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1. JTable + add column

hey all!! i have posted this post previously and as you can read there everything worked out ok. well now i have another, similar problem. now i know how to dispaly boolean values, in a table, as a check box. what i would like to do now is to select from database lets say first name, last name show the ...

2. adding columns/rows to a jTable in netbeans

Yes, i realize there are other threads covering this, but none of them have seemed to work for me. I'll start by explaining by what i'm trying to do, so if you have another suggestion, I'd gladly listen. I have a very long list of data, some 200+ parameters that will be tested multiple times. So what i would like to ...

3. Adding a row to a jTable

Hi experts, Apologies, this is probably a simple question but I am trying to figure out how to add a row to my pre-existing jTable "jTableOrders" when a listener gets the details. There seems to be a method jTableOrders.addColumn() but no .addRow() I can create the table with many blank rows and use .setValueAt(...) but I would prefer the displayed rows ...

5. Problem in adding row in JTable

It's a bit mixed. You have your own subclass that uses an Object[][] and at the same time you want to add rows, but you don't change your array? Then you increase the rowCount , then you addRow, and I guess it tries to use that rowCount. Fix these, make the code clear and if problem remains you are welcome to ...

6. JTable add component?

7. Adding new columns in a JTable?

Use a Collection instead of arrays. Arrays are fixed-size. If you need a bigger array, you need to create the new one, copy the old content over and fill in the new values. Collections hide all that complexity from you by providing simple .add() and .remove() methods. Arrays: low-level mechanism. Collections: more comfortable high-level mechanism

8. JTable add new row help

Remus - You'll need to create your own table model, and not use the DefaultTableModel. The easiest way to do this is to subclass AbstractTableModel. What that means is that you will be managing the data yourself -- maybe you want a List of arrays, where the list's elements are the data backing each row, and each array in the list ...

10. Add ImageIcon to Jtable?

i used different approach : Why waste time writing a renderer when one already exists? Unless you have a requirement that we don't know about its a complete waste of time If you do have a special requirement then it should have been stated with the question so we don't waste time giving you the wrong answer. And Swing related questions ...

11. I can't add a row in my Jtable..

Hi I don't know why my method doesn't add the row,its works only if I call it from the same class: public void addItem(String itemToAdd){ tbm.addRow(new Object[]{itemToAdd, itemToAdd, itemToAdd}); System.out.println("The metod works correctly"); } If I use this method from the same class,the row is added and its gives me the String "the method works correctly".If I use this method from ...

12. add new row JTable

13. how do I add or remove rows from a jtable

My application is in Java swing. I have a JTable included in the GUI. Which is the api which I can use to append an extra row in the table ? I saw that If I have no rows initially, and directly use the setValueAt() API, there are exceptions, but If I arbitarily add some rows and then use the API, ...

14. adding rows automatically to JTable

Hi, I am using JTable for getting input data from the user. I want to dynamically add empty rows for entering data(without actually clicking any button). I wish to achieve something like this. When the user is in the last cell of the JTable and presses some key(say tab key), an empty row should be added dynamically after the last row. ...

15. how to add Jpassword field to JTable

16. Problem adding JReindeer to JTable