = new ArrayList(); ArrayList todoS = new ArrayList(); Box main = new Box(BoxLayout.Y_AXIS); Box main2 = new Box(BoxLayout.Y_AXIS); public JScrollPane setup(){ JPanel top = new JPanel(); main2.add(main); Box buttonBox = new Box(BoxLayout.X_AXIS); JButton addButton = new JButton("Add"); ...

14. Updating a JPanel after it has been reinitiated    coderanch.com

I have a JPanel in my application that has to be replaced entirely. See updateInputPanel(). It works the way I did it. But I'm not happy with it. Is there a way how to use repaint() or revalidate in my situation? public class ClientFrame extends JFrame{ public ClientFrame() { loadFrame(); } private InputPanel pnlInput = new InputPanel(); private JPanel pnlContainer = ...

15. Problem in adding Jpanel to JFrame (Updated)    coderanch.com

Here is my code: ApplicationDriver.java // application import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; public class ApplicationDriver { // The application window static MainFrame window; public static void main(String[] args) { // Create the app window try { UIManager.setLookAndFeel(UIManager.getSystemLookAndFeelClassName()); } catch (Exception e) { } window = new MainFrame(); // Get the window toolkit Toolkit theKit = window.getToolkit(); // Get screen size Dimension wndSize ...

16. Updating JPanel    coderanch.com

pete thanks, have re-written my code. It wouldnt initiall let me call updatePanel without qualifying with class name. I just realised that i had declared the original instance of filePanel as an instance of JPanle rather than panel loader. I can now call the method from a non-static context. Paul, the above problem was stopping me make the changes in my ...

17. How to update the panel with text?    coderanch.com

18. how to update a jpanel    dbforums.com

how do you update a jpanel? it's like this... i have a jpanel that contains a scrollpane with a jtable in it. initially, the panel displays the current data of the jtable. then, when a button is clicked, the contents of the table will change so i need to display that updated table again. pls help. tnx!

19. how do i update a jpanel?    dbforums.com

how do i update a jpanel? it's like this... i have a jpanel that contains a scrollpane with a jtable in it. initially, the panel displays the current data of the jtable. then, when a button is clicked, the contents of the table will change so i need to display that updated table again. pls help. tnx!

20. JPanel update.    java-forums.org

Greetings. I am having a problem updating the contents of a JPanel inside a JFrame. I wanted to update the JPanel by means of re-initializing the JPanel by other class extended by JPanel. (Other means are considered). How can I resolve this thread? Here's the my code. Java Code: package sampleproject; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; ...

21. Updating a Jpanel    java-forums.org

import java.awt.Graphics; import javax.swing.JFrame; public class FlashExecute { private static String [] Phrases = {"The dog chased", "the cat",".", "The cat ran up a tree", ".", "The dog stopped chasing the cat", "."}; /** * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub JFrame frame = new JFrame ("Flash ( Proof of Concept)"); Flash panel ...

22. panel wont update when repaint is called    java-forums.org

I am working on a chess program and its almost done. the problem i am having is that it is a network program, and moves are sent from one game to the other. when you make your move, everything works just fine. when your opponent makes a move, it doesnt appear until you click on a square. i added repaint methods ...

23. Update JPanel    java-forums.org

24. drawImage() only updates screen when JPanel implements Runnable    forums.oracle.com

I'm just interested in the why. Why is it that when I don't implement Runnable and don't have an additional Thread and don't have Run() and put my paintImage() method anywhere else, no image is painted? The method is called. drawImage() is called from within the method and no errors occur, but nothing else happens. Edited by: EzekielBuchheit on Aug 4, ...

25. Updating JPanel during a loop.    forums.oracle.com

26. why does JPanel update twice    forums.oracle.com

You're adding your MouseListener from within the paintComponent method. I'm not sure if this is the source of your current problem, but it smells very strange, and I think is very wrong. I would guess that every time the panel redraws, you will be adding another mouselistener to it. Rather, why not add the MouseListener in the class's constructor? Addendum: Also, ...

27. Update a jPanel    forums.oracle.com

28. q on updating JPanel    forums.oracle.com

29. JPanel "update"    forums.oracle.com

30. Updating to another JPanel    forums.oracle.com

I am making a program that holds values for items that you sell and other info. The problem I am have is when I try to click on my button to switch to the next Panel it doesnt update the current one to change. In other words I want the destroy the panel I have up when I click a button ...