number « JTextField « Java Swing Q&A

1. Java Swing - a good textfield component for numbers?

i am bit new to java and swing so... can someone please tell me how to utilize swing textfield component for number processing (money, decimal...) ? or can someone ...

2. Only allowing numbers and a symbol (-) to be typed into a JTextField

I'm trying to create a math quiz and I only want the user to be able to enter numbers whether they're negative or positive. Is there any way to do ...

4. Numbers only TextField

Hi Manish, You need to create a class that extends JTextField and override the createDefaultModel() method to return a Document that limits what can be entered into the field. That basically means that you will need to create another class that extends PlainDocument and you will override the insertString() method there to accomplish your task. Here is an excerpt from my ...

5. Number of charecters in JTextField

hi, I think jFormattedTextField will be most suitable for you. you can set the maximum characters,minimum characters and even apply masking to your text field (as in your case. you wish the user to enter in specified format XX-XX-XX). the details about it can be found in javadocs. If you still wish to use jTextField, then you will have to do ...

7. Number Text Field

8. variable number of text fields

i have a window with one text field in it that accepts an int, and as soon as a user enters that int i want a window to appear with the entered amount of text fields. and as soon as the user enters the data in those text fields, my program needs to store the data in those text fields in ...

9. How to make JTextField input only allowed numbers ?

u might be having a button called "login" in ur GUI. Attach actionlistener to that button by using "buttonName.addActionListener() and in the actionPerformed method write the simple code to check whether the text box has a number or not .. if not generate pop-up to show error msg. so simple... still have confusion post or efforts..(codes)

10. Allowing only numbers and dot (.) in a JTextField

< ' properly. It should be chars < 'ZERO'. Place this code in NetBeans in the Custom Creation code. You could also limit the length, etc. This will also work with pastes (key trapping wouldn't). Or you can just create the NumberOnlyDocument in the main code and just set the document property to it. Edited by: digiboy86 on Nov 6, 2007 ...