Display « JTextPane « Java Swing Q&A

1. Increasing the font size of a JTextPane that displays HTML text    stackoverflow.com

Lets say that I have a JTextPane that is showing a HTML document. I want that, on the press of a button, the font size of the document is increased. Unfortunately this is ...

2. displaying links in java's JTextPane without html    stackoverflow.com

I need to take text from a source as plain text and display it in a JTextPane or JEditorPane. The source text is not HTML but will contain URLs between square ...

3. Display local image (BufferedImage?) inside JTextPane    stackoverflow.com

I'm trying to display a local image in package1/package2/myImage.gif in a JTextPane. I first tried to load the resource into a BufferedImage:

BufferedImage image = ImageIO.read(ClassLoader.getSystemResourceAsStream(
But then I ...

4. Java JTextPane JScrollPane Display Issue    stackoverflow.com

The following class implements a chatGUI. When it runs okay the screen looks like this: Fine ChatGUI The problem is very often when i enter text of large length ie. 50 ...

5. Changing content of HTMLDocument displayed in a JTextPane    stackoverflow.com

I'm displaying some tables as HTML code (rendered by a Freemarker template) with a JTextPane. I also have some HTML links in this HTML output which can be used to interact ...

6. colored xml display in swing    stackoverflow.com

Is there an "easy" way to display xml data to a user via an JEditorPane or JTextPane in colored/highlighted way?

7. JTextPane with custom document and editor does not display icons correctly    stackoverflow.com

We are implementing a very small messenger like application in Java and are using a JTextPane for our messages panel. Now, we are trying to replace common smileys with .gif files ...

8. Displaying Urdu characters in JTextPane    stackoverflow.com

How can I display a single character in JTextPane, I want to display my urdu characters in my JTextPane component. I have translated english characters to urdu characters but could'nt find ...

13. Displaying HTML in a JTextPane    coderanch.com

15. JtextPane does not display properly when initialized with ""    java-forums.org

Lads, We have migrated a swing application from Java 1.4.2 (IBM) to 1.5 (IBM). In this application I have a Panel to display account information that contains two components (mine ones) that are subclasses of JTextPane. These components represents possible status of an account (an account can have status 1 and substatus 2 for example). When this panel is accessed it ...

16. Display Chart in JTextPane    jfree.org

David, Thanks for the response. I had seen this article before, and several others on the topic but was having a difficult time getting it to work. I was able to get the chart panel to display in a JTextPane. My first problem was that I had set the editable flag to false. This needs to be set to true to ...

17. JTextPane displaying data using ISO-8859-1 instead UTF-8    forums.oracle.com

I a text string formatted in UTF-8, but when im trying to display the string in JTextPane it refuses to display it using utf-8 it seems like it is being displayed using ISO-8859-1. I have tried to cast the string to UTF-8 using String newString = new String(oldString.getBytes("UTF-8"), "UTF-8"); Also i have tried changing the content-type to "text/html; charset:utf-8" without any ...

18. JTextPane display problem    forums.oracle.com

19. How to display Text & Images in JtextPane together    forums.oracle.com

hello, I have gone through the search facility also , as I mentioned I did research & gone through sun site on the same but couldn't get on top. Look I am using one property file that contains all the smiley & there respective image file names stored . I am using reg exp for finding any of the smiley char. ...

20. Displaying a HTML page using JTextPane    forums.oracle.com

okay i have the html in a string, which i then read using a StringBuffer so that i can use the read method in JTextPane. i changed the content type to text/html. but when i run the program i get a Changedcharset expection. i have also changed the editor kit type to html as well just in case this is the ...