Database 1 « JTable « Java Swing Q&A

1. How can I update my JTable data automatically when the database is updated?

How can I update my JTable data automatically when my database is updated? Thanks.

2. Java problem: Need a sorted JList to represent a database table

I've found a sample for a sorted JList, but my application is powered by an embedded H2 database so I'm wondering if there isn't a better way to implement ...

3. How to fill data in a JTable with database?

I want to display a JTable that display the data from a DataBase table as it is. Up till now, I have used JTable that displays data from Object [ ][ ]. I ...

4. JTable and Database in Swing

I need to load database content into a JTable. Many times I search for help. Please anybody can refer a tutorial please, otherwise anybody can help me to do so.

5. get cells odf a JTable

how to display a row of a jtable in a from of JTextField when click on the row, ( I need this to edit the data base from the JTable ) My ...

6. How to show Oracle DB Tables on my JDeveloper Swing projects frame?

I want to show my Oracle DB tables on my application. I create a new database connection DBConnection1. But I don't bind DBConnection1 in my class. How to do it?

7. Java Entity Beans are not deleting rows from database; only from JTable

I am using Entity bean in NetBeans, to develop some master/detail forms. When I run the forms, I click the Delete JButton, and the row dissapears from the JTable. But when ...

8. Is it possible to build UI elements from a database table using the Netbeans GUI designer?

I'm building an application with a form that I'd like to populate with questions from a database table. Is it possible to do this in the Netbeans GUI designer so that each ...

9. Display data from database as a row in JTable not as a column

I would like to display the column that i have in the database as a row in my JTable please. Is it possible to do that? I am using hibernate and defaulttable ...

10. JTable contents and database table in one report

I am new to JasprReports. I learned to get JTable contents to JasperReport using,

JasperFillManager.fillReport(jasperReport, new HashMap(), new JRTableModelDataSource(table.getModel()));
and get Oracle SQL contents to the report using,
JasperFillManager.fillReport(jasperReport, new HashMap(), connection);
My question is, ...

11. How do I convert from a DataBase to Serialization with Lists

I have this applications where I've used a MySQL server to store and use 5 tables of information. Whenever I had to represent the information - I would use a jTable ...

12. Refreshing a jtable to reflect a change made to the database-JAVA MYSQL

How do you reload a jtable after carrying out a delete or insert on DB

13. Displaying data from database in JTable

I'm writing a program using jdbc that will be an interface to database(smth like CRUD aplication). I assume that I have to write a class(e.g. DBCLass) that will do all the ...

14. I am trying to flip the Jtable, means i want database column becomes rows and corresponding value should be in fornt

Here is my code:

   public static DefaultTableModel reformatTableResult(DefaultTableModel model) throws SQLException{
       DefaultTableModel reformatted = new DefaultTableModel();
       for(int ...

15. How to refresh a Jtable with 2 differen classes?

i am working on a school project where i am building an applet.. i have encountered a problem i cant solve, i have 2 classes... the first class i very simple it has ...

16. how to show data from database to JTable of Java Swing Controls

I have this problem on how to show data from my database using JTable of Java Swing Controls. I just drag and drop the table from the palette in the ...

17. Refreshing jTable with Database with Netbeans

I am developing a database application with Java and with MySQL as database. Am using Netbeans as a developing Tool. I need to display the stored database in a JTable. Now when I add ...

18. Problems loading data in a JTable

I am doing a proyect which is a Database Manager, I have a list at the left side with all the table names I can choose, and in the right side ...

19. Add comboBox in a JTable for a DB foreign keys

I am doing a DatabaseManager Proyect where I display all the data of a db table in a JTable. Now I want to insert a feature so that the foreign keys ...

20. Java setting data to JTable from database error

when i try to show data from my database in table this way:

    void AddOrderToTable(JTable projectTable) throws SQLException
    sql="SELECT * FROM ...

21. problem with adding data from DB to jtable

i want to add all my data from DB to jtable, but using this code i get only the last row from DB, added to the table severelal times. Can someone tell ...

22. How can I copy a table from Derby DataBase into Swing application applet?

Is there any way of loading complete table from DB into a Swing Cardlayout's Jpanel?
My try was by creating a label for each line, but then things looked very faulty as ...

23. Add a row to a JTable cause java.lang.IllegalArgumentException:

Following this tutorial i tried to build a java desktop database application. It is the main idea of what i need, a Jtable lets call it masterTable containing ...

24. GUI builder, jcombobox, jtable, database, filtering

I'm new to netbeans, I downloaded it to try and put togethor a quick gui to modify a database (after finding this tutorial which is almost exactly what I need) ...

25. Database Form Without JTable??

26. Jtable and Databases

OK, I am officially confused! ANY help will be much appreciated. I want to create an application that will connect to a mysql database and do everything a database client can ...

27. jtable connection to my sql db

Hi, This is my first post. I have created a jtable and want to make a connection to my sql db to populate the table. How is the connection to my ...

28. Do I need a different EntityManager for each jTable I want to auto update from DB?

Hi, I have a problem where JTables I create that are bound to some table in my DB don't update when their associated list is updated. The only JTable I have that updates automatically when its associated list is updated is the JTable that is included as part of the NetBeans DB/Swing template. I notice there's only one EntityManager included in ...

29. adding sum column on jtable that is binded to a database table

Hi all, I have a database application very similar to this one: I would like to add another column on the customer (master) table that will display the sum of the orders cost that each customer has done. I dont think I need to create another column on the database table to hold that value. I tried to create a ...

30. Swing application chain of database looks and JTables

Hi, I'm using the IDE to create a Java application using Swing and a database. Here is the workflow: Display one of the database tables in a JTable (I'm using JPA queries and bean binding). Select a row. This updates a JTextField. This works, through the binding stuff shown in tutorials. I want the selecting of the row to use the ...

31. Having LIMIT for DB Query in JTable?

I am totally new in this. Would you please someone tells me after drag/droping a Database Source into a JTable how can I force it to only return 1000 records so I won't get a OutOfMemory error? I will take care of Paging code later on (when I am better in this). Thanks a lot.

32. jtable and report from mysql database

sasabn Joined: 18 Feb 2011 Posts: 1 Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 2:09 pm Post subject: jtable and report from mysql database Hello, first, sorry for my bad english. I am beginner in Java. I try to make application to connect to MYSQL database and write data in it and also get some queries from it . I ...

33. Need help with refreshing jTable connected to Database

Hello. As the headline say's I need help with making a refreshing option for jTable after modifications to the row's in the database are done. Thank you for any assistance.

34. Refresh JTable from DB data

Hello Guys, I builded a new JTable in my application by this tutorial: Now I need a refresh button, and if I press this, the table must refresh the data binding. But I can't, how can do I this. Can help me anyone? Thanks a lot. IB P.S.: I'm a newbie in the database applications:)

35. Jtable multiple database tables in one project [error]

zeusman23 Joined: 14 Oct 2011 Posts: 3 Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 8:34 am Post subject: Jtable multiple database tables in one project [error] When I try to put multiple jTables that access a database, in one project, in mySQL, I get the error located below. I have searched on the forums and found what appeared to be ...

36. Save JTable changes to a bound database

I was testing my JTable + JTextField application with a user today. He double-clicked a cell in the JTable, changing the value and before I could tell him to hit the Save button - he clicked in a different cell to edit it and the first changed cell's value was persisted to the database. We clicked Refresh to double-check.. I was ...

37. JTable and Database

38. JTable sensitivity to database changes.

39. JTable sensitivity to database changes.

41. Displaying a database table using Swing

42. JTable that represents the DB Table ?

I bet there is a lot more that goes into that VB code than what you think. Like actually setting up you VB environment to read from the correct database, connect, etc. With that being said, if you think it is better, do it in VB. I don't know if there is already a package out there in JAVA just for ...

43. Possible to add info directly from database to jtable

Although I would not recommend to go the the database for fetching each cell value, here is one way to do it: Write a stored procedure that takes an extra parameter index. This stored prodedure would fire an sql query and will skip all the row up to the index and then just return one row. Now, extract the column value ...

44. JScrollPane, JTable and databases

45. JTree and JTable and Database

46. JTable-Getting Data out to db

Having great difficulty getting the data out of my JTable once it is populated and then the data is changed by the user. I extended DefaultTableModel for my tableModel then returned a ResultSet via SQLJ to populate the table. The data displays when I run the Applet and I have overridden isCellEditable making cells 1 to 8 editable. Structure of the ...

47. JTable & Database , design question, what do you think?

Hi guys, Q: I have a JTable 5x10 I need to insert the content into a database (and later on retrieve it). Every record has a JTable and every record is unique (there are many records) the JTable will have its own table in the database (segmentsTable) and a KEY. So: how do I place all the content into the table??? ...

49. How To add data from database to JTable

51. Using JTable to view a database table

Hi, go to the following directory which is in the folder of J2SDK...means in the folder that has been created while installing j2sdk... folder path is:\demo\jfc\TableExample In this folder u have find one folder with SRC which contains the is the "source distribution"...I hope this will help you. Regards, Premal Panchal

52. JList data from a database - 2 columns - 1 column hidden

try this (click on any item in the JList to display the full data) import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; class Testing extends JFrame { DefaultListModel listModel = new DefaultListModel(); JList list = new JList(listModel); public Testing() { setLocation(400,300); setDefaultCloseOperation(EXIT_ON_CLOSE); JPanel jp = new JPanel(); JScrollPane sp = new JScrollPane(list); sp.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(100,200)); jp.add(sp); getContentPane().add(jp); pack(); listModel.addElement(new QueryResult(1,"project 1")); listModel.addElement(new QueryResult(2,"project 2")); ...

53. how run tim data in jtable or show data in jtable from my database table

sir i use DefaultTableModel. or swing jtable some body give me idea i use dumy class and use getColumnClass() and isCellEditable() class for modify the swing defult jtable or swing jtable give class because swing jtable give me defult data that read only but i want show data in jtable form my database table i change the title of table form ...

54. Updating Database using JTables

Hi guys! I have a JFrame with a save button and cancel button, a jTable used to display data from my mysql database. I use a jDialog to insert record to the database and my jTable will display the records. However, what I want is this, If I click the cancel button in my JFrame, the recently added records in my ...

55. Connect JTable to SQL database table

Hi, my problem is to undertand in dept how I can transfer data from a SQL Server table to a JTable. I know how get data from server and how implements Table but I am not able to write a TableModel capable to accept data from a resultset and give it to the JTable. Someone can show me sample code? Kind ...

56. Jtable and database tables

hi I have a Jtable(use ResultSetTableModel) which shows the data of a database is editable and I want to know how can I reflect the changes in a cell of a Jtable to the database tables? how can I get the index of column and row of that selected cell ? I want to delete or update it.

57. how to do big table pagination reading from database with jtable?

I've tested on the following code, but there is a problem, the table will be empty when i press the "last page" button, how to avoid this and show the current page data? package swingdemo; import java.beans.PropertyChangeEvent; import java.beans.PropertyChangeListener; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.Statement; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Vector; import javax.swing.JDialog; import javax.swing.JLabel; import javax.swing.JTable; import javax.swing.SwingWorker; ...

58. How to display Database Table DATA in jTable

Hello everyone, In my GUI program. I have two ComboBoxes, one for CategoryOption (StoreCode, ProductCode and ClassificationCode) and another one for DateOption (Daily, Monthly). I have to display data according to Selected Item in ComboBox. I am going to give a scenerio, I want to get data StoreCode-wise from database StoreTable, data display output in jTABLE is in below format Condition ...

59. inserting jtable into database

60. How to save the changes in db through JTable

Hello Adeeb, Are you using a cache (memory) of the data? If so, when you click delete button, you trigger the table model to remove that row or object from the data. At the same time, the table model through some means delete the physical database table row then fireXXX() methods. If no cache, then the table model deletes the physical ...

61. Accessing derby database to Jtable or jtextarea

Welcome to the Ranch. We do not just hand out code. We would rather you try on your own and learn on the way. If you are stuck somewhere, we would be more than happy to help. Check this out on how to get the most of the Ranch. To display any DB data in a jtable, you will need to ...

62. [HELP] on sync of JTable with DB

got meta = com.mysql.jdbc.JDBC4DatabaseMetaData@d75c47 got column results name: ID type: 5 name: Surname type: 12 name: First_Name type: 12 name: Middle_Name type: 12 name: Year type: 12 name: Course type: 12 name: Section type: 12 name: Age type: 5 name: Gender type: 12 name: Address type: -1 name: Email type: -1 Created model with 1 rows got meta = com.mysql.jdbc.JDBC4DatabaseMetaData@1e779a1 got ...

63. JTable not showing database query result properly

Hello everyone! I wrote the following code and tested it in a separate class and with println I see that it gives the expected query results. However when I give it to the JTable constructor as a Vector parameter to fill it with data, it only shows the last stored rows, multiplied by the amount of times I called the frame ...

64. Update JTable when SQL DB changes ?

I have bond a JTable and a MySQL database.When the application loads Jtable populates it cells using mysql database.But my problem is I want to update my Jtable when i add a new entry to mysql table.I mean the update should be real time.At the moment what happens is I can only see new entries only after i close my application ...

65. Deleting a row in Jtable as well as from the .txt database

Dear Rob , and all the acive members of javaranch Sorry to post late ,, i am having difficulty in these areas :- 1) After deleting selected rows , how to save the remaining data of the JTable ? eg . is it in array or ??? 2) After saving that data , deletion of the .txt file is done (which ...

66. JTable output from db query

public void executeMyQuery() throws SQLException { String query = tp.getText(); // gets the query input try { Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:mysql://"+host+":"+port+"/"+schema+"",username,password); Statement s = con.createStatement(); s.execute(query); ResultSet rs = s.getResultSet(); System.out.println(query); System.out.println("Query Executed"); System.out.println("[ResultSet]"); while( { System.out.print(rs.getString(1)+"\t"); System.out.print(rs.getString(2)+"\t"); System.out.print(rs.getString(3)+"\t"); System.out.print(rs.getString(4)+"\t"); System.out.print(rs.getString(5)+"\n");' //just to see if there is something that could be fetched from the DB } ListTableModel model = ListTableModel.createModelFromResultSet(rs); JTable ...

71. JTable won't display records from database

Hi I am trying to display data from the database on the table, using the Vector approach. I have verified that the Vector is loaded by printing the data on the console. I am not sure why the table won't display the records. Below is the code: Vector columns, data; // Constructor public MyTable() { initComponents(); connect = new Connector(); conn ...

73. issue related to JTable and SQLite database

public Connection dbConnection() throws Exception { try { databasePath = loader.getResource("JTableCall/database/contactBook.db"); String database = databasePath.getPath(); int sg = database.indexOf("/"); String st = database.substring(sg + 1, database.length()); String databaseFullPath = "jdbc:sqlite:" + st; Class.forName("org.sqlite.JDBC"); connection = DriverManager.getConnection(databaseFullPath); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return connection; } public Vector getPersonsData() throws Exception { pdata = new Vector>(); Connection con = dbConnection(); PreparedStatement ...

75. Interchanging Database columns as rows while displaying in a JTable

Thank you sir for your reply. But sir can you give me a more useful suggestion regarding this. Actually i have gone through the given link. It displays hardcoded data, but i need the datas from database and also in different way i.e columns as rows. i am trying but still found myself in the same position. i cannot step forward, ...

78. import database in Jtable?

you should only iterate over the ResultSet of your query and add rows to the JTable (for the row data). you should iterate over the ResultSetMetaData of the ResultSet and add your columns to the JTable (for the column names). here is the java docs for using tables How to Use Tables (The Java Tutorials > Creating a GUI with JFC/Swing ...

79. dispaly data in a JTable from database using NET Beans

hello guys...... i hv worked with java before but i am very new to SWING. i m using Net Beans IDE to develop an application where i want to display data from database in a JTable. can anybody provide me some samples of how to dispaly data in a JTable from database. Any help will be highly appreciated.... thanx:)

80. Java Swing Tables ( JTable Models ) to connect to Database using Table Models

Java Swing Tables ( JTable Models ) to connect to Database using Table Models hey everyone, please someone help me out in Connecting JTable to Database.. I've created 5 files, here are the codes, pls temme how should i proceed further to connect it to database( JTable to Database using Table Models) 1. ( Main swing File in ...

81. Trouble with jtables from a database

I'm trying to retrieve information from a database and display it in a JTable for part of my project. I can retrieve the information needed easily but am finding it difficult to show it in a JTable. I've looked at loads of tutorials and I can't seem to implement it into my project, In the end I kind of cheated and ...

82. Save JTable to database

84. Displaying database values as a row in a JTable but not as a column

Sir, i have a problem i need to display my database values as a row but not as a column in a JTable. Is it possible? Please give me some suggestion regarding this. I have a database table with fields like emp_id, emp_name. emp_id emp_name 1 ravi 2 sita 3 gita ... .. .. .. .. .. But i need to ...

85. How can i get MySQL database table into jTable of my application?

Hey friends i have tried thid code to get all the data from MySQL table into my GUI jTable: ResultSet result = Statement.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM someTable"); ResultSetMetaData md = result.getMetaData(); int columnCount = md.getColumnCount(); Vector columns = new Vector(columnCount); //store column names for(int i=1; i<=columnCount; i++) columns.add(md.getColumnName(i)); Vector data = new Vector(); Vector row; //store row data while( { row = ...

86. adding sum column on jtable that is binded to a database table

Hi all, I hope this is the correct thread to make this post. I have a database application created with NetBeans very similar to this one: Creating a Custom Java Desktop Database Application - NetBeans 6.5 Tutorial I would like to add another column on the customer (master) table that will display the sum of the orders cost that each customer ...

88. jtable and report from mysql database

Hello, first, sorry for my bad english. I am beginner in Java. I try to make application to connect to MYSQL database and write data in it and also get some queries from it . I succeseded to write data in it,also to get some SELECT queries. For example, I have table named Proba with just three columns,for testing(ID, ime(name), prezime(surname)) ...

89. Problem with jTable that is binded with a table in MySQL Database

I have a jTable that is binded to a table in MySQL Database. I drag and drop the database table on the jTable and it automatically displayed the database table. The problem is here: 1. How do i make it to refresh at a specific interval or refresh whenever there is change or editing in the table in Netbeans 6.0.1? 2. ...

90. inserting values from jtable into database

hi to all , i am facing a problem with jtable when inserting jtable values into database.My problem is ,for example i have three columns,and user enters the corresponding data into three columns ,for example jtable has say rows and i have one submit button at bottom of table.After filling the data into all rows ,when the user press submit button ...

91. Creating a Database using JTable

I will start with a little background information. I am currently a student and don't have much experience in programming yet. Where I work, when an accident occurs, a accident report is filled out by hand, and then the information is copied into an Excel spreadsheet. I spoke to the plant manager and he has given me the go ahead to ...

92. Question about using JTable to access database

Greetings, I'm learning Java and since I have some previous experience with OO programming I jumped quite directly onto my favourite database applications. Now I'm implementing quite simple application that loads MySQL dataset into JTable. The algorithm is well described in many tutorials on the net. 1. Create class that implements TableModel interface. 2. Use the constructor of this class to ...

93. Database Contents and JTable

Thanks for your interest. I am sorry for the ambiguity in my question.. I can connect to the database, run a query through PreparedStatment and get the RecordSet also, I can also use this recordset to display contents one by one using println method. But i want to create a Grid in GUI where i would be able to display the ...

94. how do I update database from my JTable?

hello! I am currently stuck in a problem. In my program I have a combo box and a table the table is filled according to combo box. now I need to insert data n update data into my database from my table when update button is clicked. I think when a user changes an already displayed data...database should be updated and ...

95. JTable and Database communication

96. JTable + update database

hey all!!! i ve been searching the internet for a while but i don't seem to be able to find any solution to my problem. well, what i want to do is this... i have mysql db connected to my applets. i select from table and show the result in JTable on the interface. it all good and well but i ...

98. giving input to jtable from a database in runtime

friends previously i have posted an query asking how to intilize the row size of jtable in run time for which i got good rewsponce to direct me to an page in sun/components,i read the jtable page in specifie link provided in sun,but i could not figure out how to give input to jtable from a database on runtime.In that page ...

99. refreshing the binded jtable after deletion of record from database netbean

hi , i m using the netbeans6.1 i have binded my jtable with the mysql databse on the view page but when i delete a record from the jtable by hitting the delete button on the view page it doesnt refresh the jtable removing the deleted record but it is deleted in the db how do i reflect the database changes ...

100. Jtable and database

First of all I'm beginner and so You need to know that's just my opinion : 1) It's a very bad idea to mix all things up in one class i.e. You need a separate class to access the DB and that class have simple methods that you deal with it in the application and usually this class is called the ...