BorderLayout « Layout « Java Swing Q&A

1. Removing the CENTER element from a JPanel using BorderLayout

Is there any way of removing the Component added to the CENTER of a JPanel with a BorderLayout, without having to reference the Component itself?

2. How do I remove component from JFrame that uses BorderLayout

The container uses a BorderLayout. I have a JPanel that I added to the CENTER. However the JPanel doesn't have a variable name for it. I could do contents.remove(nameofPanel) But since I added ...

3. Wrong packing of JFrame using JPanel in borderlayout

I am writing a simple application in Java that does some particle simulation on a bunch of sheep (don't ask). For this I want a window with a JPanel for graphics ...

4. How to implement JSplitPane in the BorderLayout?

HI, how can i use the JSplitPane so that they show up in the borders of a BorderLayout??? So that i can resize each sise (NORTH, EAST, WEST, SOUTH, CENTER). Thanks

5. JScrollPane doesn't show if BorderLayout constraint is CENTER?

Been developing a game for a while, and currently re working the GUI, or at least trying to. Had the massive problem of not being able to resize the frame (without ...

6. How do you position objects in JPanel with BorderLayout?

I have the following class which implements 3 JPanels. 1 Panel has a label, next are the buttons and the third is a table as described in my code:

import ...

7. Java - How do I prevent BorderLayout EAST from hugging the side of the screen?

If I add components like JButtons on the east or west side, how do I prevent it from hugging the side of the screen? I want some space between the JButtons ...

8. Can I force automatic wrapping in BorderLayout

I was wondering if it is possible to force components in BorderLayout to wrap like they do in FlowLayout.

9. Swapping out the center JPanel in a BorderLayout

I have a JPanel sitting inside the center position of a BorderLayout of a JFrame. How can I swap out the current JPanel for a new one?

10. BorderLayout problem with JSplitPane after adding JToolbar (Java)

Problem: My program layout is fine, as below before I add JToolbar to BorderLayout.PAGE_START Here's a screenshot before JToolbar is added: alt text Here's how it looked like after adding JToolbar: alt ...</p></div></td></tr><tr><td><div class='articleProductElement'><h3 class='articleProductElementTitle'>11. <a href=''>How to manage a BorderLayout with generic JPanel()</a><span class='articleProductElementHost'></span></h3><p class='articleProductElementParagraph'>Im not sure how to reference to JPanel when it was declared like this.

This is the coding of the entire program: Everything works but the layout is not how I want ...</p></div></td></tr><tr><td><div class='articleProductElement'><h3 class='articleProductElementTitle'>12. <a href=''>How do I create a component that auto-sizes in the Borderlayout North Position</a><span class='articleProductElementHost'></span></h3><p class='articleProductElementParagraph'>I want to create a JLabel (containing an image) in the north position of a border layout that auto-sizes to a length matching the preferred width of a component in the ...</p></div></td></tr><tr><td><div class='articleProductElement'><h3 class='articleProductElementTitle'>13. <a href=''>Java/Swing: Trying to get BorderLayout to play nice with GridBagLayout</a><span class='articleProductElementHost'></span></h3><p class='articleProductElementParagraph'>I'd like to have a window that has 3 menus, one tied to the left, another tied to the center and the last one tied to the right. Like this:

-  ...</p></div></td></tr><tr><td><div class='articleProductElement'><h3 class='articleProductElementTitle'>14. <a href=''>BorderLayout: Nested CENTER Panel Grows But does Not Resize Outer Panel</a><span class='articleProductElementHost'></span></h3><p class='articleProductElementParagraph'>I have a main JPanel which implements Scrollable and uses a BorderLayout.  It contains one NORTH readonly JEditorPane, one CENTER JPanel with a FlowLayout whereby JButtons are added dynamically, and ...</p></div></td></tr><tr><td><div class='articleProductElement'><h3 class='articleProductElementTitle'>15. <a href=''>Vertical Align of GridBagLayout Panel on BorderLayout.CENTER</a><span class='articleProductElementHost'></span></h3><p class='articleProductElementParagraph'>What I'm trying to do is place a GridBagLayout Panel on the center of my BorderLayout and vertical align the GridBagLayout panel ( /and text on it ) to the TOP ...</p></div></td></tr><tr><td><div class='articleProductElement'><h3 class='articleProductElementTitle'>16. <a href=''>BorderLayout delay issues</a><span class='articleProductElementHost'></span></h3><p class='articleProductElementParagraph'>After a very long couple of days I have determined that there is a delay when displaying text very quickly in a text area if that text area is in a ...</p></div></td></tr><tr><td><br/><br/><style>.example_responsive_1 { width: 320px; height: 100px; }@media(min-width: 500px) { .example_responsive_1 { width: 468px; height: 60px; } }@media(min-width: 800px) { .example_responsive_1 { width: 468px; height: 60px; } }</style><script async src=

17. Why does setting the layout to BorderLayout mean the paintComponent is never called

In the following example program, if you set useBorderlayout to true, the paintComponent method is never called - why?!

import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;

public class PaintComponentTest extends JPanel {
    private final ...

18. BorderLayout Swing

I m using A BorderLayout. In the north position I m having a panel called panNorth, where I'm adding some component (say for one click I'm adding one button in the ...

19. How to add scrollbar to panel in java, without borderlayout?

Here is my code:

//this is a JPanel, the gray panel behind the A4 paper
public Panel(int w, int h) {  //w=624, h=600
    this.w = w;

20. How to remove a specific element from a JPanel using BorderLayout/GroupLayout?

I need to remove the Component in the Center of the JPanel, but after some tries no prevail. I tried the method here: Removing the CENTER element from a JPanel using BorderLayout But ...

21. Java, BorderLayout.CENTER, getting the width and height of the JPanel

I am using Swing and AWT (for the listeners) to make a small program. I have a problem concerning getting the size of my JPanel (the class named Chess). My Layout:

public class ...

22. Where can I found the source code for javax.swing.BorderLayout class please?

Where can I found the source code for javax.swing.BorderLayout class please ?

23. BorderLayout not working

I cannot get BorderLayout to work. I want the cancelbutton to be positioned at the bottom, but it doesn't work. Code:

import java.awt.BorderLayout;

import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
import java.awt.event.ActionListener;

import javax.swing.ButtonModel;
import javax.swing.ButtonGroup;
import javax.swing.JButton;
import javax.swing.JDialog;
import javax.swing.JFrame;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import javax.swing.JRadioButton;

class Test {

24. setting BorderLayout and having paintComponent() called

My problem : I have a RoundedPanel class that extends JPanel and overrides paintComponent() method in order to draw rounded corners around the panel. I created a MyPanel class that extends ...

25. JPanel doesn't show in BorderLayout

I have a border layout, and a JPanel on the right. The JPanel has absolute layout, and it doesn't contain anything because I'm using it to draw graphics (overriding paintComponent(Graphics g)) The ...

26. JScrollPane inside BorderLayout.CENTER doesn't resize

This is the code below, the problem is that the JScrollPane stays at its preferred size and doesn't resize with the BorderLayout.CENTER region. I want it to fill that region, of ...

27. set maximum size of JPanel inside BorderLayout.CENTER

I have a JPanel inside BorderLayout.CENTER The JPanel has a Grid Layout, and I want it to expand with the CENTER for its width, but the height must stop at a maximum ...

28. Borderlayout gui adding to borders

I'm trying to add 3 panels to the border layout only North South and West something like


     ___  ______________
    |   ||  ...

29. BorderLayout center command won't center

I am trying to place two JButtons next to each other in the center of a JFrame, that won't re-size the buttons when the JFrame is re-sized. To do this I placed ...

30. GUI designer (Matisse) and BorderLayout

hi, I set a JPanel (MaiPanel) with BorderLayout. I would use it putting inside that, other Panels specifying a position (NORTH, CENTER, TOP, BOTTOM, LEFT) . How to do it ? All the panels that I add to MainPanel automatically take a position that I can not change at my will, and automatically they assume a size that tends to saturate ...

31. BorderLayout help

32. FlowLayout JPanel in BorderLayout.North??

I want to put a panel with flowlayout in the north area of a borderlayout frame. When the frame is resized, I want the North panel to resize to fit any components that flow to the next line. What I get is components dropping off the end of the North flowlayout to never never land when the boundry is too small. ...

33. How to prevent auto resize in BorderLayout

Hi, I have a swing application which has a main screen that will hold many internal frames and a JLabel that acts like a status bar. Currently I am using BorderLayout and have added the status bar lable to the SOUTH border. Now however when ever I try to open any internal frames the internal frame is added to the CENTER ...

34. BorderLayout problem

35. AWT FlowLayout to BorderLayout

import java.awt.*; public class TestFrame extends Frame { Button bNorth = new Button("North"); Button bSouth = new Button("South"); Button bEast = new Button("East"); Button bWest = new Button("West"); Button bCenter = new Button("Center"); public TestFrame() { setLayout(new FlowLayout()); add(bNorth); add(bSouth); add(bWest); add(bEast); add(bCenter); setLayout(new BorderLayout()); validate(); setSize(300,300); setVisible(true); } public static void main(String args[]) { TestFrame tf = new TestFrame(); } ...

36. setResizable & BorderLayout

37. Problem of using BorderLayout

38. Display image in a BorderLayout

Hi all. I was setting up a template to make it easier for layout designs, I was having fun until it turn very nasty when I tried to display a .jpg image inside a BorderLayout using JFrame. Compiles okay, but won't display the image. Can some gurus have a look please. Here is the code, I've highlighted the problematic bit: import ...

40. BorderLayout & FlowLayout

Hi, I know the difference between the two layouts in the title, that FlowLayout adds onjects onto the canvas one after each other in a line from left to right, then taking a new line when the edge of the canvas is reached. Also that BorderLayout can be set to the NORTH, SOUTH, EAST, WEST and CENTER of the canvas. What ...

41. BorderLayout and Scrollbars.

42. Urgent:Table in BorderLayOut.NORTH

43. BorderLayout Problem

44. BorderLayout problem with NullLayout

46. BorderLayout question

It's not; it's just an artifact due to broken code. You're not supposed to override the paint() method of a Swing component, but rather the paintComponent() method. Overriding paint() is leading to some painting errors where that label appears to be rendered in more than one place. If you change the "public void paint(Graphics..." to "public void paintComponent(Graphics..." this problem should ...

47. Weirdness when changing CENTER of a JPanel with BorderLayout

All, I've run into a bit of a problem. I have a class that's basically an extension of JPanel. It uses a Border layout. Now the PAGE_START and PAGE_END sections are constant, and always show properly. If the JPanel itself is called mainPanel, then the CENTER part has a middle section with a JPanel called middlePanel. MiddlePanel has a single JLabel ...

48. Do I need to change the layout from FreeDesign to BorderLayout or others?

Free design uses the "Absolute Layout" defined in java 6 (and maybe 5) If you're using an older java version like 1.4 netbeans will put the "absolute layout.jar" in your lib folder.. There's absolutely no harm in using the free design upto my knowledge.. But if you're using java 6 you'll have to keep in mind that the free design layout ...

49. Centering a JComponent in the CENTER area of BorderLayout?

import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; class Testing { public void buildGUI() { JLabel label = new JLabel("Hello World"); label.setBorder(BorderFactory.createLineBorder(Color.BLACK)); JPanel p = new JPanel(new GridBagLayout()); p.add(label,new GridBagConstraints()); JFrame f = new JFrame(); f.getContentPane().add(p); f.setSize(400,300); f.setLocationRelativeTo(null); f.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE); f.setVisible(true); } public static void main(String[] args) { SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable(){ public void run(){ new Testing().buildGUI(); } }); } }

50. Problem with BorderLayout

Hi people!! I was sutdying and I saw this code... I understand everything that the code do, but i dont know what happens with the line in bold... It seems that "BorderLayout.CENTER" doesnt work. Anyone could help me?? What is wrong at this code?? import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; public class LogoAnimator extends JPanel implements ActionListener { protected ImageIcon images[]; ...

52. Toolbar, and FlowLayout inside a BorderLayout's CENTER area?

I'm not quite sure I understand why this is happening. I have the following code - and what I expected to happen was, since all the buttons cannot fit on one row (increase the 12 in the for loop if you're trying this and have smaller fonts, a larger horizontal resolution, etc), I would assume that they continue on the next ...

53. Prevent resizing of JPanel in BorderLayout

import javax.swing.*; import javax.swing.event.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; public class DrawString extends JFrame { private JPanel topPanel; private JPanel centerPanel; private JButton changeText; private JTextField input; private JSlider horizontal; private JSlider vertical; private String text; private int xCoord, yCoord; private DisplayArea display; public DrawString() { super("Daly M017 App CIS 2151"); text = "Hello"; setLayout(new BorderLayout()); xCoord = 50; yCoord = 50; ...

54. Help i need help with borderlayout

import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; public class GUIOptionPanel extends JPanel { private JLabel saying ; private JCheckBox bold, italic; private JRadioButton english, french, spanish; private JComboBox color; public GUIOptionPanel() { setLayout ( new BorderLayout()); saying = new JLabel (" "); saying.setFont (new Font ("Helvetica", Font.PLAIN, 36)); bold = new JCheckBox ("Bold"); italic = new JCheckBox ("Italic"); english = new JRadioButton ...

55. Using Graphics in a BorderLayout

Hello! I'm an experienced programmer but very new to Java. I'm working on a basketball game applet. The code is below. When the button is clicked, the ball is moved randomly. I would like to use a BorderLayout instead of a FlowLayout and place the images/graphics in the Center Region, the button in the South Region. I think I need to ...

57. BorderLayout

import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; import java.util.*; public class HotelGUI extends JPanel { HotelGUI() { JPanel Buttons = new JPanel(); this.add(Buttons); this.setLayout(new BorderLayout()); this.add(Buttons,BorderLayout.EAST); JButton Single = new JButton("BOOK SINGLE ROOM"); JButton Double = new JButton("BOOK DOUBLE ROOM"); JButton Meeting = new JButton("BOOK MEETING ROOM"); JButton Load = new JButton("LOAD FILE"); JButton Save = new JButton("SAVE FILE"); Buttons.add(Single); Buttons.add(Double); Buttons.add(Meeting); Buttons.add(Load); Buttons.add(Save); ...

59. cannot be placed in BorderLayout.NORTH

i am trying to put a picture on the top of my swing GUI that stretches horizontally to fit the width of the window as it resizes this is the code for a commonly used function that scales images to their components size. it works by overloading the paintcontainer class, which is called every time the window resizes, which then ...

60. Want to use BorderLayout and other stuff...need to merge code

Original code, and Goal: To merge the two pieces of code so I can use BorderLayout and other things. My main thing I want to do is to have JFrame frame = new JFrame(); and the rest of my main code together so I can do special things. import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.*; import java.awt.event.*; import java.awt.event.KeyListener.*; public class ...

61. Space around my BorderLayout

62. BorderLayout question

63. [SOLVED] Possible to have two BoxLayout in same area of BorderLayout?

All container-type components have an add() method. Each time you create a component, you should assign it to a instance field so you can keep track of it. Add the JPanel to the content pane. Add the first box to the JPanel Add two more boxes to the first box. Add components to the boxes.

64. Help with BorderLayout

Hello, I am currently working on a student gradeBook program which i am doing in Swing. This was my first approach with swing so I am discovering a lot of new concepts. Anyways, back to my question of help. The layout I am using for the Frame is BorderLayout, i have everything nice and organized the way i want it. But ...

65. Removing component from JFrame with borderlayout

Hello...again... does anyone know the quickest way to remove a component from a jframe? i see there is a method in the container class called remove(int index) but i dont know what the index of my component is... how do i find this out? if it helps its positioned south in a borderlayout