Bind string value to asp:textBox ( : TextBox « Controls « ASP.NET Tutorial

<script runat="server">
   dim strName as String = "A"
   dim myArray() as String = {"Hello", "World"}
   dim myString as String = "AA"

   sub Page_Load(Sender as Object, e as EventArgs)
   end sub

   <form runat="server">
   My Name is <%# strName %>

   <asp:Listbox datasource='<%# myArray %>' runat="server" />
   <asp:Textbox text='<%# myString.ToString %>' runat="server" />

3.5.1.Important properties, method and event of TextBox control
3.5.2.TextBox can display different types of input fields depending TextMode property
3.5.3.Show AutoComplete
3.5.4.Set the focus to a TextBox
3.5.5.Get input value from asp:textbox (
3.5.6.Set textbox text value in button action
3.5.7.asp:TextBox changed event (C#)
3.5.8.Use if statement to check form input data (
3.5.9.Bind string value to asp:textBox (
3.5.10.Use Cint to convert input value in asp:textbox to integer (VB)
3.5.11.Use Convert.ToInt32 to convert input value in asp:textbox to integer (C#)
3.5.12.Check form input value and report error in case of empty input (
3.5.13.Set AutoCompleteType
3.5.14.Convert input in TextBox into decimal
3.5.15.Extrapolate date values from the typed text