JScrollPane 2 « JScrollPane « Java Swing Q&A

1. Cannot access JScrollPane, bad class file !!!!    coderanch.com

Originally posted by Ho Dab: Hi everybody. I have got a big big problem. I can not compile my code because this message alwayes is displayed: C:\Java\hosseindab\Dabb.java:8: cannot access JScrollPane bad class file: .\JScrollPane.class class file contains wrong class: javax.swing.JScrollPane Please remove or make sure it appears in the correct subdirectory of the classpath. private JScrollPane skrollytan; I tried to uninstall ...

2. Not working JScrollPane    coderanch.com

Hey, I manage the layout "by hand", i calculate the positions and sizes basing on JFrame size. I know its not good solution ;) Of course jtree goes inside scrollpane. I think the point of the problem in my case is, that maybe the size of a jtree seen by scrollpane is 0x0 or 1x1 (thats how it is displayed when ...

3. Data is getting corrupt in Jscrollpane on Solaris    coderanch.com

Hi, I have added a JtextArea and Jtable in Jscrollpane.When huge amount is added to the Jteaxarea/Jtable,the data gets corrupted when i run it on Solaris 5.10 system.On windows opertaing system,it works fine. Please find below the sample application.I have set textarea editable property to true. So to reproduce the problem run below program on Solaris System and then copy the ...

4. JScrollPane Problem    coderanch.com

I am having a problem with a JScrollPane vertical scroll bar. This part of my program reads in questionnaire questions and responses from a file, and then places them on a screen with radio buttons for selection. Everything works fine other than the fact that on questionnaires in which the question and response panel is larger than the screen, the Vertical ...

5. JScrollPane Problem    coderanch.com

6. JScrollpane    coderanch.com

7. JScrollPane being ignored    coderanch.com

9. JScrollPane update    coderanch.com

If you change the size of an Object that is a component of JScrollPane what method allows resizing of the scrollbars so that it knows it's looking at a smaller/larger portion of the image? in my code I tried using paint and revalidate and invalidate none of which gives the desired effect import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.image.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.awt.*; public ...

10. jscroll pane problem.    coderanch.com

11. About JScrollPane    coderanch.com

12. how to save a JScrollPane    coderanch.com

13. JScrollPane.getViewport().setScrollPosition()    coderanch.com

I've been programming Java at a sub-professional level for 6 or 7 years now, and I've managed to bull my way through most problems, but this one has me stumped. I have a JScrollPane with a JTextPane as its child, declared as such: JTextPane mainTextPane=new JTextPane(); JScrollPane mainScrollPane=new JScrollPane(mainTextPane, ScrollPaneConstants.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_AS_NEEDED, ScrollPaneConstants.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_NEVER); Its purpose is simply to present a bunch of text. ...

14. JScrollPane help    coderanch.com

Hi, I'm trying to load a lot of thumbnails onto a JPanel, which is in a JScrollPane. The problem I am having is that the scroll pane does not generate a vertical scroll bar as the thumbnails increase beyond the visible screen size. I don't want horizontal scroll, only vertical if necessary. Here is some example code. In reality, I'm loading ...

15. JScrollPane And ArrowKeys    java-forums.org

To see which keys are already bound to JScrollBar see this. You could bind the page_up and page_down keys to do vertically what ctrl_home and ctrl_end keys do for the horizontal. Java Code: import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import java.io.*; import javax.swing.*; public class ArrowScrolling { JLabel label; private JScrollPane getContent(BufferedImage image) { label = new ScrollingLabel(new ImageIcon(image), JLabel.CENTER); label.setFocusable(true); ...

16. JScrollPane updation Problem    java-forums.org

import java.awt.event.*; import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.border.*; public class scrollTest extends JFrame implements ActionListener{ JPanel jplShow; JScrollPane jspShow; scrollTest(){ JButton jbnadd=new JButton("Add"); jbnadd.setBounds(5, 5, 60, 25); jbnadd.addActionListener(this); getContentPane().add(jbnadd); jplShow=new JPanel(); jplShow.setLayout(null); jspShow=new JScrollPane(JScrollPane.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS, JScrollPane.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_AS_NEEDED); jspShow.setViewportView(jplShow); jspShow.setBounds(0,120,670,520); getContentPane().add(jspShow); setVisible(true); setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); setMinimumSize(new Dimension(600,500)); } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){ if(e.getActionCommand()=="Add"){ int Ycoordinate= jplShow.getComponentCount()*120+20; //System.out.println(jplShow.getComponentCount()); // System.out.println(Ycoordinate); JPanel jplDisplay=new JPanel(); jplDisplay.setBounds(10, Ycoordinate, 600, 100); ...

17. problem with Jscrollpane    java-forums.org

I agree with Darryl.Burke But from what I read I think I had a similar problem before. I create a JFrame then call myFrame.setVisible(true) then I add a JComponent in it. What happens is that when the program start the JComponent I add didn't show right away. I had to select the JFrame and do an operation in it (anything : ...

18. JScrollPane problem    java-forums.org

Ok, I have been googling this for hours now and I haven't found a solution. Help needed. What I basically want is this: -I have a JPanel, with on that JPanel 3 other JPanels using a GridLayout(1,3), with each a preferredSize of 300,600. - On the left one of those panels I want a text and an ImageIcon. That text can ...

19. [SOLVED] JScrollPane - ClassCast Exception    java-forums.org

Hi there, In my code I have class CustomPanel which extends JPanel. myPanel is an instance of CustomPanel (for your info, myPanel is a white space used as sketchpad) I am in the process of making myPanel scrollable. I am getting the following error during runtime when i begin by drawing the first object on myPanel: "Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.ClassCastException: ...

20. help with JScrollPane    java-forums.org

I have a table, base on the AbstractTableModel. Every minute there is an update on the table if the new rows are inserted on top of the table I don't want to see the data scrolling down, I would like to stay at the current scrolling position somewhere in the table. any ideas?

21. JScrollPane    java-forums.org

Hi, I am having issues with a JScrollPane that I haven't been able to find a solution to online. I am new to Swing programming, but not programming itself. I have a subclass of an awt.Panel that draws a jpeg image from my favorite online web comic. I have a JScrollPane with the viewportView set as the panel that I have ...

22. JscrollPane issue    java-forums.org

23. Making JScrollPane not stretch    java-forums.org

Hey there, I have a JScrollPane inside which is a JTextArea. This area is for messages to pop up on and such. This works fine, but for some reason it seems to stretch across the entirety of the JPanel is has been added to, even when I a) set the width of the scrollpane to less using SetPreferredSize and/or use the ...

24. Problem with JScrollPane    java-forums.org

so im making this program that displays circles connected with lines, but i have a problem with the JScrollPane, the scrollbars arent working. Im creatin a Jpanel pBtn where i put 6 buttons that will decide which circles and lines are supposed to be drawn, the other JPanel, pDraw, is the panel where im drawing the circles and lines, this panel ...

25. JScrollPane Help    java-forums.org

26. "Virtual" JScrollPane?    java-forums.org

I'd like to create a scroll pane that doesn't actually move the scrollable client object around. The client object remains fixed in place, but has a custom paint method that uses the positions of the scroll bars. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to implement this? I tried overriding setBounds(x,y,width,height) on the client object to setBounds(0,0,width,height), but while it keeps ...

27. AbsoluteLayout inside a JScrollPane    java-forums.org

Good Idea Darryl. Here is some code that replicate the issue I have. When you resize the window all is well, but when you scroll nothing comes into view. import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JScrollPane; import java.awt.Panel; import javax.swing.JTextField; import javax.swing.ScrollPaneConstants; import org.netbeans.lib.awtextra.AbsoluteConstraints; import org.netbeans.lib.awtextra.AbsoluteLayout; public class AbsoluteLayoutInsideJScrollPane { private JFrame aBsoluteLayoutFrame; private JScrollPane cellJScrollPane; private Panel cellPanel; public AbsoluteLayoutInsideJScrollPane(){ cellPanel = new ...

28. JScrollPane    java-forums.org

Hi everybody..... I want to draw something over the JPanel. Suppose the jpanel have the size 500,500 width and height respectively and added to a jscrollpane. now if I add 40 buttons to the jpanel, then the scrollbar appears. But now my problem is, if I draw something over the jpanel, that would be capture more space or size than jpanel(suppose ...

29. jscrollpane problem    java-forums.org

30. [SOLVED] JScrollPane - HELP!    java-forums.org

31. Two components in a JScrollPane    java-forums.org

Say I have two components in a panel in a scroll pane. The top one is a button and the one below is a JList. Now they can both scroll horizontally, but the JList won't scroll down vertically because the button is there too... Open iTunes or some music manager. You can scroll sideways to see more columns, but when you ...

32. jscrollpane and jdescktoppane    java-forums.org

hi guys, i have problems with adding the jscrollpane to jdesktoppanel, here is my code if any spot a mistake really appreciate it if u could send a reply many tanx /* * To change this template, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ /* * NewJFrame2.java * * Created on 02-Nov-2009, 18:05:56 */ package ...

33. JScrollPane and AffineTransform    java-forums.org

Ok, I want to ask something. I want to be able to create a JFrame, to put inside the JFrame a JScrollPane, which ViewPort contains another JPanel. The JPanel does nothing else than to paint a rectangle. But I add a JToolBar in the JFrame with one Button for Rotating. When I click the button the rectangle in the JPanel gets ...

34. JScrollPane doesn't work?    java-forums.org

I suspect that you forgot to add the panel to your gui, or you have a strange layout manager set, or the default layout manager is hiding your panel, or you have a strange size set for the scrollPane, etc. I'd need to see more of the code to be sure - what you have appears to be ok.

35. JScrollPane    java-forums.org

I am trying too much to add a scrollbar on the jtextpane2(JTextPane class).But it is not running.Please help me by checking it. import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; //starting main class public class chat extends JApplet { Font font = new Font("Verdana", Font.ITALIC,30); static JButton write; static JButton browse; static JButton word; static JButton sentence; static Container pane; static JFrame frmMain; static JScrollPane ...

36. Question about JScrollPane    java-forums.org

import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; public class Test extends JFrame { private myPanel panel; private JScrollPane spanel; private JButton button1; private JButton button2; private JPanel topPanel; public Test() { super( "Test" ); setLayout( new BorderLayout() ); button1 = new JButton( "Button1" ); button2 = new JButton( "Button2" ); panel = new myPanel(); topPanel = new JPanel(); topPanel.add( button1 ); topPanel.add( button2 ); ...

37. Need Help With JScrollPane Please    java-forums.org

Hello everyone! :) I'm working on an assignment in my computer science class and I'm stuck with how to get a JScrollPane to work on my Quiz page. I'm using JCreator and I'd appreciate the help I can get. This my code: Java Code: import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; public class Quiz implements ActionListener { // GLOBAL DECLARATIONS // ------------------ ...

38. Output to JScrollPane    java-forums.org

Output to JScrollPane I am writing a program for school to calculate a mortage and output it using a GUI. I've gotten most of it figured out except how to output my text to a JScrollPane I'm attaching my code below, which should compile fine (but if someone wouldn't mind compiling it to verify that it compiles elsewhere than ...

39. Question regarding JScrollPane    forums.oracle.com

Hey everyone, I am using the JScrollPane to display error messages to the user of the application I am building and I put them in the scroll-pane. When I add them, I add them in order, newest error message on top and so forth. The problem is when I add the message to the top the scroll-pane automatically scrolls to the ...

40. Problem with JScrollPane    forums.oracle.com

41. JScrollPane    forums.oracle.com

That is mean the layout = null not work for the JScrollPane ? Then I should use the LayoutManager to set my layout ? I am New to JAVA , still lack of idea on the layout design. I thought use setBound can set the JComponent at the coordinate that I want.

42. Adding JScrollPane doesn't work... hmm....    forums.oracle.com

43. JScrollPane not working    forums.oracle.com

public static void main (String[] args) { try { // Create a synthesizer for the default // locale. synth = Central.createSynthesizer (null); // Allocate synthesizer resources. synth.allocate (); // Place synthesizer in the RESUMED // state so that it can produce speech // as it receives text. synth.resume (); } catch (Exception e) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog (null, e.getMessage ()); System.exit (0); } ...

44. Help: How to Add TreeViewer into JScrollPane?    forums.oracle.com

45. JScrollPane bug...it goes up not down!    forums.oracle.com

46. JScrollPane not working    forums.oracle.com

47. Can't make JScrollPane work    forums.oracle.com

49. Help with JScrollPane    forums.oracle.com

I'm a first year computer science student and I'm working on my final project with a friend of mine. We're making a turn based board game, and everything seemed to be going smoothly until we began drawing our applet. Our problem is, we don't really know how to correctly implement a JScrollPane into our applet. Any help would be great. Thanks. ...

50. JScrollpane help    forums.oracle.com

51. Problem with this JScrollPane    forums.oracle.com

52. Problem using JScrollPane    forums.oracle.com

I have no objection to JScrollPane using that layout, and in fact it appears to do so in appletviewer (components are placed properly). If I read the documentation correctly, ScrollPaneLayout is the default option, so that should be what it is using. I'm not intentionally trying to change the layout of the pane but the error suggests that I am. The ...

53. Question about JScrollPane    forums.oracle.com

54. JScrollPane with Components?    forums.oracle.com

hey guys, im writing a program and I have a JScrollPane and i want to have multiple JTextFields and radio buttons in it that work with the scroll pane so you can type something in on lets say field 1 and then scroll down to field 15 and type something into that one. is this possible? so far ive gotten them ...

55. JScrollPane, disposed component error    forums.oracle.com

56. how to update a jscrollpane?    forums.oracle.com

57. JScrollPane issues    forums.oracle.com

It has been a while since I have had to write a gui and I was using a JScrollPane around a JTextArea. Last time I did this I had to write the code for the scroll bar to automatically scroll down if new content was added to the JTextArea. When I did this same thing today the scroll bar always automatically ...

58. Help - jScrollPane    forums.oracle.com

why does your scrollpane have an index " [ i ]" attached to it? This looks kind of suspect to me, as if you are creating a bunch of scrollpanes when you only should be creating one that holds a bunch of data. Your best bet here is to show us your code. We don't want to see all of it, ...

59. Using JScrollPane in a game?    forums.oracle.com

I'm making a game in my spare time. Exploring takes place in a classic Zelda style, overview of the world. I'm thinking of using a JScrollPane to move the background whenever the player moves toward the side of the screen. I've already tested it, and it works fairly well, removing the scrollbars, automatically scrolling when necessary, blah blah blah... My question: ...

60. JScrollPane    forums.oracle.com

61. JScrollPane Doesn;t appear in JScrollPane?    forums.oracle.com

/** * */ public GalleryViewRightPanel(List students) { //TODO - Add in super() Your Own Made Layout that will take care // of all the selected elements. //super(); final int unitIncr = 96; final int blockIncr = 192; this.students = students; this.screenCtlContainerPanel = new CompareView(new CompareViewLayout()); this.screenCtlContainerPanel.addComponentArray(this.students); compareScrollPane = new JScrollPane(screenCtlContainerPanel, JScrollPane.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_AS_NEEDED, JScrollPane.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_AS_NEEDED); compareScrollPane.getVerticalScrollBar().setUnitIncrement(unitIncr); compareScrollPane.getVerticalScrollBar().setBlockIncrement(blockIncr); compareScrollPane.getHorizontalScrollBar().setUnitIncrement(unitIncr); compareScrollPane.getHorizontalScrollBar().setBlockIncrement(blockIncr); //setSize(compareScrollPane.getPreferredSize());

62. JScrollPane OverLapping problem    forums.oracle.com

hi all, I've created a JScrollPane which consists of a JTextPane. When i filled the JtextPane with String over the preferredSize, The JScrollPane Shows up, which means , it works fine. however, if i try to click on other area of the interface, the JtextPane overlap the whole interface, and the JScrollPane not showing up anymore. Help...I cant fix this problem ...

63. trouble with JScrollPane    forums.oracle.com

64. How to set value of JScrollPane to 0?    forums.oracle.com

65. Adding java 2d graphices to a JScrollPane    forums.oracle.com

} public void load() { tracker = new MediaTracker(this); for (int i = 1; i < 10; i++) { numbers = getImage (getCodeBase (), i+".jpeg");//getImage(getDocumentBase(), "Res/" + i + ".gif"); //Image img; //ico = new ImageIcon(getCodeBase (), i+".jpeg"); /* if (fInBrowser) img = getImage (getCodeBase (), "1.jpeg"); else img = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit ().getImage ( "1.jpeg");*/ tracker.addImage(numbers, i); try { tracker.waitForAll(); } catch ...

66. No One Replying About JScrollPane...    forums.oracle.com

public String path=""; public String filePath=""; private Vector imageNames; Dimension size = new Dimension(80, 60); private JScrollPane jScrollPane1 = new JScrollPane(); private JTree jTree1; private JScrollPane jScrollPane2 = new JScrollPane(); private JPanel jPanel1 = new JPanel(); private BorderLayout borderLayout1 = new BorderLayout(); // = new JTree(); public static void main(String a[]) { SnapsGallery obj=new SnapsGallery(); obj.setVisible(true); } public SnapsGallery() { DefaultMutableTreeNode ...

67. JScrollPane not working    forums.oracle.com

Hello friends.. In my application i put a JScrollPane, in the JScrollPane is a JPanel, on the JPanel are thumbnails views of many images with the help of ImageIcons for which i used array of JLabels... Every thing is fine working... I can view all the thumbnails of any directory, but my directory may contain many numbers of image files for ...

68. Mysterious Shrinking JScrollPane Problem    forums.oracle.com

69. JScrollPane will not update    forums.oracle.com

Hello, I am working on a GUI application which displays event trees (looks kinda like NCAA basketball tournament brackets) and I am trying to implement a zooming feature where the user clicks on a spot on the tree and drags a box around the desired portion of the tree they want to see and the GUI only shows them the portion ...

70. JScrollPane    forums.oracle.com

71. JScrollPane    forums.oracle.com

no, I just don't want it to be visible unless it is needed. If the window is big enough that every item can be seen, I don't want the scroll bar to be visible. If the user resizes the window to where not everything can be seen(all the labels are not visible), then I want the scroll bar to be visible. ...

72. can somebody explain this JScrollPane effect    forums.oracle.com

I am trying to add a JTable into a JScrollPane - which is the middle component sitting in my JPanel. I tried adding the JTable with: JScrollPane tableScroll = new JScrollPane(); tableScroll.add(table); but that didn't work. But when I placed the JTable in the JScrollPane() constructor it does. I thought both ways was suppose to work. Am I misunderstanding what the ...

73. JScrollPane class    forums.oracle.com

I'm using the "JScrollPane" class in an applet java to develop a treeview. With the 1.4.1 Java Runtime, I dont have any problems. I've made an update to the 1.6_u21 runtime and now the scroll is not working correctly. Sometimes it doesnt appear on my treeview. The code I'm using to enable the scroll is the following... //treeview creation tree = ...