StyledDocument « JTextPane « Java Swing Q&A

1. Font of a StyledDocument associated with a JTextPane

What font does the StyledDocument associated with a JTextPane use? By default, does it use the same font as the JTextPane? In particular, I'm wondering about the font ...

2. what is the meaning of boolean argument in StyleConstants.setBold?

I want to set bold the charecters within specific range as Bold. How could I do that?

System.out.println("Painting keywords:.......");
    for(int index =0;index<keywordTracer.keywords.size();index++ )

3. How to output using StyledDocument with HTML?

I have a JTextPane, and I would like to output text on it using StyledDocument. Here is my StyledDocument object

    StyledDocument dox = (StyledDocument) textArea.getDocument();


4. JTextPane , StyledDocument

Hi I developing a chatter application, I used JTexPane with StyledDocument. And i am inserting string with timestamp in to StyledDocument like below [22/04/2009 15:22]nathan: hai [22/04/2009 15:22]nathan: how ru [22/04/2009 15:22]nathan: i am fine After that if i wish to hide/show time stamp means the textpane should be modified like nathan: hai nathan: how ru nathan: i am fine if ...

6. StyledDocument for JTextPane

HI,, i am making a text editor..I insert an image in JTextPane... then save file.While reopening i see that my .GIF images (animating) are not animating why is this so? ANY solution. Basically i save StyledDocument as follows: try { FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream ("e:\\doc.ser"); ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream (fos); oos.writeObject (doc);//doc is the styled document set for this ...