Wrap « JTextField « Java Swing Q&A

1. Wrapping text in a text box    stackoverflow.com

I have the following line of code that consists of a text box:

    NameTextCustomers = new JTextField();
NameTextCustomers.setBounds(10, 10, 350, 150);
    Customers.add( NameTextCustomers);
I would like to ...

2. Text in a JTextField not wrapping around    stackoverflow.com

My original plan today was to learn how to use the JProgressBar, but now I am stuck with a new problem which I was not expecting. So here is how my ...

3. How to show (wrap from leftside) file path in JLabel/JTextField?    stackoverflow.com

Problem: I have button, that opens JFileChooser. Near to button I want to show path to selected file/folder. If i just put it in JLabel/JTextfield and text out of borders, it ...

4. JTextField Word Wrap??    coderanch.com