CheckBox « JTable « Java Swing Q&A

1. In a JTable, how do I render a checkbox column with a dirty marker?

I'm trying to show a marker on checkbox columns in a JTable to indicate that the value is dirty. I'm having trouble coming up with a way to render the marker. I've ...

2. render checkbox in Jtable?

This is my code to render Jtable to, change colour of row , but it's can't show checkbox in colum 6, only string (true,false) Can you gi me solution to fix this ...

3. jTable checkbox and removing row

i am using jtable swing, there is checkbox inside jtable of mine, what would be the best way to removeRow of checked checkbox only? i am using defaultTableModel and removeRow, i need ...

4. JTable disable Checkbox in Cell

Hello I have a JTable And i want to grey out all the disabled checkbox cells i tried with a custom renderer checking isEnabled() and then changing the background color but ...

5. Multiple checkboxes in a JTable column

I want to have five checkboxes in each cell of a given column in my JTable. The checkboxes should be simple, no text, no background, clean looking, horizontal. I want to ...

6. checkbox on jtable and getting values of corresponding rows in java swing

I add checkbox in jtable.I want to get values of perticular cells of the selected checkbox rows.adding checkbox code is like

JCheckBox checkBox = new javax.swing.JCheckBox();
jTable1 = new javax.swing.JTable();

jTable1.setModel(new javax.swing.table.DefaultTableModel(
new Object ...

7. How to add checkboxes to JTABLE swing

could u please tell me any one "how to add checkbox to JTable in java".

8. Remove checkboxes from JTable in java swing

I have created one JTable with checkboxes in my project. Its fine. But the problem is how to remove the limited checkboxes based on index from that JTable. Can anyone tell ...

9. checkbox in JTable

HI folks, Any idea of having only checkboxes in a column.The checkboxes must be grouped in the table, so only one will be selected at any time.My requirement will be something like i will be adding a row dynamically,so the checkbox should also fall in that group??How it can be acheived ?? Regards, silva.

10. JTable And CheckBox

Hello All, i want to have a Jtable where in one column i want to be checkbox. i.e. If i make the cell editor checkbox, then only when i click ,i will see the checkbox,i will see the value true or false. so,now i want the checkbox to be displayed always How do i do this!!! Thanks and Regards vinaa

11. Checkboxes with JTables

Hi Bill, I'm only going on memory here (since I'm too lazy to verify it ;-), but if you look at the code for the "JTable" class (available in the "src.jar" -- or "" -- file that comes with the J2SE SDK), you will see that the "Class" of the "JTable" column determines what renderer will be used. Therefore, the "getColumnClass()" ...

12. Problem with JTable and Checkbox

13. Jtable boolean checkboxes

Hi, Matt - Could you post a more specific question? Perhaps even let us know how far you've progressed on your design? If you post any code, please be sure to enclose the code in CODE UBB tags, which you can insert using the Instant UBB Code buttons below the Post A Reply section...

14. checkbox in jTable

Can any one tell me why checkboxes are not appering in my jTable. Where I am wrong? I am using NetBeansIDE 3.6. Firstly i drag jTable then manually adjust it according to my need Thanks in advance. import javax.swing.table.*; public class jTableTest extends javax.swing.JFrame { javax.swing.table.DefaultTableModel t_Dtl=new javax.swing.table.DefaultTableModel(); /** Creates new form jTableTest */ public jTableTest() { initComponents(); setGrid_Detail(); } //My ...

15. using check box and combo box in JTable

16. Check Box in JTable header

adapted from here import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.table.*; import java.awt.event.*; public class JTableHeaderCheckBox { Object colNames[] = {"", "String", "String"}; Object[][] data = {}; DefaultTableModel dtm; JTable table; public void buildGUI() { dtm = new DefaultTableModel(data,colNames); table = new JTable(dtm); for(int x = 0; x < 5; x++) { dtm.addRow(new Object[]{new Boolean(false),"Row "+(x+1)+" Col 2","Row "+(x+1)+" Col 3"}); } ...

17. check box in the JTable

18. Regarding check box in header and sorting also

Hi, Deadly need ranchers help regarding the Jtable sorting and should have the check box in the JTable header and the header should have the multiline(might be 2 lines.I am really stuck up how to proceed. I used the sorting the jtbale from one of the examples from the net i got name is:,I am really new to this swings,Please ...

19. Checkbox problem in JTable

You may wish to extend the DefaultTableModel class and in this extended class, override the getColumnClass method for the column that will contain the checkbox. I assume that this column will hold boolean data, and so your getColumnClass() should return Boolean.class when the proper index is passed. For instance, say that the first column contains boolean information, and you want to ...

20. Add checkbox in JTable

I am working on Swing application and my requirement is add new column that dispay the checkboxes, so user have the access to check/uncheck row for further process. In application 3 tabbedpanes are there & in the 3rd tabbedpane table data is displaying. //Code snippet public class AIProductPropertiesUI { private productsTablemodel productmodel = null; private String [] pNames = {"select","type","name","revision","marketing","relationship"}; public ...

21. Checkbox not working in JTable.

I am working on swing application(displaying checkbox in Jtable) and facing this problem.. As an ouput MiscPanel is displaying a list of data in table format. Column 0 = displaying checkbox Column 1 = displaying types(string) 1) Onclicking checkboxes, ideally checkbox should selected. But nothing is happening. 2) On selecting on the types column cell, if I update the value and ...

22. Table with a Checkbox column, unabe to persist the change in values

Hi, I have a table with 4 columns, out of which the 4th column is a checkBox column. I have used an DefaultCellEditor to edit this column. The problem I am facing is that, when ever I edit the checkbox on the 1st row, it discplays with a tick. But as soon as I check any of the other rows withtin ...

23. putting multiple checkboxes on a JTable cell

hi there. i would like to ask for some help regarding on this. i have read a topic not long ago with the same matter but is about ImageIcon. i tried to create my own but im getting not my desired output... class CheckBoxPanel extends JPanel { JCheckBox unsigned = new JCheckBox("UNSIGNED",false); JCheckBox zerofill = new JCheckBox("ZEROFILL",false); JCheckBox binary = new ...

24. Adding checkbox in table column

Hi, I want to add checkbox in a table column. I used following code for this. import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.table.*; public class TableTest extends JFrame { public TableTest() { String[] columnNames = {"checkbox","Description"}; Object[][] data = { {new javax.swing.JCheckBox() , "test"}, }; DefaultTableModel model = new DefaultTableModel(data, columnNames); JTable table = new JTable( model ) { // Returning the ...

25. render a checkbox in a Jtable

Hello, I have a problem for rendering a checkbox in a JTable I have a JTable wich contains 2 lines and one column These lines are filled with an object Greetings that contains a string (typeMessage) and a boolean(etat) that I filled in a model by the return of a boolean method. If the boolean returned is true, line 1 or ...

27. Delete rows from Jtable when the checkbox is checked

Hi All I want to use a Jtable with a check box as one of the coloumn. When I check the checkboxe and click on the delete button I want the selected rows to be deleted. Can any body help me with this ? A sample code will help me a lot !!! Thanks

28. Checkbox editor for JTable column

I have written checkbox editor for JTable column. I am bale to see checkbox and can select or deselect it. But if I select row 1 checkbox and then if click on row 2 checkbox, the selected checkbox of row 1 disappers, it becomes false again. That is I can select only one checkbox. I am not getting what i written ...

29. checkBox in Jtable renderining problem

Hi All, I am using Jtable with checkboxes as groups and subgroups. My first Row,My first column is a checkbox followed by the groupName My secondRow,third column will be the checkbox containg all the subgroup values's some thing like CkeckBox Group1 Checkbox Sub1 1 2 3 4 Checkbox Sub2 2 3 3 3 CheckBOx Group2 Checkbox Sub3 1 2 3 ...

30. CheckBox in JTable

Hello guys, I have a jtable and I want to add check box in the first column so that I can give the user the option to select some of the rows he wants. in the table I add this code to render the cell from the String value to boolean value but when I want to select some of the ...

31. CheckBoxes and JTables

My third column contains checkboxes. how can i get which checkbox is selected and which is not selected. I have to populate my database with the rows that are checked. plz help me. the code is given below import java.awt.event.*; import java.awt.*; import java.sql.*; import java.util.*; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.table.TableColumn; import javax.swing.DefaultCellEditor; public class TakeAttendance extends JFrame { Vector columnNames = ...

32. Adding Checkbox to Jtable through vectors

Vector getrows1(ResultSet rs,ResultSetMetaData rsmd) { Vector row1=new Vector(); try{ for(int i=1;i<=rsmd.getColumnCount()+1;i++) { if(i==4) { row1.addElement(check[count]); count++; return row1; } switch(rsmd.getColumnType(i)) { case 12: row1.addElement(rs.getString(i)); break; case 8: row1.addElement(rs.getLong(i)); break; default: JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Failed to retrieve datatype"); } } } catch(Exception ae) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Failed to retrieve data"+ae); } return row1; } void showtable1(Vector colname,Vector rows) { JTable table=new JTable(rows,colname); JScrollPane pane=new JScrollPane(table); JFrame frame=new ...

33. Disable a checkbox in jtable

In my Jtable i have a column which is a boolean type. I need to disable some of the cells in this column based on a condition. It would be gud if the color of those cell which are to be disabled is different. In the tablemodel ,I have returned a boolean in the getColumnClass for the particular column and in ...

34. Place a working checkbox in a JTable header.

Hello, I have a need (well, mostly aesthetic, so other solutions might work out fine too) to place working comboboxes within the header of a JTable. This far I managed to create a custom renderer, so I can place even a whole JPanel (containing a checkbox) inside a certain cell of the TableHeader. The problem right now, though, is that such ...

35. Checkbox editor for JTable column

I have written checkbox editor for JTable column. I am able to see checkbox and can select or deselect it. But if I select row 1 checkbox and then if click on row 2 checkbox, the selected checkbox of row 1 disappers, it becomes false again. That is I can select only one checkbox. I am not getting what i written ...

36. enable/dissable check box in jtable

37. How to use checkboxes in jtable ?

I am trying to use checkboxes in JTable,I set the property in the jtable column to boolean.The proplem is that i do no know how to use this property in java program.My intension is that,I will have a java form and a java button on it,by clicking the button, i will have to write a code,for example a code that fetches ...

38. How to use checkboxes in jtable ?

I am trying to use checkboxes in JTable,I set the property in the jtable column to boolean.The proplem is that i do no know how to use this property in java program.My intension is that,I will have a java form and a java button on it,by clicking the button, i will have to write a code,for example a code that fetches ...

39. Jtable Showing Boolean as Checkbox Please help

Your code is ugly. There is too much stuff all in one class. Anyway. The default renderer for a boolean value is a checkbox so you are doing one of the following. a) not properly telling the table that the column contains a boolean or b) you are overriding the default renderer with one of your that mucks this up.

41. how to add checkbox in jtable

42. checkbox in jtable

hi, i am trying to make a table that one of her columns is a checkbox column, but i want it to be full checkbox like this : [checkbox] [label] this example should be on one cell. i know i have to implement some interfaces but i dont know which or how? can some one give me those two interfaces, but ...

43. Problem with Checkbox in JTable

Like I said read the tutorial. You still don't understand the concepts of renderers and editors. Whether the TableModel uses an Array or a a Vector to store the data is irrelevant. You need to tell the table the type of data that is stored in each column so the table can choose the appropriate renderer to display the data. As ...

44. handle checkbox in JTable

Re: handle checkbox in JTable Posted: Aug 21, 2007 11:29 AM in response to: SunForumsGuest32 Reply actually i created table class with the following code //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////------------------------------------------------ package applet_messages; import java.util.*; import javax.swing.table.*; /** * Title: * Description: * Copyright: Copyright (c) 2007 * Company: * @author not attributable * @version 1.0 */ public class Messages extends AbstractTableModel ...

45. Check Box in JTable Header Changes

Hi All, In JTable, we have JCheckBox as header. And respetive data also check box's (new Boolean() objects) i have given. When i select header check , all the data check boxes are getting selected. Later if unselect any data check box, Header check box should be deselected. I am not able to deselect Header check box, if the user unselect ...

46. CheckBox in JTable

47. checkbox in Jtable in java swing

hey guys. i know this may be very basic but i was wondering how to add checkboxes to a Jtable. i am using netbeans but still unable to add a checkbox to each row of my table. I am making an internet client for aproject and i would like the inbox to be something like this: Checkbox| Name | Subject | ...