Click « JTextField « Java Swing Q&A

1. How do you simulate a click on a JTextField? Equivalent of JButton doClick()?

I am working on a Java project and need to have a keypress simulate a click on a JTextField. What I'm looking for is the equivalent of the JButton doClick() method. I ...

2. Want jTextField to lose focus when I click on the main window

I've been struggling with this for way too long. When I'm done typing in a jTextField, I want it to lose focus when I click on the window outside the ...

3. how do you set text on JTextField that carries the java bean value after clicking submit

When clicking a JButton (submit) from one class another class is supposed to replace the text of a JTextField. The new text value is collected from a bean. The new ...

4. Need to read input of two JTextfields after a button is clicked

I'm working on a program that launches an applet that will demonstrate how the Extended-Euclid algorithm performs. I have two JTextFields that values will be entered in and need to be ...

5. change text on jtextfield from one class after clicking submit from another class

when clicking a jbutton (submit) from one class another class is supposed to replace the text of a jtextfield. The new text value is collected from a bean. The new value appears on the console doing system.out.println but why doesn't it replace the value in the jtextfield. When the program is initially compiled the jtextfield is initialize to what the current ...