Press « Menu « Java Swing Q&A

1. JmenuItem mouse pressed work but mouse clicked event does not work? why?

I was trying to create a mouse clicked event of a JmenuItem but it did not work but mouse pressed event works. what is the difference between clicked and pressed and ...

2. JMenu pressed throws exception

In my app when i press Edit in my JMenuBar i receive

Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.NullPointerException
    at sun.swing.SwingUtilities2.getLeftSideBearing(
    at sun.swing.MenuItemLayoutHelper.getLeftExtraWidth(
    at ...

4. press leftclick and a menu appers

hi all i want to have a menu that appers when i press left click on a textpane ... but how can i do it ..i can add it in the menubar easily but i wat to click(left click on the textpane then the menu appers on the pane (not on the menu bar) how to do this??

6. Execute .bat file when I press jMenuItem

7. JMenuItem press method