Text « JTextPane « Java Swing Q&A

1. Getting raw text from JTextPane    stackoverflow.com

In my application, I use a JTextPane to display some log information. As I want to hightlight some specific lines in this text (for example the error messages), I set the ...

2. Adding text to a JTextPane without having it editable by the user?    stackoverflow.com

So I've created my own text pane class (extending JTextPane) and I'm using the method below to add text to it. However, the pane needs to be editable for it to ...

3. JTextPane immutable text blocks    stackoverflow.com

I've been creating something like text editor for a while and noticed one interesting feature in NetBeans: when creating Java Application from a template (for example, "Desktop Application"), it creates immutable ...

4. How to indent text in JTextPane ... ?    coderanch.com

Well I see a couple of problems. The first one is that your Style is local to the initStylesForTextPane() method. Once that is done - poof - the style is gone. Make it an instance variable and it will last a bit longer. Next, you define Style s and set some attributes for it, and then in the next breath you ...

5. Flushing text written to JTextPane    coderanch.com

Hi, I have a screen with a textpane. The screen allows the user to make some selections, then does calculations and is supposed to displays the status of these calculations. Unfortunately the calculations complete and the screen closes before the output is displayed in the textpane. Is there some was to flush output to a jtextpane immediately (sort of like System.err)? ...

7. Get the text marking right in JTextPane?    coderanch.com

Hey! I Creates a Styled document, and marks some words. Every line is ended with a \n. To add my text to the styleddocument i use Styleddocument.insertString(this.getLength(), " " + pt.getStr(), this.getStyle("" + pt.getCol())); The a add this Styled dokument to the JTextPane by MyJTextPane.setStyledDocument(Styleddoc); There will be colors, but the problem is that it is not coloring all the way ...

8. too much text in textpane    coderanch.com

Hi, Basically, you will need to become familar with 3 main objects: 1. The textPane 2. The editorKit for the textPane 3. The document object that sits behind the textPane There are a few good tutorials around that walk you through it all. The learning curve is a bit steep, but there really is no other way. All the interesting stuff ...

9. Can i store bold/italic text modified in JTextpane in Database??    coderanch.com

Hi, As one solution, you would need to add a column in your database table to specify the style to apply to the saved text in that database row. When you query the database for the text to re-display it, you would also need to look at this column to figure out how to render the text in the JTextPane (eg, ...

10. JTextPane without text    coderanch.com

I have a non inicialized JTextPane, and want to do a simple pagination algorithm on it for perfomance reasons. I'm thinking: To inicialize the text i have a position counter that keeps the position in the original document of the displayed text, and when i request a new text, i have to display from position to position (+/-) minimum chars to ...

11. How to get the Underlined text in JTextPane    coderanch.com

I have a JtextPane with text say "i like java it is a good language". in the above text suppose i have made "like java" and "good language" text underlined. And i have added a mouse listener to this JTextpane. the whole idea is to create a hyperlink so that when the user clicks anywhere on "like java" then i want ...

12. Need to write text directly to a JTextPane    coderanch.com

Hi, I am developing a small tool which reads certain paragraphs of text(which occupy more than one display window)from log files present in a remote unix server. When the user enters a search string into a textfield and clicks a button, it fetches the data into a string again and again and needs to add it directly to the textpane and ...

13. Text Plain and JTextPane    coderanch.com

14. Text Problem in JTextPane    forums.oracle.com

15. JTextPane, how to set only a part of text editable?    forums.oracle.com

Another option would be to split the uneditable part of the text off into a separate textpane, maybe positioned right above the editable one. I don't know what effect you're trying to accomplish, but thinking about what you're describing from a user perspective, it sounds like it'd be kind of weird to use. How will the user know what part of ...