HtmlDocument « Text Input « Java Swing Q&A

1. HTMLDocument: does Swing "optimize out" span elements?

I'm messing about with HTMLDocument in a JTextPane in Swing. If I have this situation:

    <p id='paragraph1'><span>something</span></p> 
    <span id='span1'><span>something else</span></span>
(the extra ...

2. Element to string in HTMLDocument

i have a Element object its a HTMLDocument object and i want to string value of this element. i want this result Christina Toth, Pharm. D. ======================= plz see below code.

public static void ...

4. Removing element from HTMLDocument

5. Copy of HTMLDocument

7. HtmlEditorKit/HtmlDocument/HtmlReader problem

Hello, Using JTextPane editing HTML in my application I found that HtmlReader (probably) ignores/removes empty paragraphs... For example, loading the following HTML code

causes something like that Also it ignores/removes table cells with empty paragraph elements inside. It is interesting that it removes only one ...

8. HTMLDocument Structure

I'm creating a method cloneHTMLDocument to get an equivalent Document of another HTMLDocument. My problem is that the element in plain text are not exactly the same. They use a different font after cloneHTMLDocument Maybe I forget the paragraphAttributes but I can't find them so I didn't add any. Here is my program Java Code: import javax.swing.JTextPane; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JScrollPane; ...