Thread « JTree « Java Swing Q&A

1. JTree gives ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException?

I try to dynamically add nodes to a Java Swing JTree, and the user should be able to browse and to collapse hierarchy while nodes are constantly added. When ...

2. Swing: what to do when a JTree update takes too long and freezes other GUI elements?

I know that GUI code in Java Swing must be put inside SwingUtilities.invokeAndWait or SwingUtilities.invokeLater. This way threading works fine. Sadly, in my situation, the GUI update it that thing which takes much longer ...

3. NPE problem: Updating a JTree...any ideas?

Dear Ranchers, I have a JTree in a Swing based application. It is acted upon by 3 types of Threads: 1> The Default Main Program which creates the Tree; performs changes to TreeModel and consequently changes the Tree UI... I call tree.updateUI() to reflect the changes 2> Specific operational thread(s) ... which may alter the tree Model... they notify tree selection(s) ...