Grid « JTable « Java Swing Q&A

1. Java data grid control

Are there any third party enterprisey data grid controls out there, alla JIDE Data Grid? Is there a website like that lists third party java controls? Google doesn't turn up ...

2. Swing Grid Layout or JTable

greetngs, i am trying to learn Java and Swing by writing a simple game of connect4. i am hoping you could guide me regarding the following issue: to emulate the connect4 grid should ...

3. Swing layout - Using a grid while keeping component dimensions

I'd like to make a login bar for an application and I can't figure out how to organize a series of JLabels and JTextFields such that they are organized in a ...

4. Hiding a particular cell grid in Jtable

I am trying to display numbers in the steps of 5,10,15,20 in a Jtable. In case of 5 the column names will be 0,5,10,15...
In case of 10 the column names ...

5. Grid layout with box inside

I have a grid layout, consisting of 4 columns. Just one row. Inside each grid layout box i have a box layout so i can stack things on top of each ...

6. Is there any good "cube grid" component for Java / Swing?

I need to represent quite some data for which a cube grid would just make perfect sense. Does such a thing exist for Swing? A "cube grid" looks like this (and ...

7. Make A Checkers Grid Visually?

Trying to make a Grid Like this using java and I'm assuming a 2d Array, I'm eventually going to be making this into checkers game. Making a grid is ...

8. Java: Grid of clickable elements

I'm planning on making an editor for my current project and will need some java swing for it. Basically I need a grid within some sort of frame; the single elements of ...

9. Represention datas from Oracle to GUI (Charts, Grid), JavaFx

Hello for all! I the beginner in Netbeans 6.9.1, very much I hope for the help. I have a problem with a conclusion in GUI the data from table Oracle in JavaFx Desktop Business Application. I have created jdbcDataSource with sql string (select NAME1, NAME2 from TABLE) , fetch data works well. In Services tab connection also is established. Then I ...

10. Grid in Applet

11. Creating simple AWT grid component

Hi, I need to create a simple grid component that provides the following capabilities: 1) Can be constructed with an arbitrary number of rows and columns. 2) Each cell is capable of triggering an event in response to user input in that cell. 3) The entire grid should be able to be overlaid with an image. As an approach, I'm thinking ...

12. JClass Grid Question

Hi For those who've used the JClass software, this should be a easy one I guess. This question is with regard to the JClass HiGrid. How do I set : 1. Font 2. Width 3. Edit property for a particular column in the Grid ? PS : I'm using my own data Model which has the rowdata and the columnTitles as ...

13. grid appearance

Hey...thanks a lot. But here's the deal: I would need to put info that has to be changed in each 'gridbox'. If I'm using this approach, that is, gridlayout and borders, then I might have to use something like a label in each grid, and keep changing there any better way to do this?

14. Grid Layout Question?

You might find it easier to do something like (3, 0), which will give you 3 rows, and as many columns as you need for the number of components you add to it. Or, (0, 3), which will always give you 3 columns, and as many rows as you need. If you give both parameters, GridLayout will assume that the first ...

15. arranging display in a panel with grid bags...

Hi. I have done a setLayout(new GridLayout(2,2)) in order to get 4 panels. 2 rows by 2 columns. In the row1/col1 (NORTHWEST) is a block of data in tabular format. In the row1/col2 there should be an image. In row2 there should be a text area spanning both columns. Somehow, my current arrangement has got a bit of the image displayed ...

16. Combo with grid??

17. newbie needs your help with a grid!

Hi, I would like to know how to create a playing grid. I must be able to have access to the individual cells of the grid for e.g. being able to fill-in each cell with a certain colour, storing their states etc... Having done a bit of research, I think 2D arrays would be the best thing to use, I ...

18. Grid

19. GridBag layout versus Grid-, Flow- and other layouts

I was curious as to whether using GridBag layout is the preferred way of laying out components. It seems that it's overkill for most GUIs, but I'm reading a book that says it is the most often used. In another book, it was said that it was mostly used by RAD programs. So which is it? Can I do without it-for ...

20. Grid layout

Originally posted by Roopa Joshi: I have an applet, where i am showing status of some elements. I am using grid layout with six rows. If user clicks on any of the row, I have to show the same layout with two more button added to it in the row where the user has clicked. Is there any way of knowing ...

21. Creating a NxN grid.

Hello I am new to Java AWT/Swing and have a question. I would like to create a 10x10 grid, where each "cell" can handle mouse events. So if I click on cell with a coord A4 then it would change color. I was thinking of using JButtons but I want the "cells" to look more like Excel-like in appearance. Any suggestions?? ...

22. Grid for Coordinates

I'm looking for a way to allow a user to place components on a "layout". The user would snap intersections to input coordinates for the corners of the components. I would also need to specify the size of the layout and the grid spacing. Anything classes out there that would allow me to do this? Thanks, Landon

23. Data Grid

24. Cell limitation in AWT grid - JDK1.4.2_02

Hi, I would like to have unlimited number of cells in one of my grid application. I am using JDK 1.4.2_02 and I provide number of rows and columns. If number of rows and columns has less number it works fine. If rows X columns > 4996 it fails and throws the exception (Exception and Java example are given below). Pls ...

25. Grid

Ok I am really new at this just so ya know. I am put a gird in an applet with a dot (otherwise known as my "ant") that travels east, west, south and north. I am in the beginning stages of building this code, but I have the grid done and I am working on the dot. I am a little ...

26. Table/Grid control in java

27. Irregular Grid with Three-State Cells

What swing components should I use if I wanted to make an irregular grid like this: a b c d 01 02 03 04 i ii L1 | | | | | | | | | | | L2 | | | | | | X| | | | | L3 | | | | | |./| | | X| | ...

28. center aligning widgets in grid layout

29. trying to make compact grid

Hi, I am writing a miniscule program and wanted to use a compact grid for the GUI. I got the code directly from the JavaTutorial online, but the compiler tells me it doesn't know what SpringUtilities is. Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong? Thank you! Karen. import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.SpringLayout; public class PunnettMenuGui { JFrame ...

30. Code to generate a Grid Test GUI

I am completely at a loss for this and need an answer asap. I need to know the code to generate a GUI with the number from 1 to 12 with each number in a seperate section. And if anyone knows how to cod the numbers 1 to 4 in a pannel i would be greatly apricative. I need this info ...

31. Grid header for JTable

import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.table.DefaultTableModel; public class GridHeader implements ActionListener { JTable table; public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { ListSelectionModel lsm = table.getSelectionModel(); if(lsm.isSelectionEmpty()) lsm.setSelectionInterval(0, table.getRowCount()-1); else lsm.clearSelection(); } private JScrollPane getContent() { JButton gridControl = new JButton("select"); gridControl.addActionListener(this); JPanel rowHeader = new JPanel(); Dimension d = rowHeader.getPreferredSize(); d.width = gridControl.getPreferredSize().width; rowHeader.setPreferredSize(d); table = new JTable(new DefaultTableModel(16, 4)); d ...

32. how can use Snap to Grid layout....

33. Grid overwrites contents of Frame

Hi. I have a method constructGrid(). Whenever I call it, it overwrites all the contents of the frame. I was thinking of making 2 panels, put one in the north and one in the center. My question is, how do I make the grid form in the center panel? This is how my constructGrid looks like. public void constructGrid(int x) { ...

34. how i use java applet data grid i have many record i need show in grid

The soul is dyed the color of its thoughts. Think only on those things that are in line with your principles and can bear the light of day. The content of your character is your choice. Day by day, what you do is who you become. Your integrity is your destiny - it is the light that guides your way. - ...

35. Looking for a complete data grid table

Hello, I been looking for a data grid table that could be useful for sorting, exporting, and ordering data, the same way it can be done with some data grids available in Delphi or .Net I have already found some grids with sorting capabilities, such as jxtable provided by But that table does not have exporting and sorting (where you ...

36. Creating a attendance grid

I am looking to create a grid for keeping attendance for my school and was wondering the best way to do this. The information for the grid/table will be in a database. In addition, the grid/table needs to be scrollable so there can be multiple dates to take attendance. I was just wondering what would be good to create this sort ...

38. Grid layout problem

39. Sudoku grid shading

I have a sudoku 9x9 grid and i am trying to shade the 3x3 cells in the top right, left, center, bottom left and right I have tried to do it by accessing the points in the 2d array which was fine for position subPanels[0][0].setBackground(Color.lightGray); but if i try it for the other positions it shows errors. subPanels[0][1].setBackground(Color.lightGray); This throws the ...

40. adding JComponent to Grid

Hi Everyone, Am currently working on a Checkers game (English draughts) to upgrade my java skills, But am having Slight difficulties placing the pieces into the Board and I am unsure of how i could go about it, i know i would have to store all the pieces into an array then loop through the array and add it to the ...

41. Grid Layout Problems

42. Grid layout frames GUI

I am having a problem with creating a calculator. I using JFrames to create a non working calculator that has the text box and the number grid, but the numbers are not coming into the frame. If I remove the text box lines, the numbers are shown. Any help is appreciated... Here is the code:

43. Database Grid

Hello everyone! I am glad to join your community. I am doing java client for oracle database. I need have good grid for database records. I looked into JTable and concluded that it is not linked resultset from oracle. When I was VB developer we had a grid that took resultset object reference as parameter or something like that. It meant ...

44. Cool Grid to manipulate with database records

Hello everyone, I am glad to join the community. I am doing java windows application as oracle client. JTable does not seem to be a good records storage place. Because it is not actually connected to the database. When I was VB developer we were able to pass database resultset to grid object. After that they were 'synchronized'. Like, if you ...

45. Getting a grid with cell properties to work.

Hi guys. I'm 26 and starting to learn OOP and Java. The best way to motivate myself is writing a simple game with the concepts i'm learning. Of course, there is a lot to rewrite every time i learn something radically better than i used, but that does not fade out the fun factor. Now i'm struggling with a hexgrid. I ...

46. Help with Grid Layout

47. Creating An Interactive Grid

Hello, I'm new to the forums, so I apologize in advance for breaking any posting conventions. I'm creating a game where I need to be able to display a grid and I need to be able to update what's contained in each cell of the grid frequently. The contents of each cell will either be nothing, or one of two images. ...

48. Using a grid to place objects

I'm not new to programming but new to Java and am teaching myself. I'm really new to Swing/AWT and have always created GUIs in C/C++ and Delphi using a WYSIWYG IDE. I've created a GUI that displays 1 to n rows of three object: a JLabel, a JTextField, and another JLabel. The first column of JLabels determine the width of the ...

49. Help in creating grid points using java swing

Hi all, I am new to java swing programming.I want to develop an application which has a panel with an array of grid points(not grid cells). The number of columns and rows of the grid points must be user specific. Once such an environment is created, the user's mouse click on the diff grid points must be captured and those points ...

50. Resetting a GUI grid

I would like some help with the following. I have a tic-tac-toe game that uses a grid 3/3 and when the game is done, the game asks the player if they would like to play again, or lets just say it restarts at the end of a game. The problem is that the game needs to carry the scores over, which ...

51. Changes contents of JTable (Refresh Grid Equivalend in Visual Basic)

Hi All! I would like to ask to to change the set of records in a JTable component as if it is a DataGrid Object in Visual Basic... In visual basic I just need to call the refresh method of the grid if there will be some changes on the recordset it is displaying. How will I do this in java? ...