Repaint « JTextField « Java Swing Q&A

1. JTextField not repainting itself when asked

I have a setter method which sets the number of columns for the text field and then asks for a repaint, but the text field will not repaint itself. But the text field will repaint itself with the right number of columns when i resize the window. The other method for setting the horizontal alignment works fine. I have no idea ...

2. JTextField & repaint issues.

I have JDialog box that houses 3 JPanels , SearchPanel, DataPanel and ButtonPanel. The SearchPanel houses a JLabel (searchLabel) and JTextField (mySearchField). The DataPanel (myDataPanel) has several JComboBox's. I've added (sub-classed) ActionListener to the combo boxes that will take the selected object, process the data, and do a mySearchField.setText(theData) on the SearchPanel's JTextField. The problem I seem to have is it ...

3. Refreshing/repainting JPanel or JtextField

Hello, I'm a computing student and I need a little help figering out how to refresh a JPanel or some JTextFields after a JButton has called an ActionListener. This code will scroll through my database and put every rowinput in a JTextField in another panel. The question is, whenever I call the JButton while running the program, the JTextFields won't refresh ...

4. Refreshing/repainting JPanel or JtextField after scrolling in database

Refreshing/repainting JPanel or JtextField after scrolling in database Hello, I'm a computing student and I need a little help figering out how to refresh a JPanel or some JTextFields after a JButton has called an ActionListener. This code will scroll through my database and put every rowinput in a JTextField in another panel. The question is, whenever I call ...